Wed. Feb 12th, 2025







Gray looked at me before walking out of the restaurant with his order. Alexa squeal with a victory dance and that made some customers chatter amongst themselves. Leslie faked a smile and giggle.


That was sudden.”


That’s how to get a boy. Learn from the best.”


So what are you gonna when he calls you ?” Leslie asks. “We book a hotel and…” She wiggle her brows and smile.



” What if he doesn’t call you ?” I choose to ask.


“He will. Everyone likes a good pu**y.” She winks and drink her coffee.


I feel weird like I’m jealous or something. Imagine kissing him few hours ago and your cousin is already booking to have s£x with him. I wanted to be far from him. I’m not really strong enough to handle any of his problems , plus I know nothing about him. Same time I wish I hadn’t played that stupid stunt in his house telling him to stop stalking me.


Ariel, I’m hanging around your house this weekend.” I chuckle when I remembered the time she chose to spend the weekend with us but end up leaving because of my mom.


I nod and sigh. Alexa wave at Vickie and I before turning her back as she faced the door with Leslie.


” Who’s she ?” Vickie asks referring to Alexa and my sister I guess.


“The one with the bleached blonde hair is my cousin. The other one is my older sister.”


“Yeah ? Your sister clearly doesn’t like you. I mean every of her words carries sarcasm and hatred. Like she thinks she’s better.”


Maybe she’s better. She’s pretty and s£xy. She’s right though , Gray would never want a girl like me. I’m too plain.”


It’s not like you like him.”


That’s my second point. He’s too good to be true. Every single thing on heels wants him badly.” I scoff and turn around to clean a table.





That weekend, Alexa , Leslie and I sits at the dinning table. I was bored upstairs so i decide to join them. I twirl my milkshake endlessly and play chess with them.


What’s up with your Gray package ?” Leslie asks drinking a cup of tea.


Ooh. Shit , I missed the entire story. We hang out yesterday.” Alexa giggle and that made me freeze. I can’t believe Gray can be so taken , sleeping with any single awesome girl.


What! What does he feels like ?” Leslie asks with so much eagerness. Asshole.


He bangs good. He’s a megapiece.” I roll my eyes getting bored of the conversation.


Wow..” Leslie flush. She’s jealous. But why ?


You’re okay ?” Alexa ask me.


I nod at once.” Yeah.”


Of course she’s not. She wished she was the one being held captive underneath Gray Carter.” Leslie scoff .


Why do you find joy in making people feel inferior ?”


How ?” She laughs.


I shake my head sideways and drink my milkshake.


You know you’ll always wish to be underneath Gray , Leslie.” Alexa cut in.


Why would you say that ?”


Because you pretend too much. I mean you’ve been f**king and lying.”


I gulp an unknown lump and smirk to watch the unfolding drama.


” Alex..”


Yeah. You know it’s disgusting when your parents keep on taking sides with you. Swearing that you’re a damn virgin when you lost that shit in highschool.” I choke on my milkshake and breathe.


This is stupid.


You don’t have a right to judge me. You know nothing about me.”


Yeah. Because you’re always painting Ariel black. Save your parents the embarrassment and tell them you’ve been giving blow jobs to boys.”


Leslie scoffs and frown. Who knew she’s afraid of Alexa. They are almost same age just that Alexa is a bit older with few months.


I didn’t sleep with Gray by the way. Just wanted to watch you freak out.” Alexa said and sip my milkshake.


So he never called ?” I ask .


Nah. Maybe he’s not interested in me. Doesn’t matter , just a taste of my lips and he’s definitely gonna look for me.” Alexa grin and wink. I release a deep breath i didn’t even noticed I’ve been keeping.


So , who’s ready for college ?” Alexa asks nudging Leslie’s defeated self to life.


It’s really not that cool. My mom wants us to stay with them.” I say.


What the f**k ! A ride from here to college is about two hours. How are you guys gonna cope with that ?”


Maybe they are not aware. Leslie you should talk to them. We need to stay close to school if not school’s dorm , we could possibly get an apartment outside school.”


They don’t want you to get a boyfriend.” Leslie scoffs irritatingly.


So who controls a grown up lady?” Alexa asks sarcastically.


Grown up ? The fact that she’s out of puberty doesn’t mean she’s grown up.” Leslie says and glares at me.


“Ariel , so when are you planning to f**kin rip out Leslie’s hair. The f**k girl..” Alexa roll her eyes and shoot daggers at Leslie.


“What ! Why would you even tell her to rip out my hair ?”


“Because you f**kin annoy me bitch. You’re just like your mom.”


“Alexa you won’t talk about my mom like that. I only said the truth. Ariel’s too naive and acts too annoying. The fact that she had something with Freddie doesn’t mean she had to fake being depressed because she wants our parents to have pity on her.”


“Seriously Leslie. I faked being depressed ? The hell what’s even your problem ? Why don’t you just quit being a coward and say it to my face that you hate because you’re jealous of me..” I talk back at her.


She’s acting too sassy and it’s eating me up.


“Go girl…” Alexa chuckle.


“Jealous of you ?” Leslie chuckle and flick her hair to the side. ” Boo , you can’t even afford me. We’re not even the same.”


“Yeah ? And you’ve always had a long secret crush on Freddie and you wished he looked at you.” Alexa chuckles Insanely. I freeze at once and look up at Leslie.


“You liked Freddie ?”


“Fuck girl , I don’t f**kin know what Alexa is talking about. Why would I like Freddie ? He’s too nerdy.”



“Shut up. You called him hot when you got drunk at prom. For real Leslie ? You suck. She’s like a honey bee , attracted to guys who’s loaded.”


“I hate it when you judge me Alex.” Leslie murmurs.


“And I hate it when you act all too goody. And you know the shitty part is when your parents act like they are from the sixties. All holy and god fearing. I might not be religious but trust me , your parents won’t even smell heavens gate and I’m gonna make sure I chase them to where they belong. Hell.” Alexa utter and stand up to get a bottle water.


I’m left alone with Leslie who won’t stop staring darkly at me. She acts like a witch who escape from a mental asylum.


“It’s funny you liked Freddie all this while.” I say to her.


“I’m sorry to burst your bubble miss Ariel. I give no flying f**k about Freddie. I never liked him. You both suck and I’m glad to inform you that , I look too good for him.”


“Then why lie about being a virgin ?” I ask her. She scoff and gulp down her remaining tea.


“You think everyone is like you ? I’m sorry i don’t know what you’re talking about.”


“So Ariel , you really don’t wanna talk about your mystery Gray ? Total stranger who drove you home at the club.” Alexa says walking back to the dinning table. I sigh and play with my milkshake.


“It’s not important. I was drunk.”


“So how come you woke up with his sweatpants and t-shirt ?”


“His house help changed my dress because I don’t know..” I stutter.


“House help ? His he rich ?” Alexa beams with a wide grin on her lips.



“I wish…” Leslie mutters and scoff irritatingly.


“So what did you guys talk about ? He didn’t touch you right ?”


I sigh and shake my head sideways.


“Maybe he’s really nice. So basically you have never seen Gray Carter before ? Dude’s popular and f**kin rich.” Alexa says.


“Buddy has crowded her life with boring shit. You don’t even have a social media account..” that’s Leslie.


“Leslie , it’s my headache.”


“Ditch that. Let’s talk about college. Ariel found a major yet ?”


I sigh and nod. ” Yeah. Business administration.”


“Wow. We’re storming every f**kin party in college and clubs. Welcome to my new cousin freshman. I’m definitely gonna host a frat party.” She giggle and wink at me.


Leslie rolls her eyes and bites her tongue. What’s wrong with her.


“Nah. Ariel won’t like to party.” Leslie speak up for me. Did i even ask her to talk ? Loud mouth.


“Why not. You’re gonna tag along with me. And I bet every hot ass nigga won’t even take their eyes off you. You’re pretty.” Alexa says and it’s silly that I blushed.


“Parties…” Mom says as she step into the living room with dad beside her. Mom’s got a new job including dad and I’m grateful.


“Alexa.” Dad said as he eyes up Alexa. Great , world war 2 is about to take place.



“Have you started talking them to go parties with you ?” Mom asks with venom in her voice.


“Fuck me..” Alexa mutters.


“Mind your language. I’ve told you several times to stop coming over if you wanna talk them into getting a boyfriend.”


“Mom calm down. We aren’t talking about boys. We were talking about college and dorms or maybe an apartment that we’d stay once we go to college.”


“You’re not staying in any dorms or apartments. You’re staying here with us.” Dad retorts.


“Daddy , it’s a two hours drive from here to college. It’s too far and we can’t cope.” Leslie sighs and crosses her arms.


“Leslie no. I won’t even support that. Staying close to college will open Ariel more to the world. She’s gonna me more carefree than she already is. Obviously she’s gonna get three more boyfriends and she will sleep around just the same way she did with that asshole Gray and Freddie.” Mom yells.


So all this attitude is because you don’t want Ariel to have a boyfriend ? For f**k sake Ariel’s twenty.” Alexa scowl.


“Alexa , you’re gonna watch your tongue before I watch it for you.” Mom fires.


“You’re f**kin shitting me. You’re acting as if you married your husband as a virgin. Or should i start telling you the summary of your perfect life. How you met him in a club.”


“Alex..” Dad roars.


Yeah , you want me to shut up now. This is 21st century for heaven’s sake. You guys are supposed to be behind bars for even hitting a kid. Maybe I should even call the cops.”



“You won’t even dare. You’ve overstayed your welcome. Get out.” Mom says as she opens the door for Alexa to leave.


“Oh , i should leave ?”


“Yes , leave. And I’m calling Doreen to talk to you to stay away from my kids.”


“Kids. Leslie is also a child ? So your overprotective virgin who end up giving all the boys oral s£x in school because she wanted to be popular is also a kid. Maybe I should yell on top of my voice and tell the world how you planned to hook up with…”


“Alexa don’t..” Dad raise his hands up warning her to stop talking.


Alexa smirks and cross her arms. God what are they even talking about ?


“Alexa , please it’s enough.” Leslie cut her short.


“Leslie maybe you need to shut up. Why don’t you tell them you had about thirty boyfriends in highschool before you graduated.” Alexa snap at Leslie.




“Alex , stop talking lies about Leslie. You need to leave..” Mom points her finger at Alexa and motion her to the door.


“I ain’t leaving until you both stop whatever attitude you’re putting up. By Monday both girls will be starting college. Maybe you should do them good and get your clothes ready to be their roommates.” Alexa grins.


“Guys , please that’s enough.” I speak up this time.


“Ariel you should shut up.” Mom yell on top of her voice as my heart skip to my feet.


I touch my heart and I can’t feel it anymore. I inhale and exhale sharply as i try to catch my breath. I can’t breathe.



“Ariel. Are you okay ?” Alexa rush to stand by me as she grab my shoulders. “Ariel , breathe..”


“I..” exhale..”I can’t breathe.”


“Shit , she’s having a panic attack.” Alexa cuss beside me as she try to make me sit.


“Oh my God…” Mom whine and hold my other arm.


I continue breathing in and out as I feel my lungs clutch against my chest. The world starts to spin and I can’t feel my feet anymore.


“Ariel , open your eyes…”


The world starts to distance and darken as I collapse to the fall and everything is void.















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