Sat. Feb 15th, 2025

Chapter 7




























Though the sun was high, and also the cool breeze was also out thus adding to nature to make it looked nice and awesome.


“The stubborn fly always follows the corpse to the grave , why are you here “? Richard asked in anger speaking in parables like Jesus used to speak with his disciples.


Eric looked at Ella to see looking dangerously at Richard, it seems to him that they have came in contact with each other before.


“Erm, senior Richard she’s new in the school and please she does not know that one is not permitted to sit down here, please forgive her ” Eric added and Ricard chuckle it seems Eric is trying to defend the dumb.


“Eric who do you think you are? Why not allow her speak on her own? Or have you ever heard that the law is being pleaded to be fair “? Richard asked Witt the aim of making Ella to speak her wrong English for them to use that medium and laughed at her.


Gentle who was in Richard team saw that it’s not fair, even if Ella is not able to speak correct English, she’s still a human being after all everyone were created for a purpose maybe she has her own role to play, then why is Richard trying to make the girl look stupid before them?



“Black, let the girl be” Gentle said giving him the respect he deserves as the head boy.


“It seems you are drunk gentle, who are you to speak when the law makers are speaking “? Richard asked


“You’ve gone too far, not because she can’t communicate with others using good English that you want to make jest Witt her, what if this same thing happened to your sister how will you feel “? Gentle said demonstrating. .




Back to the streets, cars were seen speeding along the express road going to their different destinations, some didn’t even care if they will have accident due to the speed they were driving so as to meet up with time.


Mr Lanz could be seen stepping out of his car as 3 men dressed in black approached him. Back to the nature of the building and it’s physical structure, it was a company which Mr Lanz is the owner.


The workers were busy up and down so as to produce money and earn a living.


“Good morning sir ” one of the dressed in black greeted as he opened the door for Mr Lanz to step out, he took his brief case in his hands as others bow for him in sign of respect.


He walked inside the building that was well built, on the walls were different screen hanging, showing what is happening in different angles of the company, he took the left handside and arrived the elevator.


He pressed the a button and the elevator opened, he walked in and it closed back by itself.


He finally drop on the third floor which is his office, which had his name boldly written on the door post.



He walked in after typing the door password and then he sat down, allowing the cool AC that was blowing to calm him down due to the hot temperature of the day.


Remembering the case of her daughter Ella, and how she hehaved the previous got him worried once more since she’s the one he got.


“What is happening to this boy nowadays? He’s acting really strange and weird ” Mrs Davison said crossing her legs on the glass table that was before her.


The house was not that expensive but it was a bungalow with green paint that added to the beauty of the house.


Mrs Davison is in her early 40’s, she looks young and pretty but the case of Richard her son behaving strangely for the past days got her worried


“Is this the same Richard I have birth to?’ zhe added and then shook her head negatively


“Oh God please save my son Richard for me “she concluded standing up while one of hand was controlling her flowing blue gown which she was putting on and the other was Witt a glass of red wine .


She walked majestically like a queen to her room which was located in another angle of the house.






“What’s your problem gentle? Oh you are now forming to be a good Samaritan to this old fool standing here who doesn’t know how to start writing her name “? Richard barked angrily at Gentle and it could be physically seen in his eyes.


The arguments was more than how it supposed to be and their voice got to where it supposed not to reach, just then Mr Oba sighted them from a distance arguing and pointing fingers at each other and that’s the kind of students he has been looking for to treat them as human being, he adjusted his trouser until it leaves his waist region to his stomach region like one of the comedian, his eye glass too was adjusted to his nose area.



Seeing him everywhere became mute and silent as if a sudden death occur.


All eyes were now on Mr Oba as if he’s the chief judge here to finalize the whole issue.


“Can someone tell me what happened here and what causes the sudden tranquility on my arrival “?Mr Oba asked and everywhere became silent as they looked from one to another waiting for the person to start the explanation.


Eric stole at glance at Ella to see her looking more charming than before so his feelings kept increasing but he is now starting to have the fesr of loosing her because someone else is there to defend her too maybe he also has feelings for her.


“Sir, it’s in the school rules and regulations that no one should sit under this mangoe tree and if such s student is found, the punishment should be given as recorded in the school diary ” he added as Eric glared at him, Mr Oba adjusted his glass to have a clear look at him


“Are you sure of your statement “? He asked and he nodded in a yes gesture while Mr Oba gave the ground to the other side to make their own statement which was Ella’s team.


“Over to you guys, why did you insult the head boy “?


“Sir, it’s not insult and never in my plan to insult the head boy of the school” Eric began and then paused to take a breath looking at Mr Oba was who now feeding his eyes on him like a lost fowl.


“The reason I came into the case is when the head boy started calling the girl names due to her inability to speak correct English , he uses that opportunity to mock her the more, so I didn’t insult him but I was trying to let him know that people were created for different purposes ” Eric added as Ella smiled so wide for the first time seeing the boldness and the help Eric has just offered her to save her from another shame.



Mr Oba adjusted his glasses looking at the two teams in an elderly way he cleared his throat allowing the saliva to run down his dry throat to prevent it from the so called sore throat.


“All of you meet me in my office ” he added and walked away heading to his office as they all followed, just as they there about entering the general staff room, the sound of the school bell came on as an emergency one, Ella looked at her wrist watch to see the time as 1:15pm not yet time for school to close so she wondered what the bell was for.


Eric glanced at her again and she caught him unknown, her smile vanished immediately to an angry one.


In less than 5 minutes, the devotion hall was filled up with students from different classes both junior section and senior section, the noise that arose was just like an unknown thunder which is likely liable to destroy the building.


So good for them, the AC in the school assembly hall was still working, thus giving them the perfect time they needed.


The arrival of the principal seems as if nothing happened as the noise kept coming so loud, Richard has to do his work as he send out his boys to control the noise and everywhere became silent a time, he threw Ella a deadly glare praying she makes noise for him to seize that opportunity to torture her.


“Good afternoon great students of vision school ”


“Good afternoon sir ” the voice of the students like that of Sampson mighty wind and the house returned to its normal state again.


“I summoned you all here for an important meeting that just came up after the issue has been discussed by the management of the school ” he paused to take a deep breath and then seeing the looks of the students so calm to hear him out, he began.


“So, the reason why you are here is because vision school has agreed on having their inter house sport competition ” he did not even finished his speech when students began making noise, shouting because most of them were waiting for such



opportunity, they jumped up in great joy and happiness that finally what they have been expecting js finally there.


Mr Pius saw the happiness in the faces of the students and smiled.


Richard seized that opportunity, he sighted Ella standing ,he sent 2 of his other prefects to go bring her out.


They brought her out and he commanded her to kneel down on the podium in front of all the students, which Ella obediently did thus confusing the principal as he didn’t know what to say, he remembered Ella as the girl that was brought to office by Richard the head boy in the case of disobedience and using words on the head boy, since the issue had been solved why does the head boy Richard had to distract him from his speech ?


Eric looked at Richard angrily, Gentle did the same, including Mirabel.


Before I continue my speech, as from today Richard Davidson is suspended from his office as the head boy until further notice, he seized to be the senior prefect of vision school until we decide on what to to, and Gentle Aside is to take up Richards office as the head boy until the case is settled. .






To be continued






What makes the principal to suspend Richard??






Does he has a skeleton in his cupboard??






What will happen next??









(The unexpected)



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