Thu. Mar 6th, 2025

Stone ^




“Leave ,John.” I said and John walked away.


I pulled off my cloth angrily ,I wasn’t angry at any of them ,I was just angry at myself.


I jumped inside the swimming pool and let myself lay under the pool.


I just loathed everything happening right now. This is not me. I’m always feared by people. Everyone respects me and fears me.


I had fired many maids in the past but there is this particular thing about this maid that I can’t just get over.


I can’t say if I have any feelings for her perse,I can’t even recollect the last time I fell in Love.


I hate to fall in love and even if I want to fall into love ,would I have fallen into love with an ordinary maid. Of course not.


So , what’s wrong with me? Why am I misbehaving? Why does it seem like I’m loosing my self respect so fast.


I need to do something quick to get rid of my acts ,I need to be strong enough to punish her. I need to be strong enough to allow John beat the hell out of her.


Even if I’ve got a soft spot for her ,I did not have to show it. I did not have to let her know.




I swam across the pool disgusted at my recent act.


I’m beginning to make myself look like a fool before Jan.


D@mn it!”




I walked inside my room and sat. It’s obvious this guy called Stone seems to have some feelings for me.


Cause I do not understand why he would never punish me or allow anyone punish me?


But Jan! Hum!



Jan didn’t know me sadly. I stood from my bed and tossed to and fro.


How come? What happened to him and how did he even end up as a servant to Stone?


It’s amazing that he loathes me so much and likes to hurt me Every time.


If only he knows who I am to him. He must’ve being planning some evil plot for me with his boys by now.


I scoffed and sunk to my bed.




“Jan! Jan! Jan!” I let his name flow repeatedly from my mouth.


Guess whom Jan is to Ava?

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