Thu. Oct 17th, 2024




















I turned and surprisingly I saw the last person I ever expected to see… Thom Elson…


You know Morgan sometime when man thinks. They have high hopes that they rules the world.. They think that have nature at their finger tips but the world is so wide and peaceful for just one man to enjoy ………”


He said.


Oh !!!! I can see that the two fool are back together again ……”


Morgan said and made a kind of laughter.


But I will tell you that the both of you put together can’t stop me from been the next and soonest European God Emperors…….”


He said and Thom Elson laughed. I was just standing watching them exchange words.


That will be in your wildest dreams Morgan, you are too small to compete with my son not to talk of me…


You are just a fool and get food enough food and decided to and fight his creator…


Am your shadow Morgan


The day you harboured this evil thoughts that was the very day you lost your freedom to me….


You are my slave ……”


He said.


” We shall see about that ……”


Morgan said.


We can only see if I gives you the privilege to, am your sky you can’t watch me with a bare eyes….


I will pay with your life….


That’s a promise not a threat ……”


He said and Morgan wanted to make a step close but his moody armed men choked the gun.



No !! no !!! no !!!!!….


A step more closer …….”


Thomson said and both exchange bad looks before he walked away.


You know that’s bad idea hosting a victory party without inviting your friend…….”


He said and turned to me but I don’t even know what to say.


Thanks so much Thomson……”


I said.


” Come on….


We have enemies to tackle out remember ……”


He said.


Morgan is just a boy that isn’tan enough but his deaf ears will soon lead him to his grave……”


I said to him.


Come on, Is a party time….


Morgan is an object not a subject……”


He said.


” Thanks so much……”


I said and he embraced each other.


” Happy to have you back old friend……”


He said and I smiled.







The party was so cool.


Surprisingly my Dad came over. Am so happy that the two friends are back together as one. I think is time to watch Robinson’s life for him.


That very night.


I decide to take a ride around the city with just I and Stephannie, with just Tessia and Stella with us.


We got to a point and we took a walk around the beautiful environment. I walk and chat with Stephannie, she told me how she was feeling the moment her Dad came back with an unhappy expression.


Awwwn it was such a romantic moment with her.


We kissed occasionally without minding the citizens around and some of them took pictures with us.


The next day was Maya’s competition with Stephannie then after that the final competition for both the male and female will be hosted.


We got to institution and yeah, I slept in Stephannie house while Dad, I actually didn’t know about him but as for Alvin he left for Vera’s apartment.


we all ride to the institution together because the end of the competition dismisses the institution day over.


Allot of students where there to watch as the first student to have a competition with the almighty Stephannie, it was quite an entertaining one but trust my baby she won over her and she left in tears.


That’s not gonna be all Maya !!!!!!


I drove off with Stephannie to have a special time with her actually I didn’t left with anyone this time just the both of us.


On our way back we got attacked by armed men and they took both I and


Stephannie away……








After the competition that’s the beautiful Stephannie won over the other girl, she actually cried out of the stage in shame.


I was with alone just I and Kyla in the hall because if she is not around am sure the crazy student will surely chile me off.


After the whole thing I was searching for Elvin but instead I Mirabel Stephannie’s sister while I didn’t actually know where Kester and other girls where…. I didn’t even know where Vera was.


” Hey…….”


She said to me with a smile and I smiled as well


” Hey….. Do I know you???……”


I asked not really remembering where we have possibly meet.


Yeah, I guess you are Alvin, Elvin’s twins brother ……” She asked and I nod.


Awwwn !!! my manners


Am Mirabel Henderson… Am Stephannie’s cousin sister …….”


She said and I smiled boldly…


You look so cute just like your sister Stephannie, is like beauty runs in your lineage??? …….”


I said and she smiled the more kind of shy.


” Can we take pictures……”


I asked and she nod…


I thought as much…..


We took pictures together and then went in search of Stephannie but she seems not


be less concerned about them….. She believes that they are adults and can take care of themselves….. Well I guess so.


I spend some times with her and seriously she is so cute caring and fun to be





We waited but we didn’t see them so we had to drive to the castle Stephannie’s house but surprisingly we met the shocking message…


Elvin has been kidnapped with Stephannie alone…


How is Dad gonna take this????


I rushed to Chris and k gave him a very hot slap…


How dare you allow my brother off you sight… ???how dare you.. I asked so angry and Kester hold me back.


Look you better find him in less than 30 minutes……. You know what Dad is gonna do to you of any scratches dare to touch his body …….”


I said and I walked inside in anger.







” Boss it done …….”


Keira said immediately I picked up the call and I smiled….


” Okay…


I will tell you the next thing to do


Stay on the watch ………”


I said.


” Okay boss ……”


She said and I put the line down.








Oh so finally the cat has become friends with the rat, they have the owner no other option than to kill the cat and the rat with poison…



Thomson and Barlon’


Am coming for you and I will surely get your guys where I wants you both to be…


Under my empire…


After the whole thing that happened.


I didn’t see my son, I tried calling him on phone but he wasn’t picking up his phones. I know he will be very angry because he lost out to that Kester of a boy but son don’t bother yourself….


Am coming to give you there heads


I said and I drank in anger.


I informed my men to stay on the watch and monitor the moves if these two….


Elvin and Stephannie.


After the competition Stephannie’ had with Maya I already knew that the two will go to have a private moment with each other so i send my men to give me a close watch and get me the two fool alive.


I picked up my phone to put a call across them to know how the deal was.


” Hello Gray…..”


I said.


” Boss !!!


We have them two target with us at the mansion…….”


He said.


” That’s a nice one….


Drive with them here and sent Bruce to get me that stupid daughter of Henderson


and the son of Barlon…….”


I said.


” Okay Sir


Consider it done……”


He assure and I put the phone down.



I walked to my bar and took out a wine , pour some on a glass cup and I drink to my victory…


Let watch how the whole things unfold…..







I was with Barlon, Henderson and Marcelo having a drinking and talking more on


how we got to live after years back….


You know it was quite a wonderful discussion, Barlon’ got the information that his daughter has won over Maya in the competition.


And then I got a call from Jacky that Elvin has been kidnapped by unknown men.


I just got a call now that my son is missing with the daughter of Barlon, find them is the next 24 hours


I don’t know how you do it. I don’t care where he is but what I want is the head of any man that got involved in his kidnapp……”


I said in anger


OK Sir ……”


Commander said.


” Remember…. 24


Even if it the devil himself


I need his head and let no scratches touch him or his girlfriend……”


I said and I put the line down and call Jennifer immediately…


He picked up almost immediately as if she was watching her phone for my calls


” Good afternoon Sir……”


She greeted


” Look Jenifer


My son Elvin has just been kidnapped


I will all the detail about whom those idiots are, there location and everything vital


about the boss……..”


I said.


” Okay Sir……..”


She answered


I want this information to be made immediately before the next an hour I said and she concurred.


Morgan I pray that you be the devil that has my son …….*


























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