Fri. Oct 18th, 2024














I wake up after having a very wonderful night, I opened my eyes so slowly to still found myself in the dual massive room of mine, I thought maybe if could sleep I could find myself back to my peaceful Barlon’s house but know.


Well I just part that things fall back to normal at least he should use Because of me and my happiness, you know been the son of the almighty emperor it quiet sweet but finding your real family is more sweeter but am kind of worried Because I wouldn’t want this whole thing to be a hindrance to the relationship between me and Stephannie.


Another day has begin and it counting just three days for the competition to commence. Kester needs me but how am I gonna handle this whole things ???? Am really worried.



I heard a voice asking for audience so I just spoke up and the door made sound and an armed guy walked in facing down.


” Good morning Sir……..”


He greeted gently.


” Good morning


What’s the problem???……..”


I asked calmly.


The breakfast is ready and the emperor and your brother is already at the dinning table, they asked me to get you


He said still facing down without a trace of smile.


Okay I got that. Just wait a little……”


I said and he nod while I stood up and went to brush my teeth. I came out meeting him still standing.


You could have seated while waiting for me…..”


I said.


” Am fine Sir……”


He said.


” Look please


I don’t like it when people address me as sir.


My name is Elvin am fine and will appreciate if you call me that …….”


I said.


” No sir ……..”


He said and I just looked at him.


I walked out with him but you know what, I was even trying to talk to him but he made me to be talking on my own , bodyguard here are so stricked unlike Stephannie’s guard Tessia and Stella they are friendly.



I got down and the family was waiting already.


Vera smiled seeing me so did Elvin but he was in kind of a uniform well dressed.


” Good morning Dad…….”


I greeted and one of the armed men draw anseat and I muched thank you and sat down.


How are you doing son


My dad asked with a smile.


” Am fine…….”


I said and he smiled.


” Hope your night was cool!??……”


My dad asked and I nod yes.


” What about you dad??…….”


I asked as well.


” Well my night was great.


You know your coming over quite gave me happiness and peace of mind.


I slept in one piece like a fulfilled and complete man.


He said with a smile and I smile as well.


Good morning Alvin.


Hope your night was great


I said looking at him and he smiled.


Yeah, my night was great having it in that am not gonna be the only one staying this dual castle…….”


He said and j just smiled.


Hey Vera


I said to her and she smiled then she was the one to ask of my night..


Great and you


I asked back.


Nothing less than fantastic.


She said and she gave a funny face and laughed a little.


Just when everyone was kind of satisfied I decided to about my education.


Dad !!! I was meaning to ask.


I said drawing his attention and he clean up his mouth and look at me.


” What’s it son!??!.…..”


He asked.


Dad I was wondering what happens to my schooling, you know am on scholarship while in Luxembourg and I need to get a transfer letter……


I said


Well, you don’t have problem with anything,


Your schooling have already been set but for now you will taken on a private


lesson, I already got a private teacher for you and she is coming over anytime you




He said.


” But Dad I thought he is gonna resume in my school……..”


Alvin asked.


” Yeah but for now


He stays indoor for his safety.


Okay !!!!!!!……..”


He said and Alvin noded.


” Dad I will really love to continue with my scholarship…….”


I said…


Well if that the case here don’t worry,



Am gonna fix things and I will invite over the directors of your formal school to get you a transfer letter to continue your scholarship in Alvin’s school if that your wish……”


He said and I looked at Alvin he was happy while I wasn’t really happy, I thought maybe that could be the only means that could get me to Luxembourg but I forget who he is.


He got all the connection.


But I don’t see any reason why you should demand for a transfer letter, I can get you to any school you wishes but nevertheless I will fix your wish


Okay !!!!! …….”


He said and I nod without knowing what else to say.


Son I need to be at somewhere now.


Vera watch over your cousin, and Elvin. That’s your personal bodyguard Chris and


that’s Malia, they will get you whatever your want at any where and at any point in




He said.


And Chris if I gets any scratch from his body you know what’s next for you. Make sure that he leaves anywhere without you with him…….”


He said not smiling.


No problem Boss……..”


The Chris said.


” Jacky !!!! Take care of everything


He said then turn to us. Son !!! Take care if yourself and call me anytime you




He said.


” Brother !! Am off to school


Are you gonna join me on a ride !??…..”


He said.


” You are going to school.…..”


I asked and he nod.


Don’t worry Vera is around She is gonna watch over you…..”


He said and I just nod and he stood up.


Chris stay around him……”


He said to the guy and he bowed down and he left.


I stood up without saying anything to Vera and I walked to my room with the company of the two guards that my dad left. You know actually one of them is female the Malia of a person, she isn’t even acting like a girl, I mean been friendly.


They stopped at the door.


I stayed inside my room and after I spoke with Stephannie and that’s was when I learnt that she is sick because of my absence, she didn’t even go to school.


She was actually sleeping the time I called, it was Tessia that picked up the call.


I could have called Kester but I he will be in his stadium probably busy, Flora and Victor isn’t something to even think of.


I was really bored but Vera isn’t an option to cancel when bored. My bodyguard isn’t even friendly, I called them and they just like watching me talk without contributing to what I thought they came over to discussed so I just asked them to


leave and get me a guitar to play.



I was in my room when I heard Vera’s voice on my door and I just spoke out and the door made a sound, it seem the door is voice activate.


She pushed down that door nad worked in with a smile.


” Hey Elvin……”


She said with a smile standing on my door.


” Hey Vera


How are you doing……”


I asked.



” Am fine but don’t feel good seeing your bored…..”


She said seating beside me on the bed, you don’t look good or is my cousin missing his sweet heart??


She asked with smile but I wasn’t finding it funny at all.


Look Vera I really need someone to talk to because am bored but you aren’t consider as an option……..”


I said to her.


Ohugg!!!! That a harsh way to talk to your cousin, don’t make me cry ……” She said making a baby face.


You know I understand Elvin but you need to learn how to live here because this is your home, I know it gonna be hard, you missing your friend but still it all because of your safety……..”


She said.


You just keep a constant communication with her, that’s gonna make you feel a little relieved……..”


She said and I nod


Thanks so much ……..”


I said to her and she smiled


” You are welcome sweetie


So what’s are we gonna do now.


You mind taken a walk around…….”


She asked and just then Chris walked with four different guitar


” Here boss……..”


He said bowing down a little.


” What’s that’s


What are you doing with that ????……..”


Vera asked.


” I wanna play them


That’s the only thing I do whenever am bored………”


I said .


Wow !!! Wow !!! Wow !!!


Are you good with it…….”


She asked and I nod taken one from Chris and asked him to go.


Well, I think I will love to watch you play them, I think it gonna be cool …….” She said and I nod with a smile.


I started playing it for her and I watch her nod to it and I smiled, am happy she loves it.


We we’re so carried away that I didn’t even notice that my phone was ringing.


If not for the voice of Chris I wouldn’t have known that someone is calling me.


Before I could pick up the call it cut.


Awwwn!!!! Why did you stop I love it , you are so good…….” She said with a smile.


Am happy you love it ……..”


I said.


” Yeah, I enjoyed it


Where did you learn that from???…….”


She asked.


” Well my dad taught


Or better still, my uncle ………”


I said.


Hope you don’t mind teaching me because I will love to learn. Awwn I so much enjoyed it sweet cousin………..”


She said.



” No I don’t mind……..”


I said to her.


I spent allot of time with her and truth be told, Vera is really fun to be with.


Though she is kind of sometimes behaves childish but I enjoyed her company.







I came back from school and he was with Vera so I decide to take a shower and then go have a chat with him.


Am so happy having him around as my twin brother. I noticed she loves indoors Because he stayed in his room the whole of yesterday.


After i had a shower then I walked on half way to his room but I met them coming out from his room, him and Vera my cousin sister.


” Hey brother…….”


I said to him with bold smileon my face.


” Hey Alvin


How was school today???…….”


He asked..


” Fine,


And how was your stay ……..”


I asked and he smiled.


Fine thanks to Vera She made my day …….” He said and I smiled.


Where are you guys off to ……..” I asked.


We wanna take a walk around.


Mind joining us ????……….”


Vera said.


” Sure ……..”


I said and we all walked out of the house to the estate environment.


” You know brother


My stay here is really getting to me


I miss my girlfriend and she is sick as we speak……..”


He said to me.


I understand perfectly well but this has been Dad’s life, he is over protective because he believes that his rivals can get to us if he allow us live a free life but I think you should speak to him maybe he will understand and allow you go visit him ………”


I said to him even though I know Dad isn’t gonna allow that


When, brother it just three days for my friend’s competition to take place and he will definitely lose that competition if he compete alone.


He really needs my help at this time…….” He said and I do understand his stand.


I understand perfectly well.


You now what. I will help you talk to Dad after dinner……”


I said.


” Really???……..”


He asked


” Yeah !!!!!…….”


Thanks so much


He said and I just smiled at him.






I really missed Elvin so much.


I just hope that all this won’t be a hindrance to our relationship because i don’t think I can live if anything happens to us not to talk of seeing him with any other girl.


My brother told me he called while I was sleeping but the time I was calling back he wasn’t picking up.


Well he later called immediately after sometime, his assurance helped me.



I Love you Elvin







I and my brother took a flight to Iceland to have one on one talk with Thom Elson. I know this is not gonna be easy but I need to do this for the happiness of my children.


Elvin is the only one that can help Kester,


He can never be happy if he loses this competition to Kim and Stephannie won’t still be happy if this whole thing leads to going on war with him.


Am not even harbouring that as a second thought. I can’t hurt a man and still come back to wage a war against him.


I pray things whole things is gonna be resolved.


I walked into the Emperor’s empire ward and I sat with my brother waiting for him and just some minutes he showed up and he frown seeing me and my brother but he maintained his calm looks.






” Good morning Mr. Emperor !!…….”



Mr. Barlon and Henderson greeted the emperor but he didn’t show any concerns look.


” Go straight to the point …….”


The Emperor said putting a straight face.


” Look Thom Elson!!!


I know I don’t deserve your audience but I plead with you to grant me a little of it


to hear my own side of the story……”


Mr. Barlon said so calmly.


” What exactly do you want me to sit and listening to you Barry Loen.


I should sit and hear how you plot the murder of my wife and my unborn daughter or the murder of my only brother who sheltered you for years


What exactly do you want me to listen to ???……..”


The Emperor asked really anger.


” Your anger is justify but Thom Elson


There are more to what really happened years back.


I was never the one that murdered either your pregnant wife or your brother my own brother..


I couldn’t have done such……..”


Mr. Barlon said and he laughed.


” Barry Loen, what a story.


I guess you never knew I got the video.


I watched your boy bomb that same hospital my wife was in.


I saw him murdered my younger brother.


I heard your conversation with him.


Barry Loen!!!!!!


This is more thank what your widest imagination could picture.


I will make you pay for everything….


I will make your life so miserable the way you made mine.


I will make you taste how restless you made me be all this years.


I will make you cry and you will never see anyone to console you ……..”


The Emperor said and his eyes turned to red.


You need to calm down Mr Emperor. This whole thing is a thing of the past.


It caused by misunderstanding and still be settled easily if only this whole thing can me wiped off……..”


Mr. Henderson said.


Look Henderson.


There are more to what should be taken


Your brother is an ungrateful pharaoh.


He needs to taste how horrible he made my life be for all this year’s…..


Am coming for you and I must warn you.


Tell your daughter to stay away from my son.


You have just 24 hours to smile.


So enjoyed while the time last ……..”


The Emperor said and walked out of the ward.







This is more complicated can I thought could be, he has power and wealth now. I think the best thing to do is to watch Stephannie’s and Kester’s back so closely and for now Stephannie shouldn’t be allow to communicate with Elvin for her safety


My brother said.


This is gonna be a hard thing for me


I know how much my daughter has grown to love this Elvin of a boy.


Hope she will understand that this is all for her safety.


Morgan !!!!


I will come for you.


I will watch you cry


I will teach you what you know do about life because what goes around comes around.



Morgan !!!!!


I muched.


Is Okay brother


All we need is just to give him some space for now.


Put more security to watch over Kester.


My brother advised.


Okay brother


I said as we entered another flight back to Luxembourg.










To be continued



















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