Fri. Feb 14th, 2025





















A great party was called and allot of vital people in the whole of Europe were present in the party. Their was time to emperor to make a speech about how he feels about what’s happening around.



He mounted the stage and the crowd was so quite and calm waiting to hear what he has to alter.


I wanna thanks all of you that honored this wonderful invitation. I wanna take you


for damming it feet to be present in my celebration……


I wanna thanks the almighty God for the strength so far. What making this day a wonderful one for me and my family.


I wanna thanks my in law Mr Marcello whom has been there for me in all my time to trail.


Thanks so much.


To my dear friend whom allowed what the past inflicted in us too the best part of him.


He has the power to have made this day a sorrowful one but he never forget what


we one shared as brothers.


Thanks so much Mr. Barlon.


I wanna thank my son whom has lived with me all this year’s, even though he


never new what the problem where but he stood by me and lived with me even


with my dark eyes


To favorite son Alvin’


I wanna thank my son Elvin, my wife Evelyn and my beautiful daughter Priscilla to been alive for me.


Now it time to thank the chief architect of this event, a man who always keep to his promises no matter what.


A man whom fight by my side even in death.


A man that made this count.


I wanna thank my blood beloved brother


Derek. I love you brother and I wanna make a promise today.


What ever you wish for Europe must be done for them. Your opinion count in the affairs of the continent.



” Thank you so much brother……..”


The emperor said.











**…The missing found shadow….**



During the rise of d blue moon


the sun remain hidden


Men thinks when they have allot of things going through their mind But the shadows decided when to show up


Life itself is a mystery


The shadows becomes a golden chain


That links up the mind, soul and heart


Life never turns the way we wanted


But can be lived the best way we can.


I never had a perfect life


Just living the dark part of life.


But finding you was all I could ask for.



My shadow that got lost along the way.


Forgetting that it came with someone.


What you thinks become your feelings.


what you feels becomes you say.


What you says becomes your actions



When the sun become so hot


The shadow becomes so visible



I have longed been living in the dark



Light bring up the





I have become so scared of the dark



because my


shadow never existed there.




Even before we meet each other


The feeling was so strong


Even though I never understand what it was saying to me.


But meeting you made everything to clear.


I will never wish to loss you again


After the whole thing.


I was actually bored and lonely, I have searched around for Leo my friend but he is no where to be found.


Talking of Elvin’


He is with Stephannie, that reminds me, where is Mirabel???


I stood up and walked around in search of here and there she was taken pictures of herself.


I just watched her for a while before I tip walker to her and it happens that she took the picture.


She looked at me and I smiled and she became shy. Why???


Awwwn I have been long searching for you, I never knew that you were here I said calmly and I sat with her.


You were searching for me???


Why??? Do you want anything form me


She asked.


Not really, was just kind of bored and I thought having a chat with you will heal it


a bit


I said.



” Okay, fine…..”


She said and focused one the flowers.


” Can we take a walk around the estate?????……”


I asked and she looked at me and then nodded.


I stood up and I stretched out my hand for her and she grabbed it and stood up.


Thanks ……”


She munched and I just smiled.


So tell me more about yourself


I said not knowing how to start up a cool conversation with her.


About myself???


What more do you want to know??


She asked but I was just not saying anything.




Am Mirabel by name.


Not that


I mean something you haven’t tell Mr about yourself


I said cutting her off.


Well!!! I don’t really know what you are driving at but what you don’t know about me is that…. Am always shy around cute guys like you and I annoying and the


most boring girl you can chat with…….”


She said and I smiled.


I think that’s what I love about you.


Been shy……”


I said with a smiled and she looked at me in surprise.


” Did you just said that ???………”


She asked and I nod while we stood looked at each other for a while and then silence took over.



I walked for a while without any of us saying anything to them other.


” So tell me about your crush


Have you told her already how you feels about her……..”


She asked.


” Not really……”


” Then do just that


What are you waiting for???……”


She asked.


” Nothing, am just scared she might not feel the same way for me……”


I said to her.


” Come on don’t be ridiculous.


No girl can resist you. Not in this life not in this world …….”


She said and I smiled a little.


” Really???……”


I asked and she nod.


You are cute, fun and lovely. No girl can say no to you……” She said again.


What about you???


Will you say no to me?????……”


I asked and she looked surprised but she laughed it away.


” Come on !!!


Am a girl and I have feelings.


But you know we are talking about your crush here. Better still I can help you out


it you are shy……”


She said.


” Are you sure you can help me talk to her????……”


Yeah… I will


She said.


” Thanks so much.


You know, I already feels this way whenever am around her.


I have allot in mind to say but when she us around I can’t even voice out




Sometimes I even have sleepless nights….. Just be awake and think of her… Watch


her pictures sometime in my phone……”


I said to her.


” Wow!!! That’s shows you really love her… So tell me, who is she??? ……” She asked.


” Her name is Mirabel……”


I said and she laughed..


Come on be serious here. Am not kidding……..”

She said.


Either am I Mirabel


I really love you, I do.


I have never felt thFelt this way in my entire life…


I always wish to be by your side.


I said to her and she wasn’t saying anything again.


” Mirabel !!! ……”


I called but she just walked away without saying anything.


I sad and happy that at least I have let her know how I feels about her.


I walked to the pool and sat down gently And listen to the rhythm of the music playing in my ear phone.


β™₯ DEREK’S β™₯




It feels so good to have a happy family.


I couldn’t have asked for anything else beside having my family back.


I feel fulfilled now.









Is he just teasing me.


How can he love someone like me ??


How I am I feeling now.


Gosh this isn’t what expect to hear. Why me I asked myself


I walked on him not that I don’t feel the same way for him but I was shocked to give him any answer.


I don’t know how he is gonna be feeling now.


I love you Alvin but am scared.


I waited for sometime inside thinking he might come in looking for me but he never did.


I waited but he didn’t show up and I became restless. I stood up and I walked out to see him chatting with a girl… Jealousy overwhelmed me. I felt like killing of the girl immediately.


I thought of what to do but nothing was coming to my mind at all.


An idea struck my head and I smiled and went in search of Stephannie and there she was with Elvin.



I took Elvin’s phone and I got Alvin’s number. I called him and he picked up and I didn’t tell him I was the one.


I only told him to come over to the shed opposite the pool.


I watch him excused himself for the girl and he walked gently to the place.


I got there immediately and I lose control of my self.


I just kissed him.


” I love you Alvin ….


Not even me can say no because I feels the same way for you……”


I said to him and he smiled but frowned a little.


” Am sorry.


I just asked someone else out she agreed….”


He said and I was shocked.


” I felt broken.


I shifted form him and he wasn’t looking at me again…..”


” Okay …..”


I said and I turned to leave but he dragged me back and kissed me.


” You just did…..”


He said.


” What ???………”


I shouted.


” What???


Yeah, I asked you out and you just agreed…….”


He said and I laughed and I hug him and the next thing was allot of pictures.


I looked and saw Elvin and Stephannie.


Stephannie walked close to me and whispers something into my ears.


Recommend you to read more interesting and erotic stories from


” I thought as much…..”


She said and I smiled.


(Join Group)



” You guys look so cute but we are more cute…….”


Elvin said and Alvin smiled.


” Who cares….”


I said back.


” I do…….”


Stephannie said and we all hugged ourselves.


” I think I need to take a flash back to my young age.


I wanna start my love affair allover again…….”


The Emperor said and they laughed.


Mr Barlon, Derek, Henderson and Marcelo.























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