Thu. Oct 17th, 2024



















Looking closely one could see a cute handsome young man with a mark on his face… He wasn’t looking happy at all.


I entered the city of ICELAND with another female assassins by name Laura.


Let me give you a little information about Charlton is ..


Charlton Is the best friend of Derek during the time of Thom Elson been the best friend of Barry Leon.


Charlton was a very though guard of Thomson Elson….He was the guy that


testified against Thom Elson to Derek as the person that killed Evalla his wife.



He was also the one sent to kill Derek He shot him twice when Derek was about to dead he made him believe that his brother Thom Elson was the one that paid him to carry out the dirty Job.


Morgan lettered sent another assassin to kill him. the killer after thinking that he was dead voiced out the truth of been sent by Morgan


Everyone thought he was dead but he wasn’t.. He made it Alive and now he is


back to ICE LAND to do what no one know about….






I might be Wicked, Evil , Deadly but one thing I regret doing is betraying the truth family I ever had… I was picked and trained by Derek and his brother at the age of eight (8) but what do I pay them back with???


Betrayal, pains and the zeal to kill each other


I must make things right


I have been monitoring Derek through the information am getting form Karia.. Don’t give me that look am not a bad person this time… Am just here to correct my past mistakes.


Years back I was the best friend of Derek.. Derek was the armored covering his only blood brother Thom Elson and the friend of his brother Barry Leon but a serpent in a greenish colour on a green grass putting on a sheep clothing in the midst of sheep’s without the sheep’s knowing that he is a lion planned for their downfall.


I still regret doing what I did in the past..


Am the main reason why Derek is after his only brother but I will surely correct all my mistake even if it will cost me the last drop of my blood.


My approach in the city of Luxembourg triggered the notice of Barlon and his younger brother and that made me to leave the city of Luxembourg to Iceland.


Well before I left I made sure I got the reason for their emergency meeting….



A man with so much wisdom like Thom Elson whom had a lot of revivals still standing strong show he is still the Elson I knew.


I look at his portray mounted at the middle of the big city of ICELAND


You shouldn’t worry anymore Thom Elson.. For those that you once save their life is here to save yours.


I will protect you to the last while I watch Derek’s back for him..


This battle won’t be an easy one but I want to put things right the way I spoilt it.. I don’t need the help of Derek because I didn’t request for his helping hand when I sold their trust for money.


I breathe out as I pass through the cool city in ICELAND.







” Brother this must be a trick…


Charlton is long dead and gone…. How do you even think that is possible for her to


see Charlton…. ”


I asked my brother while he look at his researcher.


” But sir am sure of whom I saw..


It was him…. and he was in a black attire and she came along side with a female


high killer by name Laura….”


Mrs. Linda said further.


We all know that Charlton is very smart so she might be right….. We have to watch


carefully We don’t know if he is here for good or to worsen the whole thing.


Mr. Marcelo said.


Yeah you are right……”


Well just keep a close eyes on the city and get back to me as soon as possible if their is any suspicious movement.


do you get that????……”


Mr. Barlon asked while they nod.


The three of us look at each other before we off the communication line with Mrs Linda.


I don’t think that we should be bothered about Charlton we should be bothered about who is Laura and why they are even here in this city……”


Mr Henderson voiced out.


Who could, if not Morgan……”


Mr. Marcelo said while my brother nod


” Look, there are things you don’t know.


I know that you guys so much hate Morgan for a reason you guys have refused to tell me but for now…. I can’t fight against him now….”




the only thing I must warn you is that whatever reason or thing you have with Morgan is not a good thing to keep as a secret..


Morgan is not an friend that someone like you can mingle with… I don’t just hate him for nothing.. I did because he has no good intentions towards us…


So I should advice that you cut anything that you have with him..


He is not a good company to keep


Thanks brother but I think I can handle him if any problems arises…


I said while they just keep quiet..


I only pray that you discover who Morgan is and his true plans on time…


My brother said.


I think we should end this Morgan of a thing..


let have a drink… what do you guys think


I asked.


Off course that’s cool


Morgan is not a thing what discussing


Mr. Marcelo said.


We ordered for a drink and talked on some other things…





The three emperors are the best of friends.


ever since what happened the past eight years ago…..


They believe in one thing…


They do things in common and they fight with unity but the only problem they are having now is Morgan closeness towards Barlon whom Henderson and Marcelo see as a lion in sheep clothing.











Ever since the past three months I haven’t seen or heard from Elvin though the new casters announced that they escaped from the prison and in the process of that the police who went after them mistakenly shot at a fuel pump which got three among them burnt to death but the remaining two are yet to be found..


I just pray that Elvin’s is among the two that escaped safely but if he does why hasn’t he made a chance to come see me or say hey to me in anyway..


I kept on asking myself this question but I still have the believe that he is still a live.


I blame my dad for everything… For not listening to me and now it has claim the life of the only man I ever loved….


” Can I even love again????



It hurt not that I lost Elvin my first love but for the fact that I lost him out of the foolishness of my mum and sister.. Out of there greediness and selfies desires….”


I can never forgive them.


I just pray that he is save but can I ever love someone like I did to Elvin???


can I even get to say goodbye to him???


Dennis quitted his job immediately the new of Elvin’s escaped.. It really hurt that am all alone in the midst of this wicked parents and sister of mine…..


Dennis would have at least help the matter… maybe talking to him could help matter but instead he is gone.


I wipe at the thought of Elvin all the day..


I don’t want anything that connects my parents and sister anymore… They should have the house and eat their food.


I eat what my best friend brings for me..


she always comes to visit and she is that only one I opens my door for.. Aside her to hell with any other person..



The only memory I have with Elvin is the briefcase that Elvin kept in his room..


he told me how he so much treasured the briefcase which can only be open when he gets up to 18+


I made sure I kept it save ever since then and I made sure that nobody know about the briefcase.. I kept it as if my whole life depends no it..


This morning my Dad came to inform me of Daniel’s arrival.. Am happy because at least I will have someone to cry on his shoulders but am not stepping out with them to the airport. let him come home and meet me here.


Just as my friend left they arrive with Daniel because I could hear his voice form my room.


fresh tears flow down my cheek again as I remember all the thing we three shared together.



I heard Daniel knocking and I stood up and opened the door for him.. He was with a smiling face but it fade immediately he saw me.


” What’s the problem….”


he asked but my mouth was too heavy to voice out anything…I just keep crying…..


” What’s going on Anabella??


talk to me what’s is the problem??? ….”


He asked again but I still kept mute .


He stood up and left while I weep the more.








Three month in Europe was really a great one and I enjoyed every beat of it… I told our boss a white man about how good Elvin is in it.. and He gave me approval to get him along with me while coming back..


I was even more than happy that I was coming home…. though I won’t be spending


a lot of Time in Nigeria but I will still enjoy a little company of my beloved sister Anabella.


We arrive safely very early actually.


Yeah I and Max were already in South Africa yesterday.. So it was easy getting to Nigeria earlier.


Getting to the airport My Dad Mum and Sister Jennica… Some people are missing there.. Elvin and Anabella.


” Good morning Dad !


Good morning Mom !…”


I greeted.


” Oh !! my handsome son


How are you doing……”


My Mom asked hugging me.



Am fine I said and walk towards dad and I heard a hand shake with my Dad while I also hug my sister Jennica….”


Where is Elvin and Anabella


Why are they not here with you guys ?????……”


I asked.


Come let get home they are waiting


My dad said and I got into the car and we drove home… They asked me how Europe was and the event that takes place.


I got home the whole house looks like where their is no single pin…


I dropped my bag immediately and walk up to Elvin room immediately but I found it locked from outside… I thought maybe he might be in Anabella’s room so I walked to Anabella’s room only to find it locked though it was looked though from the inside.


Something is wrong.


I knocked up to five times before she was able to open the door.. I thought she might be sleeping but opening the door I met a ghost not my sister.


She was in tears


My happy mood changed.


She opened the door for me to come in.


” What’s the problem??????? ….”


I asked immediately but instead of giving me an answer she just keep crying.



I left her room since she couldn’t say anything but cry .. Mum and dad must have an explanation to this.. I walk down to the living room the three of them where sitting comfortably though they wasn’t taking to each other.


” Dad !! Mum !!!…”


I called and they both looked at me including Jennica



” what’s wrong with Anabella????……”


I asked without a smile on my face and still they kept mute as well.


” Am talking to someone


what’s wrong with Anabella.. why is in tear without talking to anyone ??……”


I asked again this time admitting shout.


” Well if you must know…


We are confused just like you are right now She has been this way for a very long time.


She stays in the room all day without coming out or even saying greeting to us her parents is a crime to her..


The only person she talks to OR eats form is her friend if not for her she might not


even go to school….”


Dad explained.


” What !! !! All this is happening and no one bothered to tell me…


What really cause all this because Anabella I know is a lovely and caring sister a


very obedient one at that…


So how come she develop cold heart towards you…..”


I asked????


You guys should better tell me the truth


I scold them.


They were opening and closing their mouth till I heard Anabella shout from her room and I ran up to her room immediately.


To be continued………


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I guess this is long enough for you guys




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Hope you find this interesting



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