Fri. Mar 14th, 2025


















The day came and I drive to the stadium with Stephannie and Kester, Mr. Marcelo walked in and after mobilizing the players to watch properly and stay focused become what is coming as the final is something a baby doesn’t get involved in.


I was kind of surprised when he asked to take a walk with me around the stadium field unno he started as if he was just wanna discover something.


” So tell me Elvin


What really happened that very day were you that good on the game or is there something behind




He asked.


” Not really sir


I was good in the game even before relegate happened happened so I took it as an opportunity of saying thank you to a great friend whom has become a compassionate brother……” I said sincerely.



” Oh!!! I see.


You know, you really got allot of speed and your moves and mind calculations was all perfect……”


He said and I just smiled.


Thanks you sir……”


So tell me


How did you get to meet Kester


Who is your dad????


I mean your parents??? ……”


He asked.


” Well sir


I won a scholarship that Stephannie threw world wide so when Kester came over to Nigeria to see a friend he meet me there and he took me with him to Europe…….” I explained.




Have you known Kester before then??…” He asked again


Not really


It just that I have a tragedy experience with him that’s where I meet him first.


” So what about your parents


Are they still living in Nigeria?? ……”



He asked and I frowned a little reoccurring that the only family I had my foster dad and my grandma how they died like the sun that comes before the rain.


Well the honest truth about my background is that I don’t know my parents, I only grew up in the hand of my foster father and then oneday he disappeared into thin air and he never came back.


I stared living with an old woman whom died years back before I meet Kester out of adventure……”


I said felling bad.


” Am sorry about that


But who is this your foster father??


What’s his name????……”


He asked and I gave him a suspicious look you know we the Nigerian we have limited level of questions to be asked about families.


Well I don’t know why I choose to tell him the truth maybe because no body has asked me except him.


Well sir his name is Derek Elson……”


I said and he looked shocked.


What !!!……”


He said.


Is there any problem……” I asked him.


Not really boy


Do you have a picture of him……”


He asked and I became to feel somehow.


No sir……”


But you can recognize him if you sees his picture ……”


He asked and I nod while he put his hands in his pocket and took out the picture of my foster dad dressed in his Armed Force outfit.


” Yeah that’s him….”


I said and I felt a kind of joy as if I just saw my foster dad in real.


You mean this man here is your foster dad??? ……” He asked.



” Yeah ……”


I answered


” Okay boy


Don’t be scared about my question I just wanna get enough information about you so that your papers will be ready with others, you know your name was just included yesterday……” He said with a smiled and I smiled as well.


” You are a really a genius


You really saved the shame of my friends and brother……”


He said.


It my pressure sir……” I said.


Thanks once again.


You can join other of your follow players to do some training ……”


He said and I thanked him and walked back to the spot he spoke to us but I only met Kester waiting for me.


After allot of talks…..


I joined Stephannie and Kester in the car and we drove back to the castle without them asking what I discussed with Mr. Marcelo thought what we discussed kept on bothering.


Why will he asking such things


I mean do he know anything about my family I asked myself many times but I couldn’t get answers from anywhere.


Stephannie noticed my mood but I had to lye that I had some encounter with Maya that am just worried about what she might be planning things time.


I slept with double mind.


Later in the midnight I opened my message and I saw a message from Priscilla saying that her mum will be going for her brain surgery tomorrow so won’t be in school.


Later the next day


I wake up or should I say I opened my eyes immediately I heard the old woman voice because I didn’t see at all.


I was the one that waked Stephannie up after taken my own bath,when she was taken her own bath I texted Priscilla to be strong that the surgery is gonna be a smooth one.


I don’t know why I always have this feeling about her like I feels her pain as if she is part of me.


After we had our breakfast in a random table which I ended up lying that I lost my appetite.







” What’s the problem Elvin


You have been acting werid since yesterday night , I choose not to ask because I thought by the morning you must have gone through it and sort it out yourself.


What’s the problem???……”


Stephannie asked with concerned


Nothing sweetheart…..” I said and I kissed her


Is that a thing to keep quiet


Come on love, Feel free and tell me What’s the problem????


Something is really bothering you and you kown that’s.


What’s the problem!?.??……”


She asked again.


Look is true that something is really bothering me but the honest truth is that I can handle it but I don’t know how you are gonna feel if I tell you about it


It really bothering……” I said calmly


Tell me what it is


Whatever it is ……”


She said and draw my face to look into her eyes.


Priscilla’s mum is ill and she is not really kind of sick but she got memory lost and they wanna go for a brain surgery…


She texted me yesterday and I know she needs someone around to encourage her…….” I said calmly.


Is okay


I know you wanna go spend sometimes with her but that’s not a problem as long as it something you want to do to clear up you mind I don’t have any problem with that…….” She said surprisingly



” Really !?!?!?!…..”


I asked feeling happy


” Yeah !!!!


Come on am the only love you got


I have your heart with me so no girl is a threat to me…….”


She said with a smile and I kissed her and this time she kissed me about



” I love you sweetheart……”


I said with a happy expression I was thinking this gonna be a hard thing to ask her or go about it since she is always with me all the time.


We got to school and Kester then head to the stadium and gonna join them when the school activities is over.


During the lunch time I called her and she was really panicing the moment I called but I tried to call her down and ask her the name of the hospital which she told me .


I told Stephanie and she asked one of her personal guard Stella to go with me even though I have Lextar was with me.


My over protective girlfriend


I got to the hospital and I met a worried and scatcherd Priscilla, she saw me and hugged me immediately crying on my shoulders


Don’t worry Priscilla It gonna be fine


Your mum is gonna undergo this surgery and come out in a safe side……” I assured her.


Are you sure Elvin???……”


She asked.


” Come on am prefectly sure of it


All she need now is for you to stay strong because she gave no strength apart form seeing that you believe she is gonna make it out ….. Don’t pannic all is under control……” I said to her and she nod as she cry with her head on my chest.


I cried her to a seat and I sat down while she sat down as well and place her head on my laps.


We spent some hours and I got a call from Stephannie and she asked how Priscilla is feeling she even spoke with her on the phone.


After some hours it was already 14.30 pm in the noon when the doctor walked out with a smiled bold on her face no body needs to tell me that the surgery went prefectly fine.


I was the one to alert Priscilla that the doctor is done, the doctor walked closer and removed her eyeglasses only for me to realize that it Miss Harriatta, Stephannie’s mistress.


She smiled seeing me


” Elvin !?!!


What are you doing here???……”


She asked.


” Nothing


I came to be my friends comforter……”


I said calmly and she just smiled.


Doctor are we free to go check on her now???……” Priscilla’ asked.


Yeah but you gat to give the nurse some time to clean her up before you can be able to see her……” Miss Harriatta said and we nod.


She excused herself from us and walked way.


After sometime the nurse was through but the time we walked in she was sleeping so I told Priscilla that I have to go take care of something before I get to take care of.


Stephannie’s call came in and I walked out and she hugged me seeing me and she kissed me, I excort her to see Priscilla before we drive to the stadium to watch Kester train.






I have been living with this but I think this is the best time to find out who’s son is he… After some day after the third tournament of the competition o called my friend Barlon and told him that I will like to have some encouraging word to the players of his sons team.


He gave approve to that and then I informed his son Kester to call all the players that played the very third tournament of the game including there helping hand which is the boy Elvin.


Everyone was present including the Elvis of a boy so after making some speech with them I asked him to see me personally for a walking.


He was actually surprised why I wanted to take a walk with him and I could see it written in his face so I just have to assure him that nothing was the problem.






I came out from the surgery room and I smiled.. thanks Good after everything she was able to regain back her lost memory



” How is my mum doctor…….”


Priscilla asked immediately I walked out form the laboratory.


” She is fine


She has her memory back……”


I said to her and she hugged me smiling.


” Thanks doctor


Can i go in and see her now ???……”


She asked.


” No, the nurse are still cleaning her up


Just wait for some minutes they will be done ……”


I said to her and she smiled and thanked me again while I walked into my office to clean up myself as well.


Well let me do some introduction here


Am Doc Harriatta, yeah you have heard about me in two occasions well am Stephannie’s mistress.


I have a patient whom happens to be my best friend, she has been in the dark for like some years now after regaining back her life from comma.


She has a beautiful daughter whom I just mentioned now Priscilla.


Am really grateful to God that after all this years I was able to put my best friend back to normal.


I have really missed her so much


Welcome beck to your world bestie.






Am really happy to see Elvin around me, just his presence gave me some strength I really wasn’t expecting to see him even though I texted him about my mum’s surgery.


Just some minutes after Elvin left the hospital my mum waked and I was happy but confused because the first person she asked of is my her son and that got me wondering why she didn’t ask of his husband.


He mentioned his name Alvin.


It kind of drive my mind to what I researched about my mum.


She was really weak so I had to rush and get her food to each.


Am really happy that my mum is back to normal again, welcome back mum Now it time to know whom I am and whom my family are.



To be continued.










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