Thu. Oct 17th, 2024



















The ride to there house was cool not like when we were in the plane .. It took us like an hour and half to enter into a gigantic gate that opened by itself.


Wow ! Wow !! Wow !!!


It seem someone own a city as a home.


his dad is strictly rich… After entering the gigantic gate it still took us like an hour to get to a very beautiful and hug gigantic house.


Here really looks like heaven.


ladies with hectic guns Rutter up and down of the compound, I wonder if they are their bodyguard here… Anyways I still found some men buy they are just few in the house.


After examining the exterior of the building We walked inside and the interior can simply be said to be an house built using heavenly plan.


Everywhere was sparking.


We walk in gently and my eyes caught a very attractive picture of a human that I can define to be a mermaid because she is so beautiful and amazing cute.


I walk closer the portray and touched it as if I was touching the really person.


Who is that beautiful creature over there


I heard victor asked… Oh !! He saw what I saw… I thought as much.


That’s my kid sister Stephannie…..” Kester said.


Wow she looks so cute and beautiful just like an angel…” Victor said.


Is Stephannie around.


I heard Kester ask one of the ladies around the sitting room….”


” Yes but she just arrive.


She left an instruction that said she shouldn’t be woken up not matter who the person that is looking for her is…..”


The lady whom I letter found to be Tessia by name she is also beautiful as well.


It seem they just got beautiful girl or should I say lady to stay around here…


Somehow strange you know.


I touched another picture of should I say the old Stephannie…. I guess this must be


her mum because they look just like the new and old version of being.



I saw the picture of smiling Kester and his dad along side with Stephannie and Their mum.


” Come guys let go check out your rooms….”


Kester said from my behind leading the way to upstairs while I and Victor followed him.


I got eye contact with the beautiful girl that told Kester what her sister said and she just smiled… Hope you are not caught by my cute face…. Well I think I know what to do… I don’t need to be disturbed by ladies here because They are really many….”


I will rather stay indoors than to cause commotion in this country.. You know nah.


We entered an elevator to the third floor I wonder why when we could walk up through the stairs.


The elevator stopped and opened by itself while we followed Kester in. We came across the first door then the second door.


Victor this will be your room…..” Kester said You can go in and check it out


He added and victor pushed the door open and walk inside….”


This is my room ….”


He said when we got to a door opposite Victor’s room though the two door are not facing each other.


” And here we are ……”


He said and pushed the door open for me


viewing from outside no body need to tell me How beautiful this room is gonna be.


I walk inside…


” Enjoy yourself…


Your clothes have already been set in the wardrobe for you I heard him said as he walk out from the room…”



I went to the wardrobe and Wow !!! The clothes here are so beautiful and cute…


I really loves the way it been set.. If you need to move out with black attire their is both black trousers and shirt a black sweater and a black shoe or black foot wear…


There is even different colors of eyes here…..”


I love this room.. the colour is silver blue and everywhere was just speaking… I bounced on my bed and took out a heavy breath.


This is gonna be a new world to start a new living.. I thank God for the day I meet Kester.


I took my shower and I changed in a casual wear put on a sweater and used the cap to cover my face…. I wouldn’t be needing drama from ladies out there ……”


I walk closer to Victor’s room and him and kester were discussing or I decided to take a walk around the building though not in inside.


I followed the stairs down and I walk out through the massive door all the guards here seem to be all ladies… You will hardly see guys around and that make me wonder if guys really work here at all???


Just thinking though


” The ladies were all in black attire.


As I pass they smile.. I wonder why they are smiling even when am covering my face with my sweater cap well that’s there business. I thought.




I followed the load to a garden I sighted when we were coming…. Maybe I can


cool my head there.


I meet across a lot of cute and beautiful girl here… they are all cute and the crazy thing is that they are flashing me with smiles like as if we have meet before or something.


The thought of what happened back there at the airport… Young Alvin … Who is he???… Well am gonna findout to night.. Am gonna google about him maybe I can get the answers I need….”



As I pass through some girl…


It was like on you track go and stare Competition just started.. Just like that oh !! Am really handsome oh!!! thought was putting my earphones and I was nodding my head.. Yeah am listening to music but the volume is low.


Wow !! He is wow cute…


Is he the Kim of a guy…….” One of the ladies asked them.


I don’t think so.. Kester is not in good terms with Kim so he can’t possibly be him…. Perhaps this guy looks more cute than him… Maybe he is going accept this one…..”


The other one said.


Who is Kim???


I wonder who he is and who they are taking about that will accept me? Well that’s there business….”


” He looks like Greek God….


How I wish he will find me attractive….”


The shortest among them said and other laugh.


You are too ugly for someone as cute as him so he will rather date me instead …..”


The first one that spoke said and the went into eye battle.


This girl’s are crazy


What even made them think am interested in dating stuff… I increase my walking….”


I walk into a beautiful dark greenish garden that’s has a shade at the center of the garden… It looks quite beautiful.


I walk into the garden directly to the garden shade and I sat down gently… Is like


here is gonna be my rest garden I thought….



I took out my phone to increase the volume of the music I was playing but a lady interrupted me.


” Hello sir


Is not advisable for someone to stay at this garden by this period….”


She said calmly.


” Why I mean here is cool or is here forbidden for people to enter ????…”


” Not really Sir.


But this is not just a mare garden… This garden is made by Miss Stephannie and only her is free to come in, she gave an instructions that nobody should…..”


She wanted to finish what she was saying before she sighted someone and ran out immediately.


” Why is running???? …”


The person was still far…


I don’t even know if the person is coming this direction.




I put on my phone camera


to take some pictures But Fortunately or



unfortunately The girl was now close so my camera

captured the both of us.



” Wow we are cute together …..”


I smile staring at the picture in my phone.


” What the hell…”


I heard her say and I turn with a smile and the happiness of taking pictures with a beautiful girl like her but turning her mood wasn’t encouraging…..”


I stare at the picture in my phone and look at her she still wasn’t smiling but even at that I was still smiling foolishly at her because she was still cute as the portray I saw in their living room even without a smile.


The truth is that she looks so beautiful, Hot, amazing cute and smart.. she is just the missing angel God have been looking for


Even at the smiles I put up… she still wasn’t smiling back at me….. Maybe am in a


wrong place like the girl said earlier.


Who the hell are you this pig???….” She shouted at me.


Really… The harsh word changed my smiles to frown… and I began to see clearly that she was angry not mood though she is angry she is still cute…. I think am gonna like this girl


I thought …



My name is Elvin am kester’s friend….” I said putting up another smile


Who the hell is your f**king father and what the hell are you doing in here…..” She scold me.


Easy Kid Sister …”


I heard kester’s voice from my behind and I turn and look at him.


Will you get the hell out of this place you this smelling pig …” She shouted


Stephannie !!!…………”


Kester Called out more of a shout as well.


Get the idiot out of here Now!!!! She said more like a command.


Wait!! am I the idiot.. because I can’t see everyone else here except the three of us.


I don’t think I am


Kester walk closer to her and whispered something into her ears though I could hear it….”


Can’t you be friendly to people..


Just got once … Am sure it not gonna cost you anything …..”


He said, turned and I left with him.


Am still looking for the idiot … case you meet him.. Just saying……


To be continued………


Hit the like button…


Let look for the idiot together guys




Guys how was it


Hope you find this interesting



By the way


What do you think about this episode


What do you think about Stephannie and Elvin..????


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