Wed. Feb 12th, 2025
















Since yesterday my mind hasn’t been stable.


I hates myself for what I don’t even know..



Maybe the kind of life I live and that’s the one reason am not at peace with my elder brother Daniel.



I hate Daniel for separating me from Elvin.


I waited for Elvin to come out from Daniels room but it seem he is taken too much time.



What are they even discussing self????


Is like he is even planing to sleep in that room..



I waited and got weak.. and I walk back to my room restless.



Letter in the middle night.. I sneak out from my room to Elvis door.. the sound of his lovely guitar was playing in the background.



This has really become part of him.


he plays it every consecutive nights before going to sleep.



It sounds more lovely thought I felt that urge to knock at the door but i controlled my self…



If I should know I will wake my sister and my brother up.



Talking of my brother that’s one is like a security guard in the house… He wakes up at the sound drop of even a water




He later the guitar


back to my room happy Sha.



for more hour before he stopped… I went




I sat on my bed and think of how cute and perfect I will look with Elvin by my side.



I imagine him carrying me in his arms and confess his loves for me.



I imagine his saying sweet words into my ears and I smiled foolishly like an idiot.



I imagine him telling me that he can’t do without me by his side..



I imagine him telling me how much he loved me but all this is just a wish..


will it come true???.. anyway I will make sure that I makes it to come true ..



Elvin!!!! You are driving me crazy every passing minutes of the day I bet if could still control this feeling again.



Is like am acting more crazy than my younger sister Anabella but I can’t control it.


Elvin what have you done to me???



I prayed that the night goes so quick.. so that could be able to see his handsome face again.



The night ended so great.. and for once I dreamt about him.. I wake up with so much joy even though I was waken up my a knock on my door but am happy that I will get to see his face in my dream.



I walked to my door opened it to see my brother and younger sister standing at my door post on their sports kit… I wonder what they are doing here.. they know I don’t like going for jogging on Saturday.. Infact I hate jogging.



” Good morning Big bro ”


I greeted while Anabella greeted me as well..



How are you doing.. ” He asked



Very fine.. and hope you guys has a great night……”


I asked smiling.. I just remembered I saw him in my dream.



” Yeah my was great ”


they said though not at the same time



So what’s up you guys.. you know I don’t like going to jogging at all.. ” I said looking at Daniel..



Common everybody is going for the jogging am..”


Daniel said..






that’s means Elvin going with us


I thought






Fine let me change am coming right away .. you guys should wait for me.



I said and went inside.. Elvin is going with us.. I smiled at my foolish thought..



I came after changing into a sport outfit.. we all walk to Elvin’s room to go get him….”



He looks as handsome as always… after exchanging greetings Anabella foolishly went into his room with him while me and Daniel went to wait for them in the car…








Elvin won the race and I was very happy… He ran like a god.. I never knew he got such speed.



I hugged him just to congratulate him but you needed to see Anabella’s face the time I hugged him.. let her go and die for all the care..



I will make sure I separate them..


They will never date each other ……..








Why is Jennica acting this way..


What’s even her own problem???????



Why is she always trying to create a seem.


Does she have feels for Elvin?????




She better not because if she has.. she better go and eliminate it because it won’t work.



I felt so jealous when she hugged him..


She was holding Elvin as if her life so depend on him.



She was hugging him like a long lost brother


I left the place out of jealousy so that I won’t do something I will regret later.



My mind was playing tricks with my mind




What is this huge turns into kiss??


What if Jennica your sister has feelings for him???




This questions kept ringing in my mind but the one that kept on repeating it self what ” what if the huge end up leading to a kiss ” I couldn’t hold it any longer so I had to go back to protect my man *


If finally you finds out that Jennica your sister loves Elvin


What will happen then???


Will you leave Elvin for her???




This question kept on ringing


But can I really leave Elvin for any body???


I asked myself but the answer wasn’t coming.



I came back only to met only Elvin.


No Jennica no Daniel.. Jennica was no where to be found while Daniel was a metres mile away from us.



I wonder where Jennica went to… Daniel was discussing with his friends so it was only me and Elvin there.



I decided to keep quiet


Unno nah.. trying to show that am still angry but the truth is that am not angry with Elvin but he has to be the one to start up a conversation.



I waited for him to start talking but he was not saying anything..



He just stood still staring at me constantly.


One could tell that he is confused probably he do not know how to start.



He managed to call my name but I didn’t do as If I heard him..








I was shocked.. in fact if there is anything else that can be used to describe shocked then I will use it..



I never expected that from Anabella not even to talk of Jennica.



Anabella left with anger at first but she came back few minutes later though not as angry as she left but I know that she is still angry.



I just kept on staring at her not saying anything.



I don’t even know what to say actually either do I know what her reaction would be if I should try to start up a conversation with her.



but it not my fault that her sister huged me…


I mean it just a coincidence




I gathered courage and called her but she just kept quite.. she didn’t even do as if I was talking to her..





I called again and she turned and look and I lost my voice




What’s all this self???




I opened my mouth to talk but nothing came out from it…



” Look Elvin am not angry…. Okay ”


She said looking at me and I found myself smiling.



” I thought you were ”


I said and she gave her head in the sign that shows No”



Why would I ??? ” she said



moreover you were not the one that asked my sister for the huge. .. she


volunteered to give it to you………”


she added and we both laughed



so you were forming for me Abi???? ”



Yes nah… ”




I think I should try this…





I spread my hands for her.



she gave this look of ” what is it ”



” common your turn ”


I said and I came and huge me



this time.. felt something different on like before though it wasn’t something strange I mean she is woman and a man.



I felt comfortable


we stayed like that from a while before Daniel show case his face from nowhere.



You guys should not forget we are still in stadium not home ” he said



and so ”


Anabella asked holding me




what a different bloodline


I wonder if they all were from the same womb..


Just wondering




I look around for Jennica thinking that she might be around but I didn’t see her.



I think we should be going now


Daniel said



What of Jennica isn’t she coming with us?? ” Anabella asked




I looked at her


is she just pretending not been angry at her sister or does she really cares


about her???




She look at me then to Daniel



I don’t know but I have already texted her to met us at the car immediate……”


Daniel said



Approaching the car.. there she is Jennica looking so innocent like an angel……”



She gave me a s£xy look ghetto went into the car while we all did as well.



To be continued…….




Guys how was it


Hope you find this interesting



By the way


What do you think about this episode















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