Wed. Feb 12th, 2025

Episode 5




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Mark felt rejected; he was heart broken and was sobbing.


β€œI need you in my life, I know that I’m not a very good person but I love you, you should know that no one is perfect but I could change for you, I could become a better person for you” Mark entered


“Mark, I don’t want you to change yourself for me but for yourself. Do it for yourself, change your self now” Sarah entered


And finally Mark insisted they get married first and promised he would change himself after marriage but still Sarah refused and Mark walked out on her in anger.


Six months later, To spite Sarah, Mark got married to someone else when Sarah got the news It’s was painful for her, That news of Mark’s wedding got her thinking about her love life, There was no doubt that she loved and wanted to be with him, but that was not enough reason for her to forget all the wrongs Mark had done or the dream. “Mark does’t even love me truly, he couldn’t even wait to see if I will change my mind, he didn’t even try to change himself and see if things will get



better between us, He rushed and married someone else, I guess she was one of her too many girlfriends that he cheated on me with, well, it’s for the best” she thought


she was so broken. She felt so much worse everyday. It was not easy for her to forget everything just like that, cause he dated Mark for Two years.


All she needed was relief, some sort of lifeline and Something that will give her the strength to pick up the pieces of her shattered life.


Sarah decided to get so busy with work that she would have no time to be sad


She then channelled all her energy into her Job. She was lonely but she was also elated for not ending up with a man like Mark.


She was not as desperate as she used to be, she lived life, one day at a time and she hoped on God for her ordained spouse.


One Friday Afternoon, Sarah was at work but was on lunch break, She had been attending to lots of customers all morning.


She was taking a bite into her snacks, When her mobile phone rang, She looked into her phone and smiled when she saw that the caller was no other but her friend Florence. She sipped her drink to avoid being choked and then, She received the call “Hello girlfriend” She greeted


“Babe, how far?” Florence said at the other end of the phone “Babe I’m good and you?”Sarah responded


“I’m good too. I just called to remind you of the wedding, it’s tomorrow oh”Florence said calmly


“Which wedding?”Sarah asked


“See this girl oh, you mean you don’t remember that tomorrow is our friend’s wedding, Sandra’s wedding is tomorrow na, you and your work, you don’t think about any other thing, apart from your Job” Florence said


“Oh, sorry, it skipped my mind oh, I don’t think I will be attending the wedding, I’m not prepared at all” Sarah entered


“No way, Sarah you have today and tomorrow to get prepared oh, you are coming with me, and moreover, what are you preparing for?, you are beautiful already and all you need to do is to dress up and off we go, you have beautiful dresses to choose from, please let’s go to the wedding please my friend, let’s go and have fun, most of our friends will be attending the wedding”Florence insisted.


Finally Sarah agreed to attend the wedding and Florence was excited.


The next day, the Two friends were sighted gorgeously dressed for the occasion. Florence’s husband drove them to the wedding venue. In no time, Sarah and Florence arrived the wedding venue and they sat down together while Florence’s husband left for an important work.


An hour later, Sarah was pressed and told Florence that she needed to use the bathroom, Florence nodded and Sarah left.


She hurried down to the bathroom and was returning to the hall when she bumped into someone.


One close look at the person, Sarah almost dropped dead, she couldn’t believe her eyes


“Francis?” Sarah said in disbelief


“Sarah? At last, I found you… for so many years I’ve been looking for ways to contact you, I’ve searched for you on facebook but no, I guess you are one of those people that are on facebook with thier Nick names” Francis said as they both hugged each other dearly


“wow Sarah you look so beautiful” Francis added “Thank you and you are looking good too” Sarah entered


Francis was Sarah’s first love bumping into him at the wedding, triggered old memories and finally they went thier separate ways after they both exchanged phone numbers.


“Sarah I will call you, I would have love to take you to a nice spot,so we could catch up but I just got a call, it’s important and I’m rushing down to a very important meeting, but I will call you tonight” Francis had said and they bid each other goodbye.

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As Sarah returned to the wedding ceremony, her thoughts were on Francis, She reminisced on how they met for the first time, many years ago.


The first time he met Francis, was in Secondary school, Francis was a new Student, every other students refused to lend him, thier note books except for her and from that day, they became friends, they were about to sit for thier final exam in secondary school, when Francis asked her out, due to the feelings they have for each other, Sarah did not hesitate to date him. They were both young but they knew exactly how they felt about each other.



After they both graduated from Secondary school, Sarah sat for her entrance exam into the university while Francis who was from a wealthy family sat for an international exam, his parents wanted him to study abroad but because of Sarah, he refused but his parents insisted. Francis thought that if he failed the exam, that his parents will have no choice but to admit him into the universities around, he didn’t prepare for the exam as he should but to his greatest surprise, he passed.


Sarah just got admission into a prestigious university in the country, when Francis told her that he would be leaving the country to further his studies, She felt shattered but Francis consoled her and


He promised to keep in touch with her but one thing led to another, After Francis travelled that they lost contact with each other, it took Sarah five years to put herself together.


Sarah was having mixed feelings about the whole situation as her thoughts were on Francis.


“Francis might have moved on, 7 years is not 7 days, I’m sure he would be in a serious relationship with someone else by now, there’s no need to raise my hopes up,” She thought.


That night Francis did not call as he promised and that confirmed her fears.


“I said it. Francis had moved on”Sarah thought and waved off every thoughts that told her to call him instead. “After all, I have been living my life without him for years” She told herself.


End Of Episode 5


To Be Continued








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