Fri. Feb 14th, 2025

Chapter Four




Days turned into weeks and weeks into months.


Cindy was still worried over Kesmanee’s attitude the other day.


She noticed he had been avoiding her lately, and she has vowed never to relent to find out the reason.


Cindy noticed that everyday after work, he usually wants to leave the office immediately and moreso, he takes another route.


Cindy decided to trail him behind.


As soon as Kesmanee entered his car and zoomed off, she also entered her car and followed behind.


She was so embarrassed to see it was a blind girl that he had chosen over her.




Kesmanee tied up the lace of his sneakers as he did finishing touches to his dressing.


Wow! He was going for a date with……I guess you should know. Sharuna.


Though it had been so tough getting her on his side.


She had avoided him, chased him out of the house and even sometimes pretended she was sick whenever he visited. She was only afraid.


He was so nervous like it was his first date. But to be honest, Sharuna was one of the best things that had ever happened to him.


Their moments together was always awesome as he taught her so many things of which she learnt instantly.


He combed his wavy hair to the back and with his car keys, sauntered out to the parking lot.



He looked so cute in an orange tee shirt,a black shorts with orange lines at the sides and an orange coloured sneakers. He prefered to dress casually. He entered into the car and drove it out to the driveway.


And he zoomed off.


Sharuna put on her necklace and smiled as she remembered the day Kesmanee had given it for her.


It had really been tough trying to convince her mother to let Kesmanee have his way.


She was the reason she had been avoiding Kesmanee, against her will.


She had come to realize she liked him, he was fun to be with.


He had helped reduced her lonely days.


She tied the lace of her sneakers, a big smile played on her face. He was also the one who had got her the shoes, infact the clothes she was putting on were given her by him.


She had told him she had no clothes to put on for the date and he had asked her not to bother. She considered herself lucky.


She was just finishing up with the other lace when she heard the screeching sound of a car.


That is Kesmanee, she smiled and made to saunter out, roaming her hands round for her stick.


Kesmanee entered.


“Hey girlfriend”, he called and walked up to her.


Gosh! Her beauty was stunning, she really looked cute, he smiled. They were both wearing same clothes. He had got it for her. She was sitting on the couch.




“Hi”, she replied, looking to the direction of his voice and smiling.


“Are you ready babe?”, he asked as he moved closer her and sat down.


“As you can see. Look at me,is there anything I’m missing out?”, she asked.



Kesmanee looked over her.


“Nah! I don’t think so”, he arranged the collar of her tee shirt and tied the lace of her shoes propely.


“You are good to go. So up”, he helped her up and they began leaving.


“Wait!”, Sharuna cried.


“What’s it?”


“My stick”, she said.


“Oh come on Sharuna, I’ve told you several times to calculate the number of turns you take on every move”, Kesmanee said and she shrugged. “That’s a hard thing to do”, she complained.


“Never too hard for someone who stays home all day”, he replied and she laughed.


“Okay, come on. I will direct you”, he wrapped his arms around her and led her outside.


They walked up to the car arms still wrapped around each other.


They really looked cute in same outfits.


He opened the car door and helped her get comfortable.


“Thank you”, she said laughing.


“Welcome”, he replied and went back to the house to lock up properly.


Then he came back to the car and lowered himself in.


As if on impulse, he opened the pigeon hole and brought out two sunglasses.


He wore her one and the other for himself.


“Hmmmmm. I’m ….how should I put it? I’m …..oh my God! Thanks Kesmanee,


thanks for everything”, she stuttered smiling.


“Oh come on, that’s nothing. Yeah ……so are you ready?”, he turned to her, she was




“I’m ever ready”, she smiled and they zoomed off. Β©



Ndozi Nuellitta



To Be Continued



Think the blind girl has captured someone’s heart or what do ya think??




Love y’all









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