Fri. Oct 18th, 2024

Episode 5








l guess I f**ked up,l shouldn’t have blown her the kiss. She frowned staring at me and I was really sad at the way she was looking. I got up walking to my class when she stopped me.


“What just happened there?”,she asked.


“What happened like what?”


“Don’t play dumb with me. You know what I’m talking about”


“Seriously Catty? Do you want us to argue about this..”


“No…. I just want to explain what just happened there”


“I don’t know what came over me and I’m really sorry for everything..”


“You like her?”


“No …. I don’t. I guess a little. She is really cool.”


“Okay then… We will see”


“Catty don’t do anything stupid”,she left me as l groan in frustration.


I don’t even know what I brought upon myself.


Why do I have to die for a girl who doesn’t even deserve me. I hate this.


I walked into my class as l close my eyes.


images of Nicki were in my head. Her long legs that I have long to see. She is really pretty.


I placed my head on the desk to continue my imagination.








“Thumbs up girl. I can’t believe you beat the shit out of them”,Ruby said in excitement.


“Yea… I did. How dare he insult my hair and and myself”,l said as Ruby and l burst into laughter.


“See you later,bestie”,she said as she entered into her.


She called me bestie and I’m really pleased with it. I just love it because I’m her best friend.


I walked into the class and I notice Catty glaring at me. I tried my best not to look at her.


I sat on my desk as l opened the pages if my novel reading.


And there Catty and her two friends stood in front of me.


“What between you and my boyfriend”,she asked.


“Go and ask him and not me”


“Lame answer”,she said as her girls were laughing at me. it wasn’t even funny. “You have the guts to stand here and ask me a stupid question while your books are waiting for you to open them”,l shout while everyone gasps.


“How dare you? You whore?”,as she took my novel and torn my book into two.


The class gasps. Some were enjoying the show while some were horrified by it.


And right now I’m really mad at her.


“What did you just do?”,l yelled.


“I just tore you useless…..”,I cut her off by slapping her hard. I pushed her roughly.


I moved to her two girls as l used my books on them. I spanked them while I was thinking about the next thing i need to do Catty.


The gathered around us as they were shouting, “Fight, Fight”.


Other classes joined too and there I saw Cole staring at me with wide eyes.


I moved to her girlfriend as I sat on her. She was so scared when I grabbed her uniform by her neck tightening it to make sure I leave a mark there.



“This is just the beginning Catty. The next time you and your girls try to bully me again,you will go to hell.”,I left her collar roughly as her head landed on the floor. I stood up staring at myself. My shirt was torn as everyone was staring at me. I tore my uniform and remove my top as everyone gasps. Boys whispering but I don’t care.


I had a spare t-shirt in my bag as I wore it over my head.


“Miss Andrews and Miss Scott,see me in my office now.”,the principal said as I rolled my eyes.


I walked through the crowd to meet the principal. I didn’t want to look at Cole. He might be dissappointed in me.


What will my mom say? Oh God I’m in a f**king mess. I sat on the chair. On my left was Catty and her bullies. “Miss Andrews here is your punishment”


“What the f**k. You are going to give me punishment while I haven’t explained anything. This is not fair”,I yelled as I saw Catty smiling.


“l know you are wrong and I have heard everything so there is no need for you to


explain and I’m sure you won t want your mom to know about this..”,he said


smiling. Bastard!


Patience,Nicki, Patience.


“So Miss Andrews I have no option but to expel you from this school”


My heart pound in my chest and I don’t even know how to react. I am angry than anything in the world.


I’m not the girl who cries and beg to my enemies. I may be a girl but I have a heart of a boy. This bullshit. (Join Group)


If they want it the hard way I could give them the hard way.


I stomped my hand on the desk scaring all of them in the office.


My eyes were flamed and I knew it. The atmosphere changed around me and I knew if I don’t control this anger. I will hurt all of them.


“You want to expel me so that I wouldn’t know dirty disgusting little secret Mr




“What secret?”


“You f**king catty in your office every single day…. I was there watching you.


You think no one knows..”,I said looking straight into his eyes.


“No one will believe you”,he said.


“I have prove Mr principal… a video tape and you wouldn’t be happy if i showed it to the whole school to watch. it will be such a beautiful scene. ‘The principal



f**king his student’ . What a nice title. Well thanks for expelling me, I’m glad you have me the chance to spread the video…”,l lied but that the only way to save myself.


I moved to the door as The principal along with Catty crawled towards me.


“I can’t believe the arrogant whore and the naughty dirty principal is begging.. So now what do you want me to do for you”


“Stay ….”,the principal said.


“Okay…..”,l smiled as I left them. Catty followed me.


“What the f**k do u want”,I yelled


“Thank you”,she whispers.


“I don’t need your thank you girl. I never need them”


I walked out on her to the library when I met Cole.


I don’t want to look at him. I tried to dodge him but he caught me anyway as he pulled me in his arms. My head was low…. staring at my shoes as he used his index finger on my chin so l could stared at his merciless gaze.


We stared at each other.None of us talking.


He moved slowly till he close the gap between us and slowly he crushed his on mine.


I never thought after all the fight,I wanted him. I kissed him back with the passion I had within me and I love it when he moan. .




Tbc ….


⚘Loving You Always⚘






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