Fri. Mar 7th, 2025


I ran hurriedly to meet the man and stood a distance away from him.


“Sir, please I just read now that Donald had being kidnapped ”


“How is that our business?” He asked smirking.


“Erm…Please. I need to safe him” I said and he chuckled.


“You so funny , Jessica. I hope you know you do not own yourself. You are not allowed to have feelings for your master ”


“I do not have feelings for…”


He interrupted me before I could complete my statement. “I saw it on your face. Now , tell me why you would even think of saving someone that sold you for virtually no reason?”


I was dumb for a moment and the right words to reply him with weren’t coming.


I do not think I have feelings for Donald , I just want him to be protected. He might have made a silly mistake of selling me but that shouldn’t stop me from saving him.


And that girl of a Jennifer ,can’s she just protect him , thought she always take pride in being the special agent for the government.




“I still have to protect him sir. I would have done the same to you even if you sold me out ” I said.


“Wow! ” He clapped. “Quiet impressive of you. You can go back to your room. You are to protect me now, forget about Donald. ” He said and I stood with a heavy heart for a while hoping he changes his mind but when I realized that he isn’t ready to alter his decision. I walked away.


I feel so pathetic for Donald. I do not know what may be happening to him now. I feel like smashing that girl of a Jennifer. I so loathe her now for allowing evil to befall Donald.


I put a call across to Jennifer and she picked it almost immediately.


“Hi , where is Donald?”


“He’s being kidnapped. I sincerely didn’t know how it happen. We slept in our various room the night before only for me to wake and find out that he had being kidnapped. ”


“Did you hear yourself. And you refer to yourself as an agent for the government , a special one at that ” I scolded her expecting her to burst out.



“I sincerely…I…just confused. I wasn’t expecting sh!ts like that to happen so soon” She said and all her words just kept irritating me.


I hung up thinking of every silly means to find Donald. Where in the world could he have being kidnapped to?


I wish I could sneak out of this house without Kim having to know. If he finds out later , how in the world will I explain where I had gone to.


I do not want to dare him but I must protect Donald too.


I put a call across to Jennifer again.


“Hi Jennifer ,what’s up?”


“Hi Jessica”


“Do you have an idea who got him kidnapped?”


“His Dad’s rivalry of course. They couldn’t get to Donald’s dad cause the man is heavily protected and guided 24/7 so they came for the son. I feel terrible because his father trusted me to protect him but now I had failed. ”


I felt sincerity at the voice of Jennifer and I finally came down and decided to reason with her on how to find Donald.


“Has his father being informed?”


“He should have heard about it ,everyone has known already” She said almost crying


‘Calm down. Do you know the base of his Dad’s rivalry?”


“Yes , I do. But making any move of going there is equal to suicide ”


“I don’t care. I’ll go but I need you to take me there ”


“Oh! I will. But will your new boss allow that?”


“I’ll find my way and protect Donald first , then get ready for whatever punishment he may want to subject me to for going out without informing him. Let’s meet at PARK 6 ” I said.




“5: PM” I replied and hung up.


I began to get dressed and I tip toed out of my room gently. I watched left and right and noticed that Kim wasn’t in sight. I passed the backyard of the house but there was no step downstairs which means I have to jump.




The height was scary but after much exhaling, I jumped over and fortunately for me , I didn’t feel much pain.


I smuggle my way into the houses nearby until I get to a new street. I took a cab straight away to Park 5.

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