Fri. Feb 7th, 2025

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Claudia: Good morning, Julia. Not sure you know me but I was here yesterday during your dad’s funeral but I couldn’t see you. So I decided to drop by Before I go back to the city tomorrow.


Julia: Good morning. You do look familiar but I’m not too sure of the exact family.


Claudia: Not to worry, I’m a nobody really. I don’t expect too many people to know me. I’m really sorry about your dad’s demise. God rest his soul.


Julia: Amen. Thanks, sister.


Claudia: My name is Claudia. I am from this village. The next compound after yours. But since I lost both parents, I seldom visit.


However, when I learnt of your dad’s funeral, I tasked myself to make it down, because your dad and mine were very good friends. I do hope they’ve been reunited in death.


Julia: Awww! That’s very thoughtful of you. Thank you!


Claudia: So tell me! How have you been surviving?


Julia: I can’t even explain. I wake up every day wondering how… Before my dad became bedridden, he was doing menial jobs for people. They’d pay him and he would bring the money home for food.


But when he got very poorly, I started doing same so I could buy food and his




Claudia: Oh! So how do you plan to keep surviving now that your dad is no more?


Julia: I guess I’ll carry on doing that. I hope to save up some money and maybe learn a skill


Claudia: What’s your relationship with your uncles like?


Julia: non existent. They took every thing from us and when my dad got ill, I asked if they could sell his portion of land so we could take him to the hospital, they said he was not entitled to any of my grandad’s properties because he did not contribute anything during his burial.


Claudia: How were you able to raise money for your dad’s funeral then?


Julia: They asked me to bring money for my dad’s funeral, I gave them the ten thousand naira I was saving up for learning a skill. I guess they realised that his body would have decomposed here if they didn’t do something about it. So they rallied around within themselves and organised the funeral.


Claudia: How wicked! And to think they both own properties in the city.


Julia: I heard so too.


Claudia: I know so. In fact, I was once your big uncle’s tenant in Abuja.



Julia: Hmmmm! I leave them to God, auntie. I like to think of myself as someone who has no one at all in life.


Claudia: I understand exactly where you are coming from because I’ve been there myself. When my parents passed away, my uncle’s took every thing and threw me out. But the funny thing is that, that act served as the push I needed. I just took the money people gave me during my mum’s funeral and left for the city.


Somehow, I found myself in the streets of Abuja.. the rest is what you see today.


Julia: Awwww!


Claudia: I really want to help you, Julia. I don’t think I can sleep at night if I do not do something to help. No matter how little.


Would you like to come with me to the city?


Julia: Oh my God! Yes! Anywhere but this hell!


Claudia: Alright. What i would like you to do is to tell your uncles about it so it doesn’t look like I kidnapped you; I’ll leave some money for you to come down to Abuja next week and we take it up from there!


Julia: No auntie! I don’t need to tell them. They don’t care anyway!


Claudia: I insist. Let’s be blameless on our part, okay?


Julia: Alright, auntie. Thank you very much I sincerely appreciate this!


Claudia: No worries at all. And who is going to help take back these chairs and canopies?


Julia: I thought people would have helped but since no one did, as soon as you leave now, I’ll start taking them back as much as I can.



Claudia: Hell no! Organise some boys to do it, and I’ll pay them. When you have a minute, come over to my house to help me get my things ready for tomorrow. When we are done, we can cook something nice and eat okay?


Julia: Okay, auntie



Claudia: I don’t want you to keep looking all sad and lonely. You have a big sister now.


Do we have a deal?


Julia: Yes! We do! Thank you, big sister!



Claudia: You’re welcome, baby sister


…to be continued


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