Fri. Oct 18th, 2024







Kenzie awakened to the sound of her son crying, she snapped her eyes open. A quick glance at the clock told her that it was thirty minutes past sixteen.


She rolled out of her bed and walked to the other side of the room, her son Ryan was standing in his crib with tears streaming down his cheeks.


“Hey hun,” she said softly as she grabbed him in his arms.


Ryan quieted down as Kenzie lowered herself into the rocking chair then he rested his head on his mother’s chest. Kenzie sang to her son softly and a few minutes later, he fell asleep again.


Kenzie closed her eyes as her son continued sleeping with his hands clenched tightly in her dress. Nothing felt as peaceful as cuddling with her son, she enjoyed every moment she spent with him.


Ryan was everything she had ever wished for even though he came at a time when things were unstable between her and her husband, she would never trade him for anything.


She was still lost in thought when Kai walked into the room.


“Hey,” he said


“Hey,” she responded softly.


“Everything okay?” he asked gesturing to the child in her hands.




“Okay,” he said as he moved further into the room, he leaned in and kissed his wife’s cheeks then he gently kissed his son’s head.


“Where is Sofia?” She asked


“I am here,” Sofia rushed into the room.


“Shhh!” Kai said


“He is sleeping?” she asked




“Okay. I will come back later,” she said before she rushed out.


“How was work?”She asked as her husband sat next to her.


“Work was okay,” she responded.


After the drama with Tasha, the two had undergone some counseling and though it was hard for Kenzie to forgive her husband, she eventually did and now they were trying to make things work between them.


Kai was trying to be a better husband to his wife, he was no longer friends with Prisca and the other gang members, he had vowed never hurt his wife ever again, he had even gone as far as apologize to Tasha for leading her on.




“Prisca? Wake up,” he vigorously shook her.


She snapped her eyes open as she loudly yawned, “What is it Mike?” she asked


“You have to leave.”




“My wife is on her home.”


“I thought you said she would be out the entire weekend.”


“She changed her plans you need to leave right now.”


“Fine,” she rolled out of the bed, picked her clothes and quickly got dressed.


“I will call you,” he said before he pushed her out of the room. She shook her head as she quickly rushed out of the house she wasn’t in the mood to deal with Mike’s dramatic wife.


After failing to get Fred to be her man, she had resorted to sleeping around with different men, single or married she didn’t care as long as she had a man in her bed at night.




Anna stared at the photo on her phone and her heart ached, it was a photo of Fred and his fiancé. Since Fred had blocked her on all social media platforms and they no longer worked together, she had created a fake account just so she could stalk him. It had been two years already but she couldn’t get over him, what hurt the most was that he was with someone else, what did she have that this other woman didn’t have? She wondered as she took a sip of her wine.Recommend you to download Topster-Stories App for Exclusive Access To Erotic and Romantic stories


“You need to stop drinking,” Trish said


“He is engaged,” she said


“Girl it’s been two years, you have to move on.”


“I wish i could.”


“You can if you try.”


“He is perfect for me.”


“Whatever,” Trish said shaking her head, she was tired of advising her friend to get over Fred “I am going out, will see you later.”


“Okay,” she responded before she focused her eyes back on the photos.




Tasha stepped out of the car and walked towards the door, it was a Friday and she was here to pick up the girls. She and Fred were officially divorced and Fred had full custody of the children though he had given her some visitation rights.


Taking a deep breath, she knocked twice at the door and waited, a moment later Crystal opened the door. Tasha stared at her Ex- husband’s fiancé and her heart ached, never in her wildest dreams had she thought Fred would move on. It had been two years down the line yet she couldn’t get over him and the memories they had created, no one would ever love her like Fred did, if only she could take back the hands of time.


“Hey!” Crystal smiled


“I am here for the girls, are they ready?” she asked


“They are almost done, please come in,” she opened the door wider and stepped aside. Tasha was reluctant at first but eventually she walked into the house. Fred had moved to a new house after their divorce.


“Please sit down.”


“Thank you.”


“Can i get you anything?”




“I will get the girls,” she said before she rushed up the stairs.


She walked back into the room some minutes later with Taylor and her bag.


“Talia will be out shortly.”




“Hey Mummy,” Taylor said


“Hey Babe, ready for the weekend?” Tasha asked




“You don’t look excited.”


“I wanted to spend the weekend with dad.”




“But it’s okay, i will go with you, daddy says it would be disrespectful of me to say no to you.”


Tasha was about to respond when Fred walked into the house.


“Babe,” he said


“I am here.”


He walked into the living room and lightly kissed Crystal on the lips before he gave her the flowers in his hands.


“Thank you.”


“You are welcome,” he said before he turned to look at Tasha, “How are you?”


“I am fine.”


A few minutes later, Talia walked out with her bag.


“Shall we?” Tasha stood up.




The girls hugged Crystal and their father before they walked out of the house with Tasha. Tasha couldn’t help but feel jealous of the bond that her children shared with their step mother, things were not supposed to end like this it should have been her in Crystal’s position.




“Thank you,” Fred said as he pulled Crystal into his arms.


“For what?”


“Being being a good companion, you are beautiful, caring and humble you are everything i have always wanted in a woman. You are my home i can’t wait to call you my wife.”


“And i can’t wait to call you my husband,” she smiled.


Fred was happy life had given him a second chance at love and happiness, after divorcing Tasha he thought that was it for him but when he met Crystal everything changed.


When they met, Crystal had just come out of a bad relationship with her daughter’s father and neither of them had the least bit of interest in starting a relationship but fate had other plans.


They got talking and it wasn’t long before they realized they were attracted to each other, with Crystal, Fred felt safe and supported.


He didn’t have to pretend to be anyone else when he was with her, he just had to be him she loved him just as he was. He also loved how good she was with the girls, they totally adored her.


“I love you,” he whispered


“I love you even more,” she responded. And that was all the assurance he needed, he knew if he had Crystal by his side, he could conquer the world.


You may be broken right now and you might feel lost and helpless but in the end everything falls back into place. The right person will make you feel complete, healed and intact as if no piece is missing from the puzzle. They will not leave you with doubts. You don’t have to ask if they want to be with you or not, you just know that no matter what you thought you had before, this is better. Everything is perfect since they came along.







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