Wed. Feb 12th, 2025

Blue Maid

My heart stopped beating immediately

I started feeling dizzy and nauseous

I dropped the book and stared at Audrey who was standing in front of me with hands akimbo.

Me: I don’t understand

Audrey : you don’t???

Me: look, I don’t really care okay. She can have him if she wants

I crossed my leg and took my book.

I was trying to convince myself that I don’t love Adrian anymore

Audrey : wow, then I rest my case.

She shrugged and sat down on the second sofa

I was restless

I wanted to talk and pour out the anger accumulating inside of me.

I dropped the book again

Me: you know this is crazy. So crazy. He’s such a playboy. He’s going to hurt Cindy

She turned and looked at me

Audrey : I don’t get you. Who are you really supporting?

Me: Cindy of course. Adrian is bullshit, first he tried to get me while he has a wife. Now he’s going for Cindy. Cindy is not as strong as I am

Audrey : you know. I’ve never seen an immature and irresponsible beauty as you

My eyes widened

Me : what

She sat well and faced me

Audrey : ever since that happened, have you spoken with him one on one. Did you care to know what really happened? You too are even too immature. Look Blue, do me a favor and get your self to talk with him. I hate the way you guys are behaving. You have an opportunity to be with a prince, a prince Blue. A prince, and you’re acting this way? You’re so ungrateful….

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She was really angry with me, she stood up to go when Adrian came inside with Cindy in his arms.

Audrey glared at me and then looked at them.

She then walked out.

Adrian : I’ll meet you upstairs

Cindy : okay sir

He dropped her and went upstairs

He didn’t even look at me

Cindy : I’ve forgotten how to give a massage, can you reteach me?

Me: why

Cindy : Prince Adrian needs one

My eyes widened

Me : don’t worry, I’ll take care of it

Cindy : are you sure?

Me :yeah, can you help me prepared some doughnuts?

Cindy : sure

She went to the kitchen and I went to my room.

I got the things needed and went to Adrian’s door.

I was so scared

I heaved a deep sigh and closed my eyes before knocking

Adrian : come in Cindy

I opened the door

He looked surprised to see me

Me: hi

Adrian : uhmm, hi

I entered and closed the door

He looked at my hands

Adrian : did Cindy ask you to bring them?

Me: no

I went closer to him and dropped them on his desk

Adrian : then what are you doing here?

Me : can’t I come and see u?

He sat up

Adrian : see me? Then why haven’t you come to see me for the past one week that I’ve been here? Have you even said a word to me? Have you even seen what this room looks like?

Me : are you blaming me? How about you? Have you forgotten I saved your life? Did you appreciate it? Do you have any idea how ungrateful you are? Instead you’re just deriving pleasure from Cindy?

Adrian : take Cindy out of this! Have you forgotten how I wanted to talk to you, how I always called you, how I said thank you but you ignored me? Didn’t you?

Me : you still don’t have the right to try to hurt Cindy because of my attitude? You are just playing with Cindy, that’s what you always do! You’re nothing but a playboy!

He stood up and began to slowly walk towards me

He looked so scary

I became terrified and began to walk back

Adrian : don’t you bring Cindy into this and don’t you dare call me a playboy. I’m in this mess because of you!!

I became enraged

He’s trying to put the blame on me

Me : what? How dare you blame me? I didn’t put you into any mess. It’s all your fault. You lied to me, you told me she was your sister. Then you lied to me again, telling me that you love me. Why did you say that when you were already engaged. You just tried to take advantage of me. And I was such a fool to believe you. I was so scared of losing you, I cried for hours telling myself that I love you and that I rejected you. I wasn’t myself anymore. I came to tell you that I was sorry only for me to see you having s£x with your fiancee.

I hate you for everything you put me through, I hate you so much for all the pain and hurt I got from you.

So you never cared about me

For two months you deserted me

Why did I even save you?

I should have left you to die, but I can’t stand you suffering because I love you

I was crying throughout

All my emotions busted out

My eyes were already red and swollen and my tears made my whole face wet


Everything around me stopped working

Everything became quiet

The only sounds that kept echoing in my mind were everywhere that Blue said and her cries

I couldn’t believe myself

Blue loved me?


I’m running crazy

I can’t believe myself

I put Blue through tons of pain.

I can imagine everything she went through

So she came back for me

But she met me with Gladys

All this while I’ve been living in ignorance

I forsook the love I so wanted

Me: ahhhhhhh

I screamed and threw the flower vase to the ground

She shivered and shifted

She was choking

I ran my fingers into my hair then covered my face.

She stood up and opened the door

Me: Blue please, don’t go please

I held her hand and pulled her back.

I closed the door and looked at her, she looked away

I held her second hand

Me: Blue, I’m sorry. I didn’t know. If I knew I wouldn’t have forsaken you no matter what. And I didn’t lie to you about my love for you. Blue I love you so much

Blue : why didn’t you tell me about Gladys then?

Me: I was going to tell you that day. Remember when I said my parents were trying to make decisions for me? It was about Gladys. They wanted me to marry her but I hate her. I don’t want her

Blue : but why did you sleep with her?

Me: I was drunk that night. I drank myself to stupor. I was so broken hearted because you rejected me. I regret drinking that night, if I didn’t drink I wouldn’t have slept with her and you would have come to meet me in my right mind

Her eyes were so sad and dull

I was filled with guilt

I hated myself for hurting her

Her tears were still falling

I released her hands and used my thumbs to wipe them off

Me : it’s okay baby, your tears are drowning me

I cupped her face Into my palms

Blue : I’m sorry for how I’ve been acting. I misunderstood everything

Me : that’s why you didn’t pick my calls and didn’t call me

Blue : what? I called you every single day. I always texted you but you didn’t reply me. I cried and longed for you each day. There was a day I called you and Gladys picked it up. She told me to let you be, that you two were getting married soon

Me : what? How did she have access to my phone? But my phone was always with me, I didn’t see any call or text

I let go of her face and stood confused

Blue : did she divert our calls and texts to her own number?

Me : yes yes, that’s exactly what she did. Gosh, she’s such a snake

I looked away in anger and Blue hugged me

I was surprised

Her head was on my chest and her arms wrapped around my waist

Blue : Adrian, please don’t leave me again

I wrapped my arms around her and hugged her tight

Me : I won’t. That’s a promise.

I held her tighter. I love her so much

I won’t leave her

Gladys will never come between us again.

I looked down and took her face up

Me : guess what??

Blue : I can’t guess, tell me

I looked into those blue sparkling eyes.

Me: close your eyes

She closed them without hesitation

I bent down and kissed her

She opened her eyes and I smiled and closed mine.

She began to kiss me back

I held her tighter

Blue will make a good Queen

I’m assuring myself that she’s the next Queen of Edinburgh…..

To Be Continued

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