Fri. Oct 18th, 2024

Blind in love


*Part 14*



I stood by the bedroom door carrying a Lamp. Simon entered the room. I put the lamp back.


Simon:(Crying)Stop Nancy.


It was my first time seeing Simon crying. I dropped the knife.


Nancy: I just wanted to hurt them like they hurt me.


Simon:(Hugging Nancy)You are going to get arrested.


Nancy: It’s fine I don’t care. My life is over anyway.


Simon uncuffed Sizwe. Simon walked me home.


Simon:( Giving me his jacket)Put this on


I took it.


Simon: Nancy I am sorry for what they did to you. God will deal with them


I just kept quiet.


Simon:Talk to me.


Nancy: About what?I’m going crazy here. I go around scratching peo…


He kissed me deeply. The warmth of his lips enticed me.


Simon:I love you okay


Nancy:I love you too.


He gave me the warmest hug when we arrived. I went home and took a bath.


Simon called me.


Simon:Hey do you feel better now?




Simon:Sizwe and Kristen agreed not to lay charges.




Simon:You better sleep we will speak tomorrow.


Nancy:I’m suspended didn’t your girlfriend tell you?


Simon:About Thando can we speak tomorrow?


I hang up. Fact is I love Simon so much. The next day I went to the park and I saw Thando and Kristen. He looked better. I called Simon to come to the park. He arrived and saw them kissing.




She looked at us and approached us.


Thando:I can explain


Simon:Go on


Thando:He kissed me.


Simon:Why didn’t you pull back?


I left them arguing and I went to speak to Kristen. He looked scared.


Nancy: Kristen please forgive me for what I did yesterday


Kristen:(looking down)I’m sorry for raping you. I was just trying to fit in Sizwe’s






Kristen: Friends


I was so glad that he forgave me. We watched as they argued.


Simon:It’s fine I love someone else anyway


Thando:You will not break up with me. I will break up with you first. It’s over. Simon:(Picking Nancy up) I’m single now do you wanna go out on a wheelbarrow picnic?


Sizwe approached



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