Fri. Oct 18th, 2024

Nuella’s POV

My mind shifted to my parents, the very own parents who disowned me, my mind drifted to them and I found myself missing them. I felt like visiting them but I wouldn’t.

I couldn’t bring myself to go back to them, it wasn’t right. End of Nuella’s POV

Flashback Almet’s POV

“Leave us alone”. I said and held Zehra’s hand pushing them away from her, “leave my sister alone”. I shouted…

“No, she’s committed a grave sin, she stole” One of them said and tried to forcefully drag her, I spat on his face and started running with Zehra.

“We don’t have any where to go”. Zehra reminded as we ran into the thick forest. “We have to run, they’re pursuing us”. I said as we continued running… Just then, Zehra hit her leg on a big wood.

“Zehra”. I screamed as she groaned in pain.

“Just ….Just Go”. She said and I shook my head. “I can’t leave you andgo,

you’re my sister”. I said as I heard distant voices.

“Go before they catch you”. She said and I raised an eyebrow in sadness.

“I can’t”. I said and tore a part of my shirt, I ran towards a familiar leaf used to cure wounds, I squeezed the leaf and applied the greenish water on her wound and she groaned in pain again.

“Are you sure about this?”. She asked. “Just go”. She added.

“No, I can’t leave you here”. I quickly wrapped the torn pieces of my shirt and tied the wounded area.

“Thanks”. She said and I smiled.

“Can you get up now?” I asked and she got up slowly limping.

“I’m not sure I can run very well”. She said and the distant voices became closer. “We have to go, we’ve wasted enough time”. I said and we started running again, she couldn’t run fast but she was definitely trying.


We got to the end of the forest and in front of us was a big and deep river. “I can’t swim” She said.

“Me too”. I replied. The distant voices became closer. “We have to swim to save ourselves”. I added and we dived into the river..

“Zehra”. I screamed as I couldn’t find her after I had successfully swam to the other side..

I couldn’t find her, it seemed she’s still in the water.. “Zehra”. I shouted again and dived back into the water..


End of flashback

Jeanne dropped the plate of fried rice and chicken on the table and helped me sit up. “Jeanne, do you know that Nuella, the maid is my sister”. I said and Jeanne raised an eyebrow in surprise.

“You’re joking right”. She asked and looked at me again surprised. “I’m not, she’s Zehra”. I said and she frowned.

“Stop pulling pranks with me, Nuella is a Christian name and Almet is a Muslim name so there’s no possible way you could relate”. She said and I frowned.

“It all started twenty years ago”. I said and she sat down.

“Twenty years ago, we lost our parents”. I said as tears began to drop on the floor.


I finished the story and she was almost crying too.

“For once, I’ve been touched, you tried hard to save your sister”. She said and I dried my tears.

“When I couldn’t find her in the water, I had to run for my life because they started pursuing me, I was small but I still remember”. I said.

“What do you think happened to Zehra? How did she become Nuella?”. She asked and I looked at her.

“That’s the same thing I don’t know, that question is left hanging”. I said and startedeating.

End of Almet’s POV Nuella’s POV

He held me as I went to the parlor… Almighty Ray was now being humble, I will make sure he forgets his pride.. A vision came and disappeared, I saw two little children playing, a boy and a girl.

The boy was a little bit older than the girl, they were playing with their parents, the flashback disappeared and I shook my head.

What’s happening to me?


End of Nuella’s POV Raymond’s POV

When will Nuella get better? I can’t keep on helping her with things, where’s my pride? Was I having feelings for her? I asked myself as the car drove Granny out of the compound.

“Granny has gone back to her Villa”. Davis said “Yeah”.

“So let’s talk about Nuella”. He said and my eyes widened. “And what about her?”. I said.

“I want to tell you something but if you get paranoid or get angry, I’ll tell everyone that you were the one who beat up Nuella”. He said and my eyes widened.

“And how do you know that?”. I asked and he chuckled.

“Nuella told me, she’s pretending to be deaf and dumb but she is not”. He said and I got angry.

“If you move an inch, I’ll do as promised”. He said and I held my temper. “Ok, what do you want me to do?”. I asked and he smiled and winked at me. “Do you know that Nuella is in love with you?”. He said and I coughed

“She’s your nanny, she’s poor and she’s my maid, she can’t possibly fall in love with me”. I said and he chuckled.

“Well, she can even sacrifice her life for you”. He said and I raised an eyebrow in surprise.

“I don’t know”. I replied and sat down. He joined me and rested on my chest. “There’s a way to know”. He said.

“And what’s that?”. I asked.

“You have to also pretend to be sick, I mean terribly sick”. He said and I looked at him in surprise.

“You know I can’t do that”. I said and he hugged me. “Please dad, just this last one wish”. He said and I nodded. “Ok, fine, I’ll do it”. I replied

End of Raymond’s POV


To be continued

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