Mon. Mar 31st, 2025

picked the call with the mindset that its definitely


ME: hello

CALLER: ***female voice*** hi sir

ME: *** confirmed that it wasn’t bimpe** who am I

speaking with please?

CALLER: Lolade sir. The lady who came to apply for

a sales rep 2 days ago and I collected your number

ME: ***recollect*** yes!!!, I remembered. How are


CALLER: I’m fine sir. I just want to remind you of the

recruitment sir. Please I need the job sir. Please help

me sir.

ME: hmmmmm. No problem, always keep intouch

with me so as to get updates. But for now, we are

still going through the CVs submitted. No one had

been considered yet.

CALLER: ok sir, thank you sir. This is my number sir,

pls save it.

ME: alrite, no problem.

CALLER: have a nice day sir.

ME: and you too, ****hang up*****.

3 days earlier. We recently purchased a new pure

water Van to expand our distribution channels to our

customers. A driver was needed with a female sales

representative who will assist the driver in

dispatching the pure water packs to our customers.

The manager and I deliberated on how to go about it.

We agreed to pay the driver 13k and the sales

Representatives 10k monthly salary when they are


A notice board was placed outside the compound

containing a vacancy for an experienced driver and a

female sales representative. Before 2pm the second

day after the notice was pasted, 3 guys applied for

the driver post and 4 young ladies came to apply for

the sales Representative position.

At 3pm, my manager was about going out and won’t

return for the day when this young lady came inside

the compound. My table is located at the entrance of

the manager’s office and the manager was already

out of the office and was about going away when

this lady called lolade approached my table.

LOLADE: hi sir ***knelt a little***

ME: hi, what can I do for you?

LOLADE: I’m here to apply for a sales representative

ME: ***faced my manger standing by my table and

almost going out**** oga, you have a guest applicant

MANAGER: onihaxy, abeg attend to her. Sebi you

know the interview process?

ME: yes sir

MANAGER: I’m late for where I’m going to, I can’t

wait anymore.

ME: ok sir, bye sir.

MANAGER: **walked away** bye.

ME: ***looked back at lolade, she is a slim girl with

an average oranges size. She isn’t too skinny by she

isn’t fat. She looked straight from her appearance

when she was coming inside, I couldn’t grade the

backside because I haven’t seen it then. she has only

one thing I dislike in her physical appearance which

is the large quantity of spots on her face. She has a

dimple and a nice set of teeth coupled with a good

smile*** hi miss ??

LOLADE: miss lolade

ME: ok miss lolade. How are you?

LOLADE: **smiled** fine sir

ME: you can have your sit **pointing at the 2 chairs

infront of my table***

LOLADE: thank you sir. **sits down**

ME: **na where I go start the interview from sef?***.

You said you are here to apply for a sales rep?

LOLADE: ***smiled again*** yes sir

ME: from the vacancy notice, you are told to come

with your application letter, original and copies of

your credentials and a copy of your CV. And the

requirement for this job is an SSCE. Hope you have

them here with you?.

LOLADE: yes sir.

ME: ok, can I have your letter first?

LOLADE: **opened a brown envelope and brought out

a letter*** here is it sir

ME: ** glanced through the letter and noticed that

she had a cool handwriting and nice construction of

sentences*** ok, what about your result?

LOLADE: **brought it out** here is it sir

ME: **glanced through it*** you failed economics but

passed account and commerce. How come?

LOLADE: I was sick on the date of economics paper

and couldn’t do it properly.

ME: sorry.

LOLADE: thanks sir

ME: what about your C.V?

LoLADE: here is it sir

ME: ***glanced through the age and noticed that she

was 18**.

your CV says you are 18. Is that true?.

LOLADE: yes sir

ME: well, you look 29 to me **smiled**

LOLADE: ***smiled also*** you are funny sir.

Gradually, the interview session turned into a gisting

and interactive session as I was throwing relevant

and irrelevant questions at her just to engage myself.

She has a good sense of humour as she was flowing

very well with me. I collected a copy of her result

and returned the original to her. I told her to go and

that she would get a call from us if we need her. She

stood up from her chair and walked about 3 steps

away from me when she turned back and asked, “Sir,

please can I have your number?”. “Why not?” I replied

as I gave her my number afterwards. I screened and

observed her ass as she was walking away from me.

I can rate the a$$ 60% sha. Not too big but looked

fitted inside her short pencil skirt. I was discouraged

by the spots on her face sha. That was why I

couldn’t think of her anymore until she called me.

“Onihaxy!!, e be like say this lolade get potential


” E be like say I go dey use this girl manage body

pending the time I go get a girl of my taste in this


Gradually, the thoughts of Bimpe was leaving my

mind and the thoughts of lolade was coming


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