Thu. Feb 13th, 2025

_____________________ Day 4(Who’s Welter?)

Bella wore the green lace,body hug gown Knight

got for her , she curled her hair down and put on

a light make up , with a green shoe Knight

brought back last-night when he was coming

back from work.

She has to look her best today , she wonders if

she looks beautiful enough, but why does she

suddenly wants to look beautiful for Knight, now

she’s going crazy she chuckled at her self in the

mirror now she’s set to go, she picked up her

green purse and head out of the room.

Knight was already there waiting for her he was

busy talking on the phone when he turned and

saw the most beautiful woman in the whole

universe walking gently down the stairs , he

couldn’t help but smile, she was looking so

beautiful and Bella smiled back at him .

Once she reached Knight, she blushed because

of the way he was looking at her, right there she

knew he liked the dress so he took her hand and

kissed the back.

” Your looking so gorgeous”, he said and she

whispered thank you , he leaned down and kissed

her lightly on the lips , then he pulled back and

wrapped his hand around her waist .

Once they got out , he threw his car keys to josh

who opened the back limo for them , him too got

in and started driving, all through out the ride he

was kissing Bella .

At a point she told him josh would hear but

knight wasn’t listening as he kept making her

moan , among all his guards josh is the one he

trusted more, josh exactly know a little of him

but not all Because he isn’t a man to discuss all

his personal issues with people right from when

he was a kid , expect his parents Mr and Mrs


They finally arrived and they both got out of the

limo, he wrapped his hand around her waist as

they head into the function, slow music is

playing once they entered Knight noticed all

men’s eyes on Bella and that got him pissed off,

now the thing is if anyone try to mess around

with him Tonight then they should get prepared

to die .

” Hay …man , you finally came”

Knight turned to see his three friends who are

like brothers to him, well they are actually,he

smiled and they hugged each other after shaking


Bella couldn’t help but feel happy that Knight

was being so cool towards this guy’s.

” So Knight who is this pretty lady beside you ?,

one asked.

Knight wrapped his hand around Bella .

” Bella I want you to meet my childhood friends

and Brothers, Dustin, Luke, and Aaron, guys she’s

Bella ” he introduced.

Bella wondered why he didn’t add fiance.

” Oh she’s the fiance right ? Dustin asked

smirking while Aaron and Luke chuckled, Bella

wondered how they knew .

” Umm, it’s nice meeting you guys ” she said

with a smile and looked at Knight who gave her

the look that they knew .

” Sorry Bella but knight here is our brother, his

told us about you alot ” Luke said and Bella


” And to be sincere, you look more beautiful than

he described” Aaron said and she blushed.

” Thanks so much ” she said with a smile .

” Drink please” Dustin called on the waiter and

they all picked a drink .

” Knight do you know the welter is here ? Luke

said and that Moment Knight eyes turned red as

his jaw was clenched, Bella seeing his sudden

change of face wonder who welter was .

” Who’s Welter ? She asked they all looked at

her but said nothing.

” Is it only him? Knight asked .

” Probably came with his mistress ” Dustin said

with a smirk .

” Bella stay right here I will be right back ” Knight

said and gestured for his brothers to follow him,

Bella watched as they went away and she

signed, well she can’t be standing all alone so

she found a place to seat.

Soon, she saw a lady coming towards her and

sat at the empty seat Infront of her , Bella was

confused why the blonde was smiling at her , she

was holding a drink too.

” Having fun with Knight Houston? She asked

and Bella got more confused, who was this lady

and how does she know she’s with Knight?

” Who are you ? Bella asked the lady smirked.

“Well, am Rose, Knights ex ” she said with a

smirk and Bella knew then that this Rose girl is

knights ex girlfriend.

” Oh,! That was all she said .

” I can see he found another whore ” Rose said

and Bella felt like crying.

” So tell me, how much is he paying you ? Rose

asked .

Bella wanted to answer her and tell her to get

lost when she saw Knight behind Rose with a red

face , his brothers too where looking the same ,

she got up and Rose try to stop her .

“, You bitch answer me, oh can’t you talk

anymore? Rose asked , and Bella looked at

Knight who still stood watching them but Rose

didn’t notice.

” Um… please excuse me” Bella try to by pass

her but Rose grabbed her hand .

” When I ask a question I need you to answer

me” Rose said in a hard tone.

” You heard my fiance right , you should excuse

her ” Rose heard Knights voice from behind, and

turned to look at him .

” Oh, hello Knight, it’s been a while” Rose said

moving s£xily towards him as Bella just looked at

them .

” You know you shouldn’t be here Rose, your

presence is sucking out the life in us” Dustin

said in a Hard tone which made the others


” Well am not here for any of you I only want to

have a word with Knight” Rose said going to

touch him but knight pulled her hands off him ,

he passed her and went to Bella .

” Let’s go seat with the others , the prize prime

is about to start ” he said and Bella nodded, he

wrapped his hand around her waist and they

passed Rose who stood so angry .

The brothers laughed.

” You can find a guy who’s ready to dig into your

cheap hole whore” Dustin said to her and the

rest laughed, Rose eyes turned red , they waved

her bye and left .

After the prize giving, they started to bid on

items , and there is this beautiful gold necklace

brought out to be bid on, Bella immediately likes

it and wish she could have it , people start to bid

from thousands to hundred thousands and her

eyes widen , just for a necklace?

Knight saw that Bella’s eyes had been on the

necklace for long so he asked her .

” Do you want it?

Bella looked at him wondering if she heard well,

and why would he buy such an expensive

necklace for her his s£x slave?

” Umm, it’s beautiful but …..

” 200 hundred thousand” he yelled and everyone

turned to look at him .

Bella was taking aback what, is he mad to bid

that much ?

” 300 Hundred thousand” a man shouted and

everyone gasped, Knight turned to the voice and

his eyes turned red when he saw the old fool

which called himself Simon Welter smirking at

him, his mistress Ragina Hanged sat beside him

touching him , Knights eyes blazed with fury as

he tries to control his self , Bella watched them

as they exchanged looks .

” Knight please let it go , you don’t need to …

” 500 hundred thousand”Knight called and

everyone cheered.bella gasped.

“800 hundred thousand” welter shouted .

Knight fist clenched.

” Just hit it Knight, the old fool is just trying to

piss you off ” Luke said from behind.

” 1 million ” knight yelled

“2 million ” welter called.

“3 million ” Knight called .

“5 million” welter called with a smirk, and the

crowd was just cheering and gasping in shock,

Knight was so angry Bella couldn’t help but

watch the two men fighting for a necklace.

“5 hundred million dollars” knight yelled and all

the crowd drop dead in silence, this time around

welter was looking so furious, Bella thought she

didn’t hear well, 5 hundred million for the

necklace, and his still going to pay her 3 million

for her service with him once 10 days is over ,

and spent 5 hundred million just to get the

necklace for her? Wow!! That is times maybe 10

of her payment.

The necklace was announced that Knight won it,

he was giving it and he smiled at Bella .

” It’s for you now love ” he said and Bella smiled

then turned her back as he placed it on her neck


Bella touched the beautiful necklace , She was

wearing and smiled as Knight kissed her

forehead his brothers cheered from behind.

After the night is over , Bella and Knight got into

his limo, Bella so badly wanted to ask him his

relationship with the old man named welter , the

way they looked at each other was really bad,

and she feels there’s something between the old

man and Knight, Mr welter probably looked in his

early 50ties and Knight in his late20s so how

can they both hate each other so much .

She badly wanted to ask .

When they reach home Knight wasted no time in

making love to Bella , and after that instead of

him to leave her like he always does , he pulled

her closer and cuddle her with her head on his

chest .

Bella was so surprised at Knights sudden

attitude towards her, but she really liked it , but

yet why does she feel his so lonely? Even when

she’s meet his brothers, if he has a family then

why is he still lonely? She was so confused, untill

she fell asleep in Knights arms .


How do you see this chapter?

What relationship do you think welter and Knight

share that he becomes so furious mere looking

at him …



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