Wed. Feb 5th, 2025

_______________ day 8 ( It’s All Over)

” I want to see the evidence first ” welter said

glaring at Knight who had asked of the company

papers, they are both seated talking like their

having a business meeting

” Why not sign the company papers first” Knight

said .

” Why don’t I see the evidence first?, to be sure

you aint playing a fast one on me” Welter said

giving Knight the most hardest look ever .

Knight reached into the bag he brought and

brought out some papers, he was smart enough

not to bring the video Ragina had given to him.

” Here are the evidence, but untill you sign the

company papers,then I’d give it to you ” Knight


Welter was so pissed off he looked up at Ragina

who whispered something in his ear .

” Okay , I will sign it ” welter said and took the

company papers and Ragina gave him a pen as

he sighed them all , Knight watched as he sighed

them as if it was nothing to him, well they will

see Who’s smart today .

Once welter finished, he looked up at Knight and

held the papers up.

” It’s signed, now hand over the evidence” welter

said .

Knight drop the paper’s on the little table in front

of them but put his hand on it and gave welter a

hard look.

” I want the company papers in my hand , so

give it ” he said , welter scoffed and dropped

them on the table, Knight smirked it seems their

plan is working, Ragina winked Knight who

smiled .

“Fine, so I guess we settled the drama, I hope

you don’t come threaten me ever again ,

because I might kill you ” welter said and Knight


” But anyways, since the business went so well,

how about we toast to success ? Welter asked

smirking Evily , Knight smirked back Evily .

” Why not I will love that ” Knight replied.

Welter looked over at Ragina .

” Baby , get us drink ” welter said giving Ragina

a secret smile who winked him and turned

seductively walking away , welter looked at

Ragina’s ass and licks his lips.

” Can’t wait to f**k that ass ” he mumbled, and

Knight cringed at his disgusting word , this old

man sure doesn’t have shame, he hasn’t

changed one bit.well today is his last day to f**k

anybody as he says .

” So Knight, are you going to keep pretending you

don’t know me ?that we haven’t met before even

before now , really, still pretending?” Welter

asked smirking , Knight stared at the old pig

which supposed to be his father and smirked,

just want he wants.

He looked around and his eyes caught Dustin

who gave him thumbs, his holding a camera in

his hand as planned, Knight looked back at

welter and smirked.

“So Surprising” Knight gave a short mockery

laugh as welter gave him a scornful look ” I

thought you would be fooled for ever, it’s a good

thing you figured it out , but it seems it took you

too long to figure it all out , am glad you do now,

so tell me , who helped you to figure it out? ”

Knight asked with a smirk across his face as

they both glared at each other .

At the other side:

Ragina walked into where Bella was kept, the

moment Bella saw her she wants to badly ask

her what happened, Ragina smiled and remove

the cloth from her mouth , then started untying

her hands .

” So your Really on our side ? Bella asked .

” I have no choice, we want the same thing, now

you have to follow me we need to do something”

Ragina said untying her legs .

Once she was done , she told Bella to follow her

up and she did, they got to another room and

Ragina opened something like a fridge.

” A fridge in this kind of place? Bella asked not

understanding, Ragina smirked and brought out a

bottle of wine and two glasses.

” Who are does for? Bella asked looking at

Ragina suspiciously.

” For your boyfriend and his dear father of

course” she answered.

” But how is it possible, Knight doesn’t even like

that man, talk more of sitting and drinking

together, this isn’t proper” Bella said really

confused to know what’s happening.

Ragina opened the wine and poured it into the

glasses, then opened her front dress and brought

out something wrapped in a little box .

” What are you doing? Bella asked .

” Planning to make it easy ” Ragina said putting

the white content into one of the glasses Bella

watched her shocked.

” Who are you trying to poison? Bella asked.

Ragina smiled closed the box and put it back into

her dress .

” Should I say your boyfriend? She asked and

Bella gasped.

” I won’t let him drink it” Bella said glaring at her

Ragina smirked.

” Oh darling, he won’t drink it but his father will ”

Ragina gave her a wink.

” Your trying to kill Mr welter , then you can

blame it on Knight , how could you think that , I

won’t let you ” Bella try not to yell.

Ragina picked the two glasses in her hand and

kissed Bella’s cheek .

” Now, I want you to know welter asked me to do

this , but at end he will drink of this ,but I will

give it to your boyfriend, you don’t need to worry

, he won’t drink it but welter will” Ragina said .

Bella still didn’t trust her .

“Am coming with you , I need to see for my self ”

Bella said.

” Oh, you must really love your boyfriend so

much , no problem you follow me out but hide

behind when I go give them , make sure you

don’t jump out to raise suspicious” Ragina said

and Bella. Nodded , Ragina smirked and walked

out of the room as Bella followed behind to see

what will happen.

Welter was giving Knight a hard look and Knight

was boiling with anger trying not to ripe the old

man’s neck already, Ragina came with the drinks

, and as she dropped them, she gave the poison

one too Knight and gave him a secret look to

know what to do, she has to do it like that

because welter is a very smart man who knows

when something is wrong, so it’s up to Knight to

follow the plan smoothly.

” Here is the drink , why don’t we toast ” welter

picked up his glass after toasting he took a sip

of his own , but knight did as if he sipped his

using his long finger to cover the mouth of the

glass making it look as if he drank, welter


” So you remembered all this while but you

pretended? Welter asked Knight didn’t say

anything but thinking of how to exchange the

drink , if welter talks too much, he wouldn’t know

when he will exchange it, then when he picks it

up he won’t bother looking at the glass before

drinking it.

” I must really say, you’ve grown so big, but too

bad you aint tough or smart” he said as he

dropped his drink on the table, Knight did the

Same , Ragina suddenly screamed from behind

welter quickly turned to her .

” Baby what happened? He asked .

Ragina smiled .

” I think the hills ” she said and smirked as

Knight already changed them .

” Umm it’s okay , am okay “, she stood straight

and welter nodded and turned back to Knight

who was glaring at him.

“Yeah so, how has the business world transform

you so fast Knight? Welter asked .

” I wouldn’t want to share my business life with

you and you know it” Knight replied and welter

picked his glass and took a big gulp making

Knight smirked harder ,he took his and sip a little

so welter doesn’t get suspicious.

” I thought the father has to know about the son?

you know what I mean right ?, Father and son

bonding” He smirked , and Knight raised an


” Your not my father and will never be and

bonding you say? ” He laughed ” so funny ”

Knight replied.

” The fact still state it, even though it disgust me

to think you are my son as claimed, now you

think you can trick me into signing my company

papers to you ,what evidence do you have now

to put me in jail, I already took them ,and the

Company papers your with is fake ” welter said

he smirked Evily.

Knight got angry checking the papers.

” Oh sorry , do you think you can out smart me,

no one deals with me and go score free, am a

man of my word and you will end up just like

your slut of a mother, it was so easily putting a

end to her life , so it’s more easier putting an

end to yours ” welter said in a hard tone the evil

in his eyes shining so bright, Knight clenched his

fist and try to control himself.

” Shouldn’t you be saying that to your self, how

your going to end yourself like my mother ”

Knight smirked and Welters eyes widen as he

started feeling hot in his stomach.

” What the hell…d_did you do ? Welter try to

control his hot stomach as he was already

struggling on the seat .

” Should I say I kind of exchange the drinks ?

ah….it was easy to kill my mother , but it’s more

easier killing yourself right ?” Knight asked


Ragina went to stand beside Knight and smirked,

Knight was busy smiling.

” Ra_gi_na , h_how c_could y_you , you be-tray

m_me” welter said with a clenched teeth as he

sends daggers to Ragina who was still smirking.

By this time Bella ran out and Knight hugged her


” Oh thank goodness nothing happened to you ”

Bella said as Knight held her to him and kissed

her long on hard on the lips then faced his father

who is on the floor already.

“You killed my mother , and thought you could go

score free, that is the most stupid thing you ever

thought of father” he mocked .

” His greatest mistake was not killing you knight,

your father sure has a thing” Ragina said and

Bella looked at her the woman is so hard to

figure out .

” I….I tru_sted you Ra_gina ” welter said .

” That’s one thing you should never do easily,

trust! Because your going to get stab … before

you realize it” Ragina said, welter was still

struggling as he looked at Knight with so much


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” I killed your mother because she was such a

bitch , lying to me that your my son when we did

it only once ” he yelled .

” And you think once couldn’t get a woman

pregnant? Knight yelled “ahh….. he doesn’t

know” Knight chuckled unbelievably,Welter

remained quite, he wonders where his bloody

body guard are , why aint there any one ?

” Are you looking for your bodyguards? Ragina

smirked.” I think the coups has already taken

care of them , you don’t need to worry much ”

she said and Welters eyes widen .

” You both tricked me ” he yelled ” just

remember that if I die, you two will be locked up

” welter said as his eyes began blurring.

Ragina walked towards him and bend down to

look at his face.

” Don’t worry love, it’s only a sleeping tablet,it

will just burn you a little like you will die,but u

won’t, once you wake up , you will be in jail with

your other friends” Ragina said touching his hair


” Get your hands of me bitch ” welter yelled

Ragina chuckled.

Knight walked to welter and picked him up by

the collar, he was already weak and about to

close his eyes .

” I’ve been wanting to do this ” Knight said and

punched him hard on the face .

” That’s for my mother ”

“For me” punch.

“For everything” punch.

Bella pulled him away as Welters faces was

already bloody , this time around the police

already came in with Knights brother’s.

Welter was already lossing consciousness as the

police went to pick him up .

” One more thing, I changed the company

papers, so sorry welter you signed the original

one ” Ragina said looking at welter with a smile ,

he tries to say something but blacked out .

Knight had a word with the police and Dustin

handed the inspector the recording, they bide

goodbye and left , the three body guards were

already arrested .

” Thank you so much Ragina,am really greatful,

you should have the company papers,i don’t

need them ” Knight said and Ragina smiled.

” I don’t need anything, and I didn’t do this for

you , I did it for myself, go ok keep the papers

it’s useless to me ” Ragina said picking her

jacket from the chair and wore it , they all

looked at her .

” But you need it ” Knight said .

” You can trow them away, I don’t need it ” she

wore her dark sunglasses and kissed Knights

cheek and blew them a kiss.

” I will see you when next I see you ” she winked

and cat walk away , they all looked at each other

confused untill Ragina was gone, the woman

looked like a Mistry.

” The woman is strange” Dustin murmured.

” I thought I was the only one to observe” Bella


” Who wouldn’t want to own a big company, she

just tossed it away like that ? Luke asked


“Well she’s really kind of acting corny at first I

thought she was going to trick us, damn she’s a

good actress, she reminds me alot of Angelina

Jolie” Aaron said Making them laughed.

“That’s true, maybe they are related, ” Luke

agreed Making them laugh.

“You idiot’s her surname is Hanged not Jolie ”

Dustin rolled his eyes at his brothers who


“Ah….she’s too hard to figure out ” Luke said

“Am glad everything went well , All that matters

now is its all over ” Bella said with a smile .

And they all turned to her she raised an eyebrow

but knight pulled her and hugged her tight, She

was taking by surprise.



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