Thu. Mar 6th, 2025



I was enjoying myself alone in my house when I suddenly heard visitors bell repeatedly sounding.


If this is John or James ,I’m not allowing them in but it will be reasonable to just check.


I stood and went to the door. I peeped and saw cops instead.


Cops? What do they want with me?


I opened the door and saw James with the cops.


“Hi Mrs. Loveth” The cops greeted.




“We are here on behalf of Mr. James. He had said he borrowed you a very exorbitant car and gave you the photocopy of the car’s document. He presented the original to us and he wants us to get it back for him” one of the cops said.


The words came as the greatest shock of my life. My mouth dropped as I set my gaze at James.




“James , are you collecting the car you gifted me?” I asked to be sure.


“Collecting my car that I borrowed you” He said and furrowed his brow.


“Can we have the keys to the car ma’am?” The cops asked and I turned and went inside to pick the keys to the car.


I handed over the key to them and they stepped inside the car together with James and drove off.


Oh my days!


So he had the original document with him and he had only given me the photocopy?


Men are so cruel. He had collected my dream car back. I bite my lips painfully and swore not to ever pick his calls again.



He has made the greatest mistake of my life and I’ll teach him lessons.


John can always buy me another car.


I said and while I was dragging my foot still struggling to bring myself together from what had just happened , I heard the visitors bell again.


Who is it again?


I went to the door and this time opened it wide without peeking to see who It is.


I was stunned on seeing Donald with two men in suit.


“I’m Barrister Joe and with me here is?” One of the men in suit gestured for his colleague to introduce who he is.


“Barrister Charles ”


What in the world are these ones up to again. It better not be what I’m thinking.


“Mrs Loveth. John wants you to evacuate his house in twenty four hours ” The barrister at the right said.


“Sorry! This is my house ” I said and the barrister that just spoke smiled and brought out a document from his box.


“This is the original and sealed document of the house. We do not want to force you to evacuate. Please leave ” The lawyer said and I furrowed my brow.




“John” I called his name in astonishment


“Don’t call me. I do not want to meet you here in twenty four hours. Return the key to the federal agent at Minnesota ” He said and walked away and the barrister followed behind.

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