Mon. Mar 3rd, 2025








“I.. I don’t understand, why?” I asked, Mr Zachary.


“do you like it or not” he asked.


“I like it but, sir, I still don’t understand” I replied truthfully.


“well to be sincere I had a peek in your idea book don’t be offended” he said. seriously he was way too nice for a boss.My old boss was oh God, I can’t even describe that monster.


“I’m not ” I said and he smiled.


“so I thought I’d buy it for you” he said and rubbed his neck Wait.



“You’re not going to deduct the amount of the car from my salary right!! ” I said in anticipation feeling a little paranoid.


“No.. Not at all, your modeling money and salary stays the same” he Said and I breathed a sigh of relief..


Wow.. Do mr Zach likes me or something.


“so what do you think ?” he asked.


“it’s great. ” I replied.


He nodded and smiled .


“so do you accept it, well there’s no need of saying no because you’re already with the key.” he said but I just stare at him instead.




“yes I do accept but please may I ask again, why” I said and he sighed..


“well my birthday will be coming up in a week, so I decided to celebrate early by giving the people around me gifts, cause I don’t like collecting from others, so don’t see it as something new” he replied. “thank you” I said softly and lowly..


“oh.. It was nothing now get ready, the cameras are begging to see you” he said and I laughed and he joined me. I did the photo shoots and Mr Zachary just couldn’t stop complimenting me on how great i was.. And I was glad.




After doing some research on what


Zachary said I should do, it was time to eat and I gladly closed the laptop I was using. I was about to stand up when Mr Zachary stopped me.


“wait.. How about we eat lunch together ” he said and gosh I wanted to say no like really badly because what would people think seeing us together.. But he’s the boss..


“sure.. ” I said and faked a smile.


He shoved the book in his drawer and walked up to me. We headed to the cafeteria together.


I bought my food and he bought his. We sat at the same table and believe me I was definitely uncomfortable, because the amount of eyes staring at us was definitely unbearable..



“just ignore them” Zachary laughed after noticing me. Behind Zachary but faraway, was Owen he waved at me and I smiled and waved back, Zachary turned to look at the person I was waving to and found Owen. Owen quickly looked away,stood up and left .I really felt bad for him.


“so it seems like Owen likes you?” Zachary kind of questioned me.


“Maybe.. I don’t know.. I like Owen too he’s nice” I said and stabbed my broccoli with my fork and brought it to my mouth. when I looked up, Zachary was looking at me awkwardly, I swallowed my saliva and tilted my head, “so you like Owen too right” he asked and I nodded.


“But just as a friend. Don’t take it the wrong way.” I was quick to add.


“okay… ” He said and took a sip of his water before eating. we finished our food silently. He then spoke,


“Sarah I have to tell you something ”




“You can go on” I encouraged him.


He looked around and then brought his gaze back to me then sighed , “This ain’t the right moment, maybe later.. ” he said and I nodded.


After eating Zachary said I should get back to the office alone that he’ll be back later, and I did.. When I sat down on my chair the memory of the BMW he bought for me flashed in my mind and I smiled. I quickly took out my idea book and placed a heart on my shapeless car, and writing came true, at the bottom, immediately I closed it (the book). the door flew open And Owen walked in with some written documents in his hands..


“hey… ” he said and closed the door,


“I thought I was going to find Zachary but found you, so would you tell him I dropped this” he said and passed the files to me. “sure” I smiled and collected it.


“um so.. Still I don’t get it yet, but seriously is anything going in between you and Zachary ” he asked.


“No,For Christ sake, Owen you’ve asked me before ” I said lowly.


“I.. Know.. But why were you guys eating lunch together, I thought it was supposed to be me ” he said.


“I know, I couldn’t say no when he asked me to, trust me I would have did if I could but he’s the boss” I said and Owen sighed..



“Yesterday, Zachary asked me about the kind of relationship I had with you and I said we were just friends and he said we should better just stay friends. ” “why would he ask that ?” I inquired.


“I don’t know, ” Owen replied and held his bottom lip between his teeth..


“And the strangest Part today is he bought me a car” I said and Owen eyes grew




“a car?


“yes a BMW, it’s outside I don’t know why exactly, he claimed his birthday’s coming up that’s why he bought it for me. He loves giving out gifts before his birthday.” I said and rolled my ball pen between my fingers..


“what? We’re In May, and his birthday is yet to approach, it’s December 1st that is when he has a birthday” Owen yanked and my mouth flew open in surprise. I’m confused


“He may be trying to get something from you” Owen explained.


I was about to reply when Zachary entered inside.


“what are you doing here ?” Zachary asked Owen.


But Owen didn’t give him a reply instead he just turned to me and muttered, ” be careful” and then walked out.


Zachary seemed pissed off that Owen snubbed him. He was about to go out maybe to deal with Owen or something but I called..


“sir,.. He came here actually to drop this ” I said and pointed to the files, he nodded and closed the door..


“what was he doing here aside from delivering those files” Zachary asked


“he was Just here to …to.. He is actually disappointed because I promised to eat


lunch with him today but ended up eating with you” I explained and he looked a bit


angry.. But still controlled his temper for a reason I don’t know and he started


working.. .



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Work was over that day and Zachary didn’t tell me goodbye or goodnight like


before he just faced his work while I carried my bag and headed home In my new

















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