Thu. Jul 25th, 2024













Warning: Strong Sexual content ahead. Please feel free to skip if you do not like reading explicit stuff


Veronica walked into her room after a long day at work and switched on the lights. She flinched in fear when she saw William sitting on a sofa in my room with a wine glass in his hand.


“William you scared me what are you doing here?” She asked as she dropped her bag on the table and rested on the table


“I told you I will be here every night” he stood on his feet and walked close to her “since I am not allowed to see you in daylight” William slowly used his hand to brush her hair off her face “I am sure seeing you in the night is fine for me”


Veronica Chuckled “William have you been drinking?”


“But I am not drunk,” he said as he placed his hand on the table blocking her sides and making her stand between him and the table


“William had a long day at work…I am a little tired”


“Take them off”




“Your clothes, take them off,” he said with a very commanding tone while Veronica smiled and slowly took off her black coat, she grabbed on to the thin strap of her green dress as she pulled it off her shoulder making it fall leaving her with just her bra and panties on.



William placed his hand on her tiny waist as he slowly moves it up till his hand reached for her bra and unhooked it.


“I am going to do something to you now,” he said as he removed her bra and threw it aside “you not allowed to cum” he said while Veronica gulped


“But William I….” William spun her around and made her bend over on the table


“William I” Veronica tried to stand up straight but he placed his hand on her back holding her down.




“Is it going to hurt this time”


“Did it feel good the first time?” William asked as he went down on his knees with her still bent over on the table


“I really can’t explain it, some part of me wants it so bad, I didn’t want it to stop, but the other part could not ignore the pain”


William dipped his finger in her panties as he gently pulled it down giving him a perfect view of her p**y


“William What are you going to do”


“Why don’t you find out ” he slowly kissed her legs while Veronica inhaled deeply and closed her eyes. The feelings she got from that little kiss on her leg was incredible.


His planted another kiss on her the thigh, as he went up and kissed her gently on her butt while Veronica closed her eyes


“Everything about you is so perfect”


“William you…”



William stood on his feet and said ” remain in that position” he opened the wardrobe door as he grabbed something that looks like handcuffs and walked towards her


“Bondage cuffs,” she said as she looked at the leather handcuff padded with fake fur, unlike real handcuffs, this can’t hurt her wrist. “You into BDSM?” she asked while William smirked


“Not exactly” he put the cuffs on her wrist and attached the chains to the table preventing her from moving


“Then you have this cuffs why?”Recommend you to read more interesting and erotic stories from



“So I can do things I want to do to you without having you stop me,” he said as he grabbed her by the butt


“So you not into BDSM?”


“I was, but that was a long time ago”


“What made you change?”


“I guess I got tired of that when I met you, I never wanted to be a Dominant, I never wanted you to be my submissive. I don’t want pains for you, I do not want you to be tortured, I do not want to hit you just because I derive pleasure from doing that to women”


“You know I am not into stuff like that right, but if it makes you….”


“I am the one allowed to make sacrifices for you, not the other way round,” he said as he went on his knees again and placed his hand on her butt getting a clear view of her p**sy ” Why are you wet for me already,” he asked as he slowly dipped his finger in her while rubbing her cl*t lightly with his thumb


“Oh f” k William” Veronica bit her lower lip and placed her head on the table she was currently Bent over on and chained to.



He stopped whatever he was doing with his finger as he pulled it out her wet dripping hole.


“I want to kiss you here as I said earlier you are not allowed to cum till you beg for it”


“I don’t think there will be a need to beg” William smiled lightly and Veronica mentally screamed when she felt Williams warm lips on her p..y


“Arghhhhhhhhhhhh shit, William What are you doing?,” She asked as she bit her lower lips in pleasure “, don’t stop what you are doing right now” she pulled at the handcuffs but she couldn’t get herself Free. It was really frustrating, all this immense pleasure and she is not allowed to cum and to make matters worse, she can’t even stop him since she is chained to a table.


“Oh sh***t” She tightened her fist as she wiggled her legs


“Hold still,” William said while Veronica inhaled deeply and tried to control herself. William stopped whatever he was doing with his tongue as he used his finger to pleasure her again.


“William please just let me do this, I can’t take it anymore”


“Where do you want me to take you, here or on the bed”


“Uh?” Veronica blinked abruptly and said “do it here and right now”


William smirked as he hit her butt lightly while Veronica smirked


“The last time I didn’t go in deep, I have a feeling it won’t be the same”


“I think I can handle it”


“Okay” Veronica blinked abruptly when she heard the sounds of trousers unzipping and gasped when she felt something hard against her v***na “try to be a little gentle”



“Okay,” he said as he slowly slides into her tight walls while Veronica moaned in pleasure. It still hurts a little but didn’t hurt like it did the last time. Her body was finally adjusting to his Size as she moaned loudly while William slid in and out of her


“William.. ohhhhhh shit” she moaned as she bit her lower lips


“Keep it down you do not want to wake the neighbors” William teased while Veronica pulled at the cuffs


“You think I give a f**k about them right now?” She asked while William slowly increases his pace making the sound of moans and skin slapping against skin filled the room.


“I am going to cum William”


“Do it, now” he said as he increases his pace and in the process, Veronica released herself and not too long after she felt something warm explode into her as Williams slows down and pulled out as he slowly uncuffs her and made her stand up straight.


“Please do not tell me we are done for the night,” Veronica said between her breathes


“Do not be ridiculous” he kissed her gently on her neck” the night is still young” he lifted her in his arms as he placed her on the bed


“It going to be a long night”




Veronica slowly opened her eyes the next morning and smiled lightly when she saw Williams looking at her


“You, why are you staring at me like that?” She asked with a smile on her face


“Nothing, it just makes me feel good to watch you sleep”






She rubbed her eyes and asked “what time is it”


“7:53 am”


“Oh no” she sat up straight and looks at William “I am going to be late for work”


“I still do not know why you are so interested in this job, I am pretty sure I can afford your daily needs” he stood on his feet and brought something out of his wallet and gave it to her


“An American Express Centurion credit card, what do I need this for?”


“It’s yours, whenever you need money”


“I do not want this”


“You want a normal credit card then, I will give that to you”


“No, I do not want credit cards at all. First an American centurion, no one will believe me if I tell them I am an ordinary waitress when they see me with a card like that”


“But you are my wife, you are not an ordinary waitress”


“I know but no ones knows that, I remembered the last time I told my friend at work that you are my husband, she laughed at me”


“Why did she do that?”


“Because you and I are from different worlds. I am a nobody, you are William Morgan and, I don’t know it just gets really funny to people whenever I tell them that you are my husband”



William inhaled deeply and looked in her eye ” I am willing to tell the media and everyone else that you are my wife, but it seems you do not want that”


“You can’t do that William, remember my deal with Catherine” she stood on her feet and grabbed a towel from the closet and wrapped it around her body.


“I don’t need your money, I am not a gold digger”


“I know you not, but you still my wife”


“I know I am, but still can’t accept this” she walked into the bathroom and closed the door behind her while William sighed.




Veronica walked into the restaurants and was shocked get see Kyle


“Kyle” she called his name while he turned to face her.


“Chelsea, you are a bit late today,” he said with a smile on his face while Veronica smiled, walked towards him, and hugged him.


“I miss you so much, how have you been?”


“Miss you too Chelsea, I needed a break so I went to see my family in New York”


“Please call me Veronica now” Kyle’s expression immediately changed as he stares at her. Do you remember?


“Yes, I do. I am still a bit confused though, why didn’t you tell me?”




“That you are my childhood best friend, my Kyle”


“Helping you remember the past will have a negative effect on you”



“I understand,” Veronica said with a smile on her face “we have a lot of catching up to do, don’t you think so?”


“Actually I do”




Linda walked into Veronica’s restaurant a few hours later to talk to her about something important.



She bumped into someone who accidentally poured water on her coat .



“I am so sorry” Kyle apologized as he dropped the water on a table and wanted to help clean her clothes


“Just leave it, do you know how much this coat cost. This Is a BRUNELLO CUCINELLI, you have no idea how expensive this Cheap you”


“Hello Miss, you have no right to just walk in here and talk to me anyhow.. I already apologized, what is your problem”


“How dare you” she said as she lifted her head and her heart almost stopped for a moment when she looked in his eyes. He was extremely handsome, no doubt. But that doesn’t mean she will not give him a piece of her mind


“Where is the manager, I demand to see the manager right now”


“I know you” he dipped his hand in his pocket “are you not that actress”


“That actress, I am not just ” that actress” I am America’s sweetheart. I earn over millions in just a day, how much do you get paid by being a shabby waiter ”


“Okay, please leave now”


“You have no right to tell me to leave, will report you to the manager and you will get fired..i want to see the manager and my friend Veronica ”


“Sir, Linda.. What going on and Linda why are you here?”



“I came to see you and this waiter spilled water on me. Do you know how much my coat cost and why the hell are you referring to me as sir ”


“Linda he is not a waiter, he is my boss. The owner of this restaurant”


“Last time I checked, this is a five star restaurants, how can someone like him own this place and why will the owner work as a waiter”


“Because I enjoy working with my employees, I don’t do this all the time, but I do it sometimes okay, I enjoy doing this”


“Oh I see” Linda said as she lowered her head “it still doesn’t change the fact that you an ass and you ruined my Coat”


“Linda!” Veronica called


“An ass seriously? How much is that ugly coat?”


“Ugly? This is a ten thousand € coat how dare you call it ugly”


“Bella, get her account details and have ten thousand € sent to her to get a new and extra five thousand to wash the old one…i hate being screamed at by brats” he said to his P.A as he walked away


“Brat seriously? Can you hear that Veronica” Linda asked Veronica who rolled her eyes and smiled lightly









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