Fri. Oct 18th, 2024

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****EPISODE 1****


The sun smiled pleasantly at the large spaced and brightly decorated garden of Queens Hotel which was being used as the reception venue for the wedding of Jide and Daisy, the atmosphere was cheerful as would a wedding, and the couples were beautifully dressed in their wedding apparel, Daisy was looking more beautiful than she had ever Imagined herself, and Jide, who, though seem to have a frown etched on his face


did not look any less as they sat in the special table meant for the bride and groom. Nobody would ever have imagined that behind all that facade lie two


hearts burning with anger and fear; while anger burned brightly in Jide’s being, fear of the unknown stationed itself in Daisy’s heart.


They were trying their best to put up appearances for their guests.


Although Jide was struggling with that part.


It was however, all Daisy could do whether she preferred to or not, she


had to make her step-mum see how happy she was and relay the information to her dad who had sworn never to step foot in her wedding.


Her stepmother was the only family who had come to celebrate with her, her step-siblings couldn’t care less and it took all the will power she



had to plead with Uncle Tobechi to come give her away in marriage, After which he left.


Her uncle had initially disagreed and termed it a ‘taboo’ for him to give Her away in marriage when her dad was still


alive, but then Dad had vehemently opposed the union, so, expecting him to give her away was like expecting the moon for breakfasts!


But the wedding had to go on, not even the insanity of it had deterred her, yes insanity it was, getting married to a man who she hardly knew and who hardly knew her in this 21st century with all her education and exposure was madness impersonified!


But as they say, it’s too late to turn back the hands of time.


The ”I do’s” have already being said some hours ago at ‘Love Word Assembly,’ they were now man and wife before God and before all these guests gathered comprising people mainly from Jide’s side – his colleagues at


work, his family, his friends and also friends of his friends. The number of people who knew Daisy, even slightly were not up to ten and that had made her feel scared and lost as if on an island, her stepmother’s presence couldn’t even quell the feeling. It was so bad


that even the bridesmaid who was dabbing away at her face trying to make her look splendid every now and then was scarcely known to her, she is a friend of Jide’s sister whom Jide’s Grandmother had chosen because, according to her, she complemented Daisy just perfectly.


She however braced herself to go through the ordeal she put herself in


for she couldn’t abandon herself. And now, more than ever, she missed her mum.


‘Its time now for the bride and groom to cut the wedding cake, but before that, I would like to call on Miss Sarah Adams to come tell us the make up of this cake and its significance to our lovely couples here’ the M.C cheerfully announced.Stories from Topster–stories


Amidst clapping, the said Sarah Adams walked elegantly to the stage, collected the Mic and started speaking:


‘Well, on behalf of Sarah’s Bridals, i am glad to tell you that…’


But Jide wasn’t listening. He had constantly checked the watch seated on his left hand and at other times checked the ‘order of programme’ that was placed on their table. He was checking it again and was visibly restless.


‘Just Number five?’ he muttered angrily to himself.



‘And what is this silly lady yarning on about?’ he added while scanning the crowd looking for none in particular. His eyes had continuously roamed everywhere but on the lovely woman seated by his side, he felt that the more he forced himself to ignore her, the more he could cope with the whole nightmare.


‘I need to visit the gents’ he whispered to his friend Ade, seated by his side, Ade was his best man.


‘Come again’ Ade replied while his eyes focused on Sarah Adams and ears attuned to her speech.


‘Men f–k this! I need to visit the gents’ Jide cursed silently, making a move to stand up.


Immediately, his friend held him back.


‘What’s the problem with you man?’ Ade asked now shifting attention to him ‘I wanna ease myself’ he muttered under his breath


‘No way that happening cos its time to go cut the cake made with honey, love and bliss’ he replied sarcastically, and joined in the clapping by the audience.


‘You have my permission to cut it, that’s why you are my best man’ Jide said standing up. Just then Daisy stood up, her countenance cheerful though she had heard the last part of their discussion. In between Miss Sarah’s speech, Daisy had wished that the honey professed by Sarah as a significance of sugar to their marriage, would really sweeten the life that lay ahead of her, even more, sweeten the attitude of Jide here, even for an hour.


‘Well, that’s why we also have the groom’ Ade replied him later as they were walking to the stage.



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