Fri. Mar 7th, 2025

Episode 16


Written by Oluwatosin Odebiyi


I threw a suspicious look at Jude as his eyes firmly rested on the picture of the young lady on my computer. I knew many silly ideas would be in his head that moment, and it was something I was so afraid of.


‘’listen Jude, I showed you this picture because I want you to know that I’m very much on your side. So please let me handle the case and don’t go trying to act the hero by confronting her. We clearly have nothing yet on her except the fact that she was probably the last person with your father before his death’’ I said to him, tapping his shoulder. He breathed deeply and faced me.


‘’okay I trust you on this. Please just act fast. Don’t let her get away’’ he muttered with a sad tone while I nodded with a smile to assure him.




Jude left few minutes later, looking so distraught and colored up. I really understood what he was feeling that moment but had no remedy for it. I had to let



him go because he was a man and had to live with challenges. My only prayer was for him not to spoil things by trying to confront Jessica on his own.




An hour after Jude left, I called Jessica with the intention of booking an appointment with her but unfortunately she told me she wasn’t in town.


‘’let’s meet Friday morning at my office. My office address is on the card I gave you’’ she replied with her soft voice.




On Friday morning, I landed at Jessica’s office very determined. I had many days to plan ahead and I was just prepared and a bit shaky like an upcoming actor about facing the camera for the first time.


Her office was along Wethral road and really was bigger and well organized than I expected it to be. She had two secretaries and an assistant who took my details before ushering me into the main office where I saw her engaged with her computer.


She smiled on seeing me, taking off her eye glass instantly. I smiled back and settled down on an empty chair facing her.


‘’hmmmm I’m really impressed. I wasn’t expecting an office like this. You are doing great for a girl your age’’ I dutifully complimented her. She blushed and rolled her eyes.


‘’in my line of business, everything must be polished and presentable’’ she answered softly while I nodded like a lizard.


‘’yes I know but I’m still stunned. It’s very hard to see a single lady very successful like you. I bet you are from a rich family’’ I pushed further. She shook her head and smiled.



‘’I worked in first bank for eight years. Most of my customers are from there. You really don’t want to know everything about me. Do you?’’ she asked playfully while I laughed.


The lady before me wasn’t in any way like a murderer. Yes she looked very ambitious but soft and open minded as well. She simply was relating to me as if we were old pals and I felt very comfortable with her. I felt different with her.


‘’no she can’t be my uncle’s murderer’’ I reasoned deeply.


‘’so tell me about yourself. What do you do?. You know I asked you to come over to my office because that’s the only place we could be free to talk. I hardly hang out anyhow’’ she said softly, studying me with her eyes.


‘’well I’m into transportation. I have buses, trailers and tankers. However my dream is to venture into oil and gas business but the capital required and risk is just too much’’ I lied fluently. Her eyes brightened.


‘’well I know few friends that are into oil and gas but I advise you venture into real estate and stocks’’ she muttered with a smile.


‘’oh you want to make me one of your customers?’’ I chipped in with a suspicious smile. She laughed and shook her head.


‘’so tell me, what’s your full name?’’ she suddenly demanded while I drew back with great caution. Yes that was something I knew she would ask sooner or later and telling her my surname could make her extremely suspicious because I had the same surname with my late uncle (Jude’s father)




Jude’s side of the story continues


Tracy was waiting in my room when I returned from Kelvin’s house looking so broken and sad. She quickly sat up from my bed and stared at me curiously.



‘’what’s wrong. What happened?” she asked curiously. I breathed deeply and opened up to her about Jessica and all Kelvin told me. ‘’well he is right. You just have to calm down and let him handle it since he looks good at it. Your dad is already gone so be a man and follow things gently’’ she advised with a soft smile.




Tracy left for her house on Wednesday evening as she planned and she really spent a lot of time trying to persuade me to go home with her but I insisted that I would be at her house the next Monday. She finally had no choice than to give in. My plan was to have one last stand with Pamela during the weekend before ending everything with her but alas it was easier said than done.


‘’One last stand with Pamela and its over’’ I muttered to myself again and again with great determination.


To be continued


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