We started hearing the sound of the boots of other Policemen coming closer to the direction we are and the more closer there boots sounds and the more my my heart beats increases but to our greatest surprise the two policeman instructed us to enter in a room closer to were we are at the moment.
We did as they told us immediately and I stood at the door and I found out that they informed the other policeman that me took another road that leads outside.
They actually gave the other policeman wrong direction of were we are and they took the road that leads outside.
” You guys can come out now
One of the Police Officer instructed and We came out and wow the two Police Officers weren’t pointing their guns at us again strange…….. ”
For the fact that we let you guys out of here is not that is we just took pity on your guys…
You people are too young to be here and for the fact that the commander allowed you people to be kept here thereby going against the law we will let you guys leave here….”
My concerns will not allow me rest if you watch you guy’s future waste in this dark and bad prison……”
One of the Policeman said.
You guys must be fast in leaving here because you might not be lucky to met someone that will let you go.
You must find a way to get to the back door all I can tell you guys is to keep in moving straight you will see a door and this is the key
He said and handed us two different keys.
The other one is for the gate
when you guys succeed then use this map to get you self of out from a
Forest over this Police station
He said.
I wish you guys good luck
they both said.
” Thank you sir
We are all grateful for this……”
I said.
Now go and never look back
They said and we left the spot immediately.
You guys should keep moving straight You will find the door…and you guys have to be fast about this…. ”
They said and followed another road.
I look at the map and I hold it very tight
I didn’t put it in my pocket because we all are just on singlet and boxers.
We kept on moving slowly not to Alert Police Officers towards our direction.
Following the police instruction we met the door and we used the key he gave us out from the prison.
I opened the gate and locked it back when we left.
The forest was too thick and one could find it difficult to read what is in the map but I used the signs and symbols to indicate the next road to take.
We kept on walking.
More deep into the dark Forest hoping to see a way out of here. we walk like some minutes before we came out of a lonely and quiet road that we couldn’t identify the way that the road was leaving to.
The road was so quite and not even a single car was moving there.
I and the youngest among them was the one standing on the road while other where across the gutter.
As we were moving up a car stopped in front of us and they rush out with hectic guns in there hands.
Those at the gutter ran back into the forest while me and the youngest among us where asked to lay down by those armed me.
Could this be the police officer we taught we out smarted but how did they locate us to this place??????.
This were the question that was running through my head but am happy
that some were able to escape but sad that am with the youngest here….
It was around 2 p.m. in the morning
Yeah the party was awesome.
Music sound could be heard here and there..
I really enjoyed this night in Nigeria
I have been in Nigeria but that was (4) four years ago and it was a very terrible adventure.
After the incident I experienced I vow that i would never gonna visit Africa again
Here is so insecure I thought as of then but now I know that no matter how you are been protected by anybody no matter how tight your security guard you things that will happen will surely happen.
I missed an old friend we both were victim of kidnapping.. he did a lot for me then though I was stubborn and some how behaving childish.
He looked just like Alvin how I wish I could see him again she is so smart and very intelligent.
Since I went back to Europe after the incident and bad adventure I had in Africa and I met a lot of celebrities of Africa Nigeria especially.
I met a lot of beautiful girls you Vanessa was busy with a lot of guessed that came so she don’t have me full attention.
I felt bored staying inside watching crazy dancers so I decided to go out
and stay there ….
I kept on looking at the sky just like my sister those when she is angry…
The sky is really sparking and shinning.
Africa is really blessed.
I must see that Africa is really blessed as I was sitting outside looking at the sky and drinking the wine I came out with.
I got a call from Vanessa and she was asking me were I am….. I told her that
I’m sitting outside around the swimming pool.
She came with a girl that look like her a little….The girls are so beautiful just
like Vanessa.
What are you doing sitted here alone while we are having a lot of fun inside there …”
She asked as she approached me.
I’m having my own fun here
You see those star up there…
I said pointing at the sky
They are keeping me company……”
I added.
That’s childish you know…
don’t you want to come inside
she asked.
Vanessa here is more comfortable
Well Kester here is my sister Anastasia…” She said pointing at Anastasia.
Anastasia that’s my favorite Kester
You guys can catch a lot of fun here together.
Since you both hate noise a lot Anastasia take care of him …….”
She said and walked away.
Silence dwell a little and I decided to say something.
” You can have a drink with me…”
I said and poured out a drink in a glass cup and I pushed it closer to her side.
” Thank you…”
She said and smiled.
We could get to know ourselves you know …if you don’t mind …..” I said
Is not a big deal
My name is Anastasia just like my sister told you earlier and I live in Luxembourg with my parents….am still in high school I attends Stephanie
She said.
” Wow !!!
You already know my me I also live in Luxembourg with my dad and younger sister Stephannie.
I will be going back to Luxembourg tomorrow to see my family am on vacation……I studying law in Oxford University but I love sports a lot ” I said.
Oh that’s nice you identity looks a little familiar have we met before????……”
She asked.
Maybe perhaps your dad is popular and should be known by all maybe we have met bit it might a coincidence…”
I said trying to over up
I guess she do not know that am Baron’s son even at the mention of my name Kester.
” So how did you get to know my sister Vanessa or were you one of her father’s question from Europe…”
She asked.
Not actually she invited me herself
we were friends back in high school
oh you guys are in the same institution?
she asked
not anymore
we aren’t studying in the same university
I guess you guys must be very close to each other for her to invite you and for you to honor it by coming all the way from Europe she said.
yeah we are very close
I can’t do with out each other
you must be the one she talks soust about everyday…. she talks so much
about you
she said
” Really?????……”
I asked and she nod
You know she said you are kind of shy around girls …” She said laughing while I frown my face.
She said that???? …”
Yeah …”
She answered.
Oh !!!!! no that was then not now ”
Yeah she said it was when you guys were in high school then Yeah that was then not now….”
You are jovial just like Vanessa…”
I said and admire her beauty a little.
You guys just look like twins…” I added.
We aren’t twins just that we grew up together because she post her mother at her tender age so my own mum took care of us… that’s why we seems to look a like…”
She explained….
We discussed a lot of things and she is really fun to be with just like
I really enjoy her company.
As we were discussing I found out that Vanessa will be coming to stay with them in Luxembourg for her vacation.
We were discussing when her phone started ringing and she picked it after discussing with the person I guess is her mother she frown her face after answering the call.
What’s the matter….” I asked.
That’s my mum she said I should go and get her something and is already very late…”
She complained.
Oh!!!!! what’s that?? …”
I asked.
I don’t know she said she kept the so called thing on top of her bed… she said she needs it now.. I wonder what that could be.????…”
She said.
Don’t worry if you need someone to go with you am here.. I can accompany you to go get it …”
Oh!!!! no you are a guess here and you are not even from Nigeria is not a good thing for you to go with me ……”
She said.
Look I wants to go with you perhaps am not doing anything here ……”
I said trying to convince her.
Okay fine let go then….”
She said.
We both entered the same car while my bodyguard followed us immediately I don’t need to tell them to follow me.
We drove out from the massive gate
the road were so calm and quiet.
We drove like thirty minutes to her house and she went in and got the stuff.
She joined me in the car and we drove back to Vanessa’s house.
On our way back we ran into criminals and police officers were after them so they stopped in between us and the police officer’s convoy.
They were exchanging bullet both the Police Officers over there other side and my bodyguard were shooting at the criminal but bullet were not penetrating some of them were shooting at us while some were shooting at the police officers.
Anastasia hold me very tight she is scared already…”
Tell your boys to take us out of here
Here is unsaved for us to stay….”
She said.
Calm down Anastasia am here with you
Those criminals shouldn’t go free they need to be caught…..”
I said.
Really????… they can’t get those criminals just like that they are not ordinary just tell your boys to take us out of here perhaps the police officers are here they should do there job and get the criminals apprehended……”
She said.
As they were shooting at each other I saw two boys ran out from the car and as they came out one of them filled and the other ran towards our direction.
The criminals left there car and started moving into an escape road… the Police Officers followed them with some of my bodyguards ..
They were no longer shooting at our direction
I opened the car to find out what the problem of the boy is.
He looks so young and I don’t think he is one of the criminals.
” What’s the matter
Why are you guys in the same vehicle with those criminals……”
I asked.
Sir we are not criminals … those criminals kidnapped us and we were lucky
that the police are here….
Please sir you have to help my brother he is dying he needs medical attention now… He sustain a bullet from the shoot out ……”
He said..
What. ??? go and get the boy into the car let take him straight to the nearest hospital …”
I ordered my driver…and he went to get the boy to the car…
Kester do you think that what you are doing is right… No body can be trusted in Nigeria we have to be careful….”
Anastasia said.
Come on those boys are too young to be criminals and perhaps if they are criminals like them they won’t have left them behind……”
I said….
Fine but we have to be careful….”
She said again.
They put the boy into the car and we drove to the nearest hospital… I told Anastasia to go give her mum the thing g she asked us to get for her…
We drove to the hospital while she took some of my bodyguard to escort her home…
Using who I am the doctor attended to the boy immediately I couldn’t say who the boy is because I didn’t see his face…
The doctor and some nurses were still attending to him…
To be continued……… ————————————————————
Guys how was it
Hope you find this interesting
By the way
What do you think about this episode
What is the next action available????