Fri. Oct 18th, 2024

Episode 7


Dorothy pov


Alex comforted me and took me upstairs, I feel safe in his hands even though it’s just a day…


Never knew you went through all this “. He said like he knew me for like 3 years …


I can’t bring myself to tell you and I tried to be strong “. I said and broke into fresh tears ….


Hey , you will be okay alright”. He said patted me …


I gave to go out”. He said and I became sad…


Sure”. I said trying not to sound hurt …


Be back in a jiffy “. He said and left….


I layed back on the bed and heard his car driving out….. I continued thinking and


did not know when I slept off..








I woke up and noticed someone staring at me….


Haaaaa”.. I screamed and saw that it is Alex


You scared me”. I said and sat up on my bed ..


I need to tell you something “. He said staring at me nervously …


Am all ears “. I said and stared at him. …


You know you came here just yesterday, so I think its better I tell you this…….”


.. he was cut off by felicia scream downstairs….


We ran downstairs to the kitchen and met Felicia laughing with someone …


Are you serious here ??, Why are you barking in my house ??””.. I asked feeling happy with my action…


Am sorry , it’s just that I don’t how he found me”. She said pointing towards the boy beside him who looks familiar..


And who are you mister?”. Alex asked as I tried to remember where I met the boy…..


Bryan “. He replied smiling at me..


And how may I help you ?”. Alex asked …


Pls sir is there anything you can do to help me , I mean maybe gate keeper or gardener”. He said tearfully …


I will think about it “. Alex said and gave him his number to call him tommorrow …


“Thanks so much “. He said and left. ..


I have a feeling that this boy is somehow here for evil, and is he not the mayor’s son … I thought and went upstairs ..


Bryan POV


I smiled as I left the house ,plan A almost successful… You all are wondering what happened .. well this is it..


*** Flash back ****


“Boss we found her” … My investigator said ..


“Okay , where is she ?” I asked eargerly…


She is staying with a drug Lord now … He replied


Send me the address”… I said through gritted teeth and end the call…


My phone beeped and I saw the address ….


I went to my room parked few clothes …


Dad am going on a two weeks trip”.. I said


Why?”. He asked


Just to clear my head Concerning what’s happening “.. I answered ..


And the last time I checked you hate your step mom so much “.. He said giving me suspicious look


Whatever”. I said and rolled my eyes ..


Am out”. I added and entered my car …


Back to present****


I went to my penthouse and started drawing my schedule.



Seems the both of them are in love but that does not stop my plans , Felicia will be of help”. I thought and smirked …


When will my mother come back to tell me about this stupid mystery “. I said looking at the birth mark around my thigh …


I yawned and layed on the bed ready to strike anytime soon… I thought and dozed off…


Licia POV


Bryan came the next day and he was employed as a gardener by Dorothy …..


Hey “. I heard someone call..


Hi”. I said and noticed it’s Bryan… He looks cute and I know he is that mayors son…


I need your help”. He said as we sat down at back yard ..


How may I help you?”. I asked eargerly …


Do you know am the mayor’s son?”. He asked


Yes”. I answered and noticed he was surprised…


Okay, the main reason am here is because I want Dorothy on my bed”. He said and smiled..


So whats my business with that ?”. I asked getting pissed already cus I also want him to f**k me…


I know you also want her boyfriend that’s why you are still here, so we can just plan together and you have the boss while I have Dorothy”… He said with a smirk…


So how do we start?”. I asked eargerly..


“We are just going to make sure we break their trust firstly… He said


Okay but we are going to take our time before doing that , like a month time and before then we can actually satisfy our sΒ£xual urge”… I said and touched is d**k..


Are you not scared someone can come out ?”. He said and removed my hands politely…..


Then we can go to your room “. I said and slipped my hands into his trousers….



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( I want a perfect life)


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