Fri. Mar 7th, 2025

Chapter 5

I woke with a terrible headache, its because of the scary nightmare, I dreamt of Eric with his mask, he have fangs and was sucking my blood, I was so powerless. “You sure you don’t want to stay home” my mom asked, she noticed my sickness, that’s why you hardly hide things from mothers


“Sure mom, its just headache, it will wear off” I answered, I would like to stay home, but I really want to see Eric and know what happened.


“OK, if you say so, do tell the school authority if anything happens” she said I gave her a nod, “goodbye then” she said and I gave I waved her and entered the car, yea I have a very cute car, venza that drives me to school, being rich have its perks.


Imagine my sadness when school dismissed but Eric didn’t come, I just have to put up fake smile for Kevin and his flattery. The second day Eric still didn’t come, the worse is the delinquents were all sad even playful Richie.


“Girl Kevin is really into you” Amina said as she caught Kevin winked at me. I just dismissed her with a wave.


“Why so gloomy” I asked Richie, Amina gave him a side glance, I guess she want to know too but pride won’t let’s her ask. “Its Eric” he said barely above a whisper.


“Keep quiet Richie, its non of their business” Amanda said with a glare, before I could ask again she took Richie and walked to where others are sitting. I sense Collins and Amanda are dating, but she is always with Richie so am sort of confused.. Story from Topster Stories.


“I wonder why she is dragging Richie where’er she goes” Amina said with a hump, is that jealousy I sense. On normal situation I will tease her, but this is not the time I stood up to go after them as they left the canteen, I was stopped by Kevin.


“Cool your horses pretty where you off to” he asked


“Just the rest room, we be back in a jiffy” I said and rushed out, how did I allow Eric to mess with my head, I have not even have a conversation with him. “Richie please stop” I said and thankfully he did but Amanda cane in front of him “The only reason I have poked your eyes out is because he said no harm should come to you” Amanda said confusing me “Who said” I asked


“Why bother, come Richie let’s go” she said


“I won’t stop till you tell me what’s wrong” I asked already feeling my throat tighten, am now breathing like I ran a bundle.


“Ok” Amanda said not in a nice way “we all messed up, Eric took the blame, and now he is serving the punishment” she said,



“I tried to stop the fight why then do you blame me” I asked, I serious don’t see why she hate me


“Cause if you did let him crush Kelly like he normally do, he won’t have the lips to snitch, and if not for you your pretty boyfriend wouldn’t walk free after punching him” she said.


“Its clearly not my fault if he was intimidated by my Kevin, and he tried to hit me and Kevin saved me” I defended Kevin.


“Eric might be seen as a monster, but he can never hit woman” she said and walked away leaving me in utter awe. Then why did he stretch out his arms toward me, I tried to do good but someone took the punishment.


“In case your wondering the punishment” Amanda said getting my attention, she now few feet away from me “he have to clean the whole military camp, everyday and only eat when his done, and he always finishes mid night, that’s when he eat. He have to do that for 3 days” she said and left.


If they feel so guilty why not help him or say the truth about what happened, in truth I blame myself more than they blame me. Today is already Friday, so no seeing till Monday. I went home with heavy heart.


We normally travel to village every Christmas period, so a day before we travel I will keep looking at the clock counting seconds cause I will be super excited. I never knew another thing can give me such excitement, cause I keep looking at the clock on Sunday counting seconds hoping Monday is already here. Funny Monday that I always hate is now what am waiting for.


My mom was surprise when I dressed up early morning rushed my food and left, my dad will be surprised I left before him. Waiting for the delinquents to arrive was beyond word.


“Wow girl, you came early” Amina said, I smiled at her, if only she knew “Just felt like” I said.


“Well you’re in luck, I have something to tell you, I wanted to tell you on Friday but you left and I don’t have your number” she said, I never thought of taking her number.


“What’s that” I asked still looking ahead to see when they arrive.


“Kevin, he is determine to confess to you today” she said, it took a second before what she said registered.


“What!” I screamed


“You heard me girl, so better perform well” she said with a wink. “Many girls wants him, so consider yourself lucky” she said, I looked up and saw Kevin coming with his friends, he stopped when he saw me and smile. My eyes widened,



I turned and walked away, very fast, he called and I quickened my pace, no guy have ever confessed to me before, now am afraid of how to behave.


I went to a place I discovered the second day I came into this school, its quiet excluded, serene with the trees, I do come here when I want to study I love it more than library. I have never seen anyone since I started coming so I took it as my fortress, the only reason I don’t come always is because its a bit far from the main building, so I only come when I have free period.


“How am I going to answer Kevin” I said panting around, I decided to play it out in my mind, I took a princess stand and flipped my hair.


“Oh Kevin, what took you so long” I said with a dreamy voice “no that looks too desperate. I took a mean stance “I will think about it” I said then grunt what if he takes it as rejection. Besides am I even ready to date. This is frustrating, I took a stone and threw it at the tree without looking.


“Ouch, that hurt” I heard someone said, I froze, I looked up and saw a figure sitting


on the tree branch.


My Monster






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