Fri. Mar 7th, 2025

Episode 2


It was morning already and perceived a very sweet aroma. “Ana is making her delicious meal again!” I said to myself excitedly and quickly rushed down the stairs to know what she was preparing. I was surprised to see David in the kitchen instead. “Where’s Ana?” I asked, coming down the stairs. “She left early to take care of something very important”. He replied, flipping the eggs. ” Do you care for some? ” he asked. “What’s this?” I replied, opening the pot and staring at what was in it.


“Oh I don’t know what to call it. But its my special meal”. He said, smirking. “Well, it won’t harm to try”. I said, bringing out the plates to dish the food out. We were already eating. ” Its delicious isn’t it? ” he asked. “Yea it is”. I said faking a smile. My heart was aching to ask him questions. I wanted to have him so bad. “How should I even start” I thought to myself. Could it be true that he actually lost his memory in an accident? Could it be the reason he couldn’t remember me anymore? “What’s wrong?” He asked me. I think he noticed I was tense. “Its now or never Trish”. I said to myself. ” David, what really happened? ” I asked him pushing my plate away from me. He was looking a bit confused. “I mean, how did all this happen?” I said looking around. It was a really beautiful mansion. (Join Telegram Group) “Well… I just made a lot of money and built this house” he said so innocently. “Who am I kidding?” I thought to myself. “So you don’t remember anything?” I asked, looking at him in the eye. “Remember what exactly? I don’t get you”. He said, giggling. “Except that I woke up one day in the hospital and I was told I had an accident. I couldn’t



remember anything. Then that was where I met my lovely wife”. He said smiling at me. I felt anger in me as he said ‘my lovely wife’ so casually. ” Will you stop! Just stop all this cute rubbish”. I yelled and stood up. “Calm down Trish, is there something I don’t know about?” He asked, surprised at how angry I became. Tbc….






“Yes! Yes, I’m supposed to be that lovely wife! I’m supposed to be enjoying all this with you!” I said, tears rolling down my chicks. I immediately left the dining and went upstairs to my room.


Typical of the new David, he didn’t follow me. I knew he thought I was a psycho. I cried myself to sleep. Then a call came in. It was Victor.


“Hello, Victor you are not supposed to be calling me!” I whispered. I went to my door and locked it.


“Yes I know. But there’s a problem” he said.









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