Thu. Mar 13th, 2025

Episode 9 (Second To Last Episode)


To Sarah’s utmost surprise she took in immediately, In no time, Sarah and Anthony had three lovely children and Anthony was the best husband and best Dad in the whole Universe. He always made Sarah happy. Sarah meant everything to him, indeed, thier union was made from heaven.


And then one day, it was just few days after Christmas and three days into the New Year , Sarah and her husband Anthony were watching the 8:00pm news on thier favorite news channel, when a picture of a man who killed his wife on Christmas day flashed on the television screen. One look at the screen, Sarah was shocked, She recognized the man whose picture was displayed on the screen


“Mark?” Sarah screamed and Anthony stared at her in confusion.


“Do you know him? “Anthony asked


“Yes my ex, Mark, I told you about him” Sarah responded


“Mark, oh the violent Mark” Anthony said calmly and he held Sarah’s hands passionately


“Honey, it could had been me, oh Lord thank you for saving me, now I know that disappointments are blessings in disguise, I knew Mark would be a wife beater, he is short tempered” Sarah said.


Few years later, Sarah and her family were at the airport waiting for thier flight to the United States.


Anthony got a well paying Job in the United States and he decided to relocate with his family.



There were at the airport when an elderly woman and a man, walked in and sat beside them.


The whole time, the old woman’s sight were on Sarah’s three children, the three innocent children were running around and that got Sarah’s attention, she wondered why the aged woman was staring at her children in that manner and then the elderly woman turned to the man she came in with.


“I have told you countless times, that I need grand children but you are not doing anything about it, take a look at these beautiful children, I know thier grand mother will be happy whenever she sees them” The old woman told the young man who Sarah assumed to be the old woman’s son.


Sarah was shocked when her sight wandered to the young man who the aged woman was talking to, lo and behold, the young man turned out to be, Francis, her first love, She almost dropped dead, suddenly her throat dried up, she lost her voice, she swallowed saliva but still she couldn’t utter a word. She tapped her husband speechlessly and point to the direction where Francis and his mother were seated and Her husband stared at her as he wondered what suddenly went wrong.


“My Love, are you okay? ‘Anthony asked and held her hands passionately “Francis!” She whispered


Anthony stared at Francis and thier eyes jammed. Francis looked at Anthony and wondered why he was staring and then Francis’s Sight wandered to Sarah. Immediately Francis was certain of who he saw, he ran to where Sarah was sitting with her husband.(Join Group)


“Sarah, is that you? He asked. Sarah managed to give him a smile


“Hi Francis, nice to see you again after a long time” Sarah finally greeted and Francis reciprocated


“Is that not your mom? “Sarah entered sharply


“Yes that’s my mom, oh you still recognize her? we are going on a vacation” Francis said and smiled. Sarah greeted Francis’s mother and the old woman was pleased to see her and she was surprised when Sarah pointed to the children who were running around as her children.



Suddenly Sarah’s thought went to her husband and she quickly introduced Francis to her husband


“Francis meet my husband and the father of my children” Sarah said calmly as she smiled to her husband who greeted Francis and he reciprocated.


End Of Episode 9


To Be Continued




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