Thu. Mar 13th, 2025

Episode Three



In a small town,before the Philippines, , two grannies live beside a running ocean, the husband is a fisherman while the wife is the fish seller.


Early in the morning, the old man rushed out of the house with assurance of catching some fishes. He got to the shore and was about dropping the net into the water when he noticed a creature in the water.


He quickly ran into the water, it’s a pretty girl in the water, how did she get here?, a lot of question ran through his head.


honey! ” he called his wife


what is it? ” his wife responded from the house


come take a look ” he said


His wife quickly came outside, she went to where her husband was,


omg, it’s a girl ” she screamed


yea, do you have any idea how she got here? ” her husband said


“Yea, I think she’s one of the people who were in the crashed plane we watch in the news ” she said


Oh, it’s true ” he said


are you sure she’s alive? ” she asked


Let’s take her in ” he said


They took care of her and waited patiently for her to wake up.


honey, it’s late already and she’s not awake ” the wife said


don’t worry, she will be okay ” His husband assured her


Just then, they heard someone cough, they faced her at the same time.


baby, you are wake ” wife said


where am I? ” she said


you don’t remember what happened? ” the man said


no, what happened? ” she asked


I think her brain is really damaged right now ” the man said to his wife


what is your name? ” Woman asked


I don’t know ” she replied.


this is serious ” they said


The woman saw a necklace around her neck, something was written on it, she quickly guess that it’s her name.


M,,,, A,,,, RI,,, LI,, A?,,, Marilia, I guess that’s your name, such a nice name ” she said


who are you guys ” Marilia asked


we are your grannies ” they replied,,,


One can imagine the life they live, the whole house was smaller than Marilia Toilet back in America, they are really poor, but they decided to keep her, without letting her know how they got her.






For Five months now, Poor little Marilia who have no idea who she was, lived happily with her two grannies, she help her grandma in selling fishes,,, even though she walk about in only one cloth,and without a shoe she’s a really nice girl, and she’s just a definition of beauty itself.


Marilia, you can just stay at home for today, there is little fishes for sale, so you can just go play, but remember not to go near to the shore ” her grandma said

okay grandma ” she replied happily as she ran outside


She decided to walk through the field, while walking she saw a girl of her age, she ran to her immediately.


hey, what are you doing here alone ” Marilia asked


am here to play, my mom brought me here, I think my father left with another woman, so she brought me to her father ” The little girl said


oh, what is your name? ” Marilia asked


am angelic, and, am 10 years old,, what about you ” she said


Marilia ” she replied


Marilia?,,, that sound like a name from Oceana ” Angelica said


you are funny,,, am also ten ” she said


But, why are you dressed like this? ” Angelica asked


Angelica is a girl who love fashion, she got that from her mom, and I think she’s worst, and she think Marilia look awful in the tattered dress she was putting on


this is the only dress have got ” Marilia said


don’t worry, I will give you some of my clothes ” she said


really? ” Marilia was surprised


of course, we are friends ” she said and hug Marilia


They played till it’s late in the evening


Angelica,, I think we should be going ” Marilia said


that’s true, our parents will be worried already ” she replied


They started walking home when suddenly a snake appeared in front of them, they screamed and started running.


Angelica slipped as a result of the wet ground,,, she quickly hold a stick from the pit.


Marilia, please help me ” she screamed


Hold my hand ” Marilia shouted as she tried to take her hand, but suddenly angelica fell down the pit.








By Wuraola


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