Fri. Feb 14th, 2025





I woke up the next morning after a heated argument with Ryan, it’s been ten days after our supposed wedding and I barely see him, I mean I know we ain’t married or shit but he should at least respect the roommates rules like tell me when he leaves and when he comes back and at least just care about me but no! Instead he spends all his free time with Tasha or in school or designing which kinda creeps me out. I’d be going back to school today for the first time since our wedding, Ryan on the other hand already resumed school leaving me to resume whenever I want; his word not mine. I struggled into the bathroom and ran a hot bath before dashing out of the bathroom to wear a loose jean and yellow hoodie to match, I made some scrambled eggs and took my medicine before dashing out to the bus station to get a bus to school, it’s been hard going to school from my oh sorry ‘our’ new apartment, I kinda miss the hostel because it’s hella stressful taking the bus to school, I rode in the bus and I couldn’t just help but take a quick flashback to my supposed wedding day, though I hate it but I’d wouldn’t lie it was glorious… .





I got up and pushed Louise off me yawning because I felt so tired and weak I guess it’s because of the party last night.


“Good morning bride, it’s your day!!” Louise playfully kissed my cheeks.


“Eewww get your mouth off my face lady” I pushed her face. “Why are you being so cranky, what’s up?” She arched her brow. “Nothing just…you know I’m not too happy about marrying Ryan and…”


“Oh please hold it, you had a choice but you choose Ryan” Louise raised her hands up in the air.


“What choice?” I asked.


“Hello Harvey, he said he wanted you and he promised to save your ass but you chose this dumb ass” Louise said and I was about answering her when the door clicked open and Lala walked in with host of other people. “Good morning sunshine” she pecked my cheeks and I did hers.


“Good morning” I said lowly looking at the rest people and Lala noticed.


“Oh this is your makeup artist and this your personal stylist and this… Wait what are you?” Lala asked the third person.


“Emotional support” the girl said and Louise burst out in laughter.


“Louise” I scolded.


“What?…wait is that a thing?” Louise said looking at us with crossed eyes. “Yes, it is. Most couples freak out on their wedding day, my job here is to ensure that I remind the bride why she is marrying the man of her dreams” the emotional therapist said and Louise really seemed lost. “Crap!” Lala exclaimed.


“What?” I asked.


“I forgot about the hairstylist, give me a minute” Lala said walking out of the room.


“Let’s begin” the make up artist said and I dashed into the bathroom to have a quick bath, I came outside and Louise drew out a chair for me and I took my seat as the makeup artist shone her light on my face and started with the foundation and then continued with the rest while the crazy emotional therapist kept saying crazy stuff and I ignored all her words and concentrated on the important stuff. The stylist pulled out a very pretty white gown, I was astonished about how the gown was decorated with pearls and white stones to match. it had a v-shape cut at the front with pearls to line the v-shape down. Louise mouth was wide open as we watch the gown. The stylist made sure to match the gown with a pearled shoe too and I was totally amaze, shits really work when you’ve got money and…






“Look who’s back” Louise words jerked me out of my thought and u rushed to hugging her.


“I’ve missed you” I said because this is the first time I’ve seen her since the wedding ceremony and I was officially happy seeing her.


“You are literally glowing, I can see marriage is threading you right” Loiuse teased me as we strolled into the school giggling.


“You are playing me ain’t you” I said raising my brow playfully and we laughed some more.


“Got to go, I’ve got design class…and I’m late” she said checking her watch. “Fine, I’ve got to turn in my project to Mr Harry, I heard it’s been due since Tuesday and Ryan didn’t even help us instead he got his head far up in Tasha’s ass” I sighed.


“Seriously, I heard Mr Harry is a no-nonsense man” she said smiling.


“Argh, this is so Ryan fault ever since that wedding, he is been worst and I can’t even deal with him right now” I blurted out.


“Speaking of the devil” Louise said pointing to Ryan’s direction and I turned


trailing my eyes to that direction.


“Right!” I said lowly.


“I’m off to class, I’m super late and Madame Meghan wouldn’t take nonsense or lateness. Bye bitch” Louise hurried off and I sighed moving towards Ryan’s direction.


“Hey, I want to go submit our project, mind coming with me” I said waving.


“Done it already” he scoffed and was about leaving when I held him back.


“What do you mean, you’ve done it already” I asked confused.


“Frack! you are do dumb, you think I’ll submit that trash you made” he said.


“We, ‘we’ made that design you call trash, truth be told I don’t know what your


problem but you better fix it because we are married now and we might be married


for a very long time” I said and bounced out and a small memory about the


wedding flashed into my mind…






“You look beautiful” Lala commented as I was dressed in a white gown and I blushed and loved my look.


“Be ready, church starts in twenty and the limo is waiting outside for you” Lala beamed with smile.



“Wait? Seriously? Limo?” Louise added and I looked at my face in the mirror, I want to look just like this at my funeral.


“You look awesome” Louise said as she adjusted her bridesmaid gown and I giggled. After about five minutes, I saw a little girl run into my room dressed in a white gown too and she looked adorable.


“This is your little bride” Lala said walking into the room.


“Who is she? So pretty” Louise asked.


“My little niece, Quema say hi to Aunty Aaliyah and Aunty Louise” Lala leaned


over to the child.


“Hi” Quema said.


“Hi” Louise and I said at the same time. We all later went into the limo heading for


church. Louise helped me with my flowing gown into the car and Lala followed in


her own car.




We arrived in church and my family and Ryan’s family was already there, I stayed at a little room not too far from the entrance as my dad came out to give me a kiss “My baby, you look beautiful” my dad said and I smiled.


“Thanks dad” I replied and Lala walked into the church leaving my dad, Louise, Quema and I behind.


Soon I heard a melodious song of ‘here comes the bride’ and my dad took my hands in his arms. This made me so emotional and I wished it was Harvey I was marrying today, and me walking down that aisle would be lovely. “You ready” my dad broke my thoughts.


“I’m ready” I whispered.


“I love you baby” my dad smiled.


“I love you too dad” I sniffed because I was kinda crying.


“Oh please, don’t ruin your makeup” Louise said as the church door opened and the kids started with throwing flowers down the road and then Quema went ahead so did Loiuse while I walked in with my dad as everyone stood up with a smile especially my grandma. She was grinning from ear to ear excitedly as I too smiled at her walking towards the altar, Immediately we got there, my dad handed me over to Ryan and I saw him through my veil, he didn’t seem so happy but he didn’t seem so sad either so it’s a win win for me, I guess.


“We are gathered here today to witness the holy matrimony between Aaliyah Thompson and Ryan Pierce who has proven that love knows no bound and if there is any objection please state it now or forever hold your peace” The pastor said and



I took a quick glance at Tasha who surprisingly had a smile on, which is really weird by the way.


“No objection! Then we may continue, any written vows?” The pastor asked and Ryan and I looked at each other weirdly and then shake our heads negatively. “Okay, since no vows we’d dive straight into it. Aaliyah Frances Thompson would you take Ryan Pierce to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward and onward?” The pastor asked.


I hesitated a little bit which kinda made everyone panic a little but then I just have


to, I mean I had no choice.


“Yes I do” I said slowly.


“Do you Ryan Pierce take Aaliyah Frances Thompson to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward and onward?” He asked again facing Ryan.


“Yes I do” he said and I could hear everyone clap.


“Where are the rings?” The Pastor asked as Michael pulled it out from suit jacket and handed it over to the pastor.


“Okay, say this after me. With this ring”


“With this ring” He said holding the ring at the tip of My finger.


“I wed thee”


“I wed thee” he repeated.


“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Ghost” Ryan repeated and placed the ring on my fingers. The same thing I did.


“And I pronounce you both husband and wife” the Pastor announced and I could hear a thunder of applaud across the room.


“You may kiss your bride” he said and Ryan leaned forward and opened my veil


planting a kiss on my lips.


“Congratulations” Lala hugged us both.


The reception was kinda heavy because it was filled with people from power, I mean the high and mighty thanks to Ryan’a family, I just met the Vice President of America and I’m totally freaking out.


“Hi girl, already planned your trip to the Bahamas for your honeymoon” Lala danced towards Ryan and I


“No need for that, I’m going back to school tomorrow” Ryan said gulping down his wine.


“I’m not joking…”






“Aaliyah! Aaliyah Aaliyah” I heard my name in whispers till it turned louder.


“Oh my God Mr Ben, I’m so sorry” I apologised.


“I was asking a question, what makes a dart stand out” he questioned. “Errm…I…dart…it…”


“See that’s why I don’t support young people getting married so early. You are absentminded” Me Ben commented and the class burst out in laughter as a call came into my phone.


“I’d love to take this sir, I’m sorry” I dashed out of the class before he could say anything.


“Hello” I answered the call outside.


“Hello sister in-law” I heard the voice say.


“Lala!” I exclaimed.


“Yes and guess what sis, I’m in town” Lala announced and I was dumbfounded. What the hell?


“Oh no” I said without knowing.


“What?” She said.


“I mean…oh…yes…oh yes” I stuttered. But really oh no! She is going to disturb me


and probably force Ryan and I to have sΒ£x right in front of her. Lala and her drama.


“Where are you?” She asked.


“School but I’d be home soon” I said


“Oh I’ve got bad news, Ryan just got in an accident” she announced.


“What?” I screamed.












[Broken vows]


by berlie






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