Fri. Oct 18th, 2024


Seeing him leave whilst I was getting so aquinted with his closeness made me want to pull him back. I knew I shouldn’t feel so much close to him as I had to avoid the temptation of making love

to him. The priest was clear that we had to stay away from each other as much as possible.

” lt’s just that you have no place to go for now” he told us looking at Benjamin.

” But remember you are a married man and you two cannot have an intimate relationship outside

marriage” he went on making us both bow our heads.

” But Father you know my wife has declared me dead and by law she and me are not married

anymore” I heard Benjamin defend himself and I almost laughed at how he was beginning to show

feelings for me.

” Of course, but remember you got married in church and the church doesn’t allow you to engage

with another woman as long as she’s still alive”

The argument continued at home when he refused to be still attached to Clara. ” She’s not my wife

now and God has to come through for me in that. Am going to get back my life and God forbid that

woman continues being my wife” he said loudly like we were fighting.

” Calm down dear, let God lead the way and all I want is for you to know that am your good friend

and will always be here for you ” I smiled. His facial expression still displayed disagreement but I

didn’t want to prolong the talk so I changed the subject.

After talking to him about papers so that he can get some work somewhere, that afternoon, his

surprise act of kissing me after saying he loved me caught me off guard.

I should agreed however, that he tasted so good I wanted more forgeting I was about to fall into

sin yet again.

” How do I control myself when he’s so d–n hot and sweet’” I murmered to myself watching him

drive away.

I wished all went well for him at his house. The fear of his wife seeing him made me so weak I kept

pacing around.

Over the months, I had told my brother I was staying with Ben but l didn’t give him the actual

details yet. He had promised to come over later on.

What amazed me the most was the time my aunty from Kabwe passed through my home one

weekend. She had come to buy some things which she usually sold in Kabwe.

I was so scared she would recognise Benjamin.

When I told Ben he asked if he could hide so that she couldn’t get to see him

” No Ben, you are my guest here and she won’t tell me who to host in my house. And don’t worry

yourself though, she’s a good woman you will like her.” I convinced him.

” Aunty! You are welcome” I greeted her when she walked in.

Ben was seated in the couch and he stood to greet her. I kept my eyes at her and was pleased

when she smiled at me widely.

” He’s so handsome” she whispered when she followed me to the kitchen.

” He’s not my boyfriend aunty” I blushed with a smile.

” Don’t lie to me Jen, I saw the way that man was looking at you and the way you kept looking at

him. Besides what is he doing here if you are not together?” She challenged me and I almost burst

out laughing at the thought of how she referred to Benjamin as a mad man who was crazy due to

some issues time back. But I pushed back the laughter and smiled.

lt’s complicated aunty you won’t understand” I told her and she shrugged giving up.

” Mmmmmhmh anyway, one day we will hear it” she laughed as she handed me the serving plate

for me to put in some rice soup I had prepared for her.

” See , I told you she wouldn’t recognise you” I patted Benjamin’s hand. ” Oh you have no idea

how l was almost hiding inside this couch he laughed.

I discovered living with Benjamin was so exciting I always looked forward to coming back home

from work to be with him.

I was brought back to the present almost 2 hours later. I was just coming from taking a bath when I

heard the car driving in.

Knowing it was Benjamin who was back I decided to quickly dress up so that I could hear how he


” Jen!” I heard him shouting as he got inside.

” Am here! Give me a moment!” I shouted back but he rushed and held the the door open before l

could tell him I was dressing up.

” Oh my God!” He shouted seeing me standing naked my hands now trying to hide both my down

parts and exposed br**sts.

” Am sorry I was about to tell you I was dressing up” I stammered grabbing the bathing towel and

covering myself quickly.

” Am am hmmmm, will wait outsiMad In Love – Episodede ‘ he raised his finger and pointed out.

” Sure” I nodded.

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