Fri. Mar 28th, 2025

Chapter 3


Nicole’s POV


I don’t know why I feel uneasy…….. usually when I feel like this,I call Bella but am


sure she’ll be asleep so I decided to call dad.


“Nicole how have you been?” His voice shot through the line, calming me down.


“Dad I hope I didn’t disrupt your sleep?” I asked……

flipping through the script on


my desk. Here in Spain,it’s very close to six in the morning.



you didn’t, besides why are you calling by this time,is there a problem?” He



as I rolled my eyes.





hes overprotective of me…. and I kinda hate it.



I think something bad is about to happen, please stay safe and please make


sure everyone is safe there……

” The line was silent for sometime until I heard a


loud thud and dad’s scream filled my ears.



I sprang to my feet…….

as I called my personal assistant.



“Ma’am you called” she asked walking into my bedroom.


“Yes……I need to be in the United States as soon as possible……..pack my things” I


yelled, making her to flinch and scurry away.


I raked my hands through my…. hair as the screaming replayed in my head.


Did Brian fulfill his plight?? What if he’s not the one…….


I just hope am wrong……..



Rules POV


Watching Bella sleep is now a daily routine for……me, cause she looked more


beautiful with her large tummy.


She stirred and flutter her eyes open.


“Hey…. creepy boo” she teased, yawning.


“How are you feeling??” I asked her……. before carrying her in my arms and heading to the bathroom.


Just then my phone rang………it was Real.


“Hey bro what’s wrong?” I asked…….


“Brian’s with dad,he held him hostage and I don’t know his location” Real said as I placed Bella in the tub.


“Hold on,I’ll be right there” I replied, disconnecting the call.


“What’s wrong?” Bella asked…….I don’t think I can lie to her I’ll have to tell her the truth.


“Brian’s finally taken dad……babe stay right here,Mary and Monica will be coming, and the guards will be here okay” I didn’t wait for her….. reply as I flew out of the bathroom.


Lucas POV


“She’s coming back……it’s time to strike” I said as…… Hailey walked in.


“Lucas,did you get the news,new York boss Don Gordon is Missing” she said as I scoffed.


“I know…… and his daughter will be here very soon………send for back up,I wanna


have her to myself” I said as Hailey smiled.


“Okay boss” she replied and walked out.



Finally she’ll be mine…… and Monica’s mom……Maria will be back very soon I can’t wait for Royal’s marriage to…….. come asunder.



Authoress POV


Brian is seen, sitting on a rocking chair and puffing a cigar.


He checked his wrist watch for the umpteenth time.


“Did you deliver the location to them?” He asked one of the guards.


“Yes BOSS,I think they’re here” he replied as Brian…. stood up.


“Let the show begin……………” He said putting on his gloves and mask………




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Love me again





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