Thu. Mar 27th, 2025
















We ran out of the party entering inside the car.


I can’t believe I got him back… I got Caspian.


Wait but what about his wife, she is going to kill me. “Where are we going, Caspian”,I asked being curious. “We are going to get new rings … so we could get married”


I can’t believe we are doing this. He is going to get married to me.




I stared at him as he took my hand kissing my knuckles.


I smiled at him.


“I want to be with you because Lily will do anything to separate you from me”


“I know.. .”


“And are you going to stay with me forever…”


“Till death do us apart”,I answered and we stopped at the jewellery shop.


The shop attendant was there while I smiled at her.



“Excuse miss, I need the most expensive ring”,he said and all i did was smile.


After showing the expensive rings… I chose one that I love most.


“Now let’s get a wedding gown..”


“No… I want it simple..”,I answered, “Then we can sail to your home and have our honeymoon there”


His phone rang distracting him… I watched while he answered the call.


Luke, he mentioned and I nodded.






“Baby, stay right here”,I will be right back.


She nods checking the necklace while I attended tothe call.


“Yes luke”.


“Your highness; where have you been?”


“Is there a problem”


“Your wife is searching for you every where. Tell her I’m fine”


“Okay your highness but where are you?”


“I’m with Alora… And we getting married”,I saud excitedly.


“Oh my God, you are getting married… this is great news. Can i come”


“Yes ….”


“So where should I met you, your highness. ”



“The new Methodist church hear the Oxford street”


“Then it must be closer to your house on the ocean”




“I will be there, your highness”


“Now listen to me.. Don’t let Lila know”


“I won’t… your highness”




We left the jewellery shop. Alora smile at me. Suddenly the weather changed turning cloudy.


“I hope you are not the one controlling the skies”


I laughed, “Not this time…”


“I’m happy today but it’s seems someone else is controlling it”


“Who could it be?”


“Our creator, God”


She hugged me tight, “I’m so happy to get married to you”


Suddenly the rain started pouring, and we ran to the church. The priest stood infront of the altar.


I couldn’t find Luke anywhere. It was just the two of us..


All I did was stare into her eyes, for the second time, I felt the spark within me again.



“Do you Alora take this man to he your lovely wedded husband to respect and obey in all times till death do you apart?”


“I do”, she answered while I stared at her clothes clinging to her body. We we were both drenched.


“And do Caspian….”


“I do”,I answered.


We exchanged our vows and rings.


“I now pronounc


ed you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride”


She tiptoed wrapping her arms around me while I kissed her deeply.


“I love you Alora”,I confessed my love for and she deepened the kiss.


I held her hands as we left the church walking by the ocean.


“Do you think Lila might follow us here”, She asked.


“Why do you ask?”


“Because I have a bad feeling about is being here” “Hey… she won’t come here”,he kissed my temples. We swam to the island as we reached home.

She changed wearing my shirt while she sat on the couch…


I took my guitar… and hand to her.


“What”,She raised a brow.



“I want to hear your voice”,I said softky showing her a piece of paper she left. “Sing this for me…”


She stared at me, “It’s just a story”


“Please just sing”


She took the guitar and sighed, “I hope you listen to my story music.. I don’t know how to call it”


“Just sing…”




♪I’ m sorry that I did this♪


♪The blood is on my hands♪


♪I stare at my reflection♪


♪I don ‘t know who I am♪


♪Practice my confession♪


♪In case I take the stand♪


♪I’ ll say I learned my lesson♪


♪I’ ll be a better man♪


♪I’ m packing up my things and♪


♪I’ m wiping down the walls♪


♪I’ m rinsing off my clothes and♪


♪I’ m walking through the halls♪


♪I did it all for her♪


♪So I felt nothing at all♪


♪I don’t know what she ‘ll say♪


♪So I ‘ll ask her when she calls♪


♪Would you love me more♪


( Would you love me more )


♪If I killed someone for you♪


♪Would you hold my hand♪


( Would you hold my hand )


♪They ‘re the same ones that I used♪


♪When I killed someone for you♪


♪Would you turn me in♪

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( Would you turn me in )


♪When they say I’ m on the loose♪


♪Would you hide me when♪


( Would you hide me when)


♪My face is on the news♪


♪Cause I killed someone for you♪


♪I hear the sirens coming♪


♪I see the flashing lights♪


♪I’ m driving through the suburbs♪


♪Wearing my disguise♪


♪I show up at her door step♪


♪To look her in the eyes♪


♪I tell her that it ‘s me♪


♪But she doesn’t recognize♪


♪Can’t you see I ‘m running♪


♪Said I need a place to hide♪


♪I’ ve gotta ask you something♪


♪Could you please let me inside♪


♪Just let me explain♪


♪No, I wouldn’t tell you lies♪


♪I know you’ll understand♪


♪If you let me stay the night♪


♪Would you love me more♪


( Would you love me more )


♪If I killed someone for you♪


♪Would you hold my hand♪


( Would you hold my hand )



♪They ‘re the same ones that I used♪


♪When I killed someone for you♪


♪Would you turn me in♪


( WOuld you turn me in )


♪When they say I’ m on the loose♪


♪Would you hide me when♪


( Would you hide me when)


♪My face is on the news♪


♪Cause I killed someone for you♪


♪You have to understand that♪


♪The one I killed is me♪


♪Changing what I was♪


♪For what you wanted me to be♪


♪I followed your direction♪


♪Did everything you asked♪


♪I hope it makes you happy♪


♪Cause there ‘s just no turning back♪


♪Would you love me more♪


( Would you love me more )


♪If I killed someone for you♪


♪Would you hold my hand♪


( Would you hold my hand )


♪They ‘re the same ones that I used♪


♪When I killed someone for you♪


“That was so good and so touching”,I said clapping.


“You think so?”


“Yes baby… Why don’t try letting it out for the whole yo know what you got…


Maybe you could win an award this year”,I pulled her on my laps.


“I don’t think…”


“Just do it for me… Your songs are good and understanding..”


“Thank you..”


“I need to prepare something for us to but think of it”,I kissed her knuckles while she get off me.




I watched him webt to the kitchen. Maybe he is right… I could let this song out..


It’s a good song…


I stood by the window reading the lyrics again. Then I stared at the sea and saw something…


I saw the water splashing… oh my God, someone is drowning…



I ran outside staring to see if it real.. . I can’t see the face but oh hands. I entered the ocean while I swam to the person.


To my surprise, it was Lila…




“Hello Alora…”, she smiled and sang down the water while she dragged me under the ocean.


I saw her tail and struggled but she was too strong and I was losing my breathe.. .


I struggled more while she dragged me down, down the ocean and my eyes closed while I swallowed water.










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