Sat. Mar 1st, 2025

Episode 7



Writer: Mimi Annie



Emilia’s Pov




Days went by a bit fast and soon it was Sunday. There wasn’t much work today so I had a lot of time to myself. I had planned on visiting Debbie in the afternoon. I miss her so much and we only communicated on calls. Everyone was home that morning except Felix who said he was going to the airport to get someone. I think that would be Susan. I wonder how she looks, strikingly beautiful and maybe



plump. I just couldn’t wait to see her. But then, who was she to them? I waved away the thought and folded all my cloth into my box and hang the rest on my wardrobe. When i was done, I took some of my dirty clothes to the laundry. As I passed the girl’s room, I could hear them singing so beautifully and I stopped and placed my ears on the door.




*Emmie’s voice*


Maybe far away


Or maybe real nearby


He may be pouring her coffee


She may be straightning his tie




*Dollie’s voice*


Maybe in a house


All hidden by a hill


She’s sitting playing piano


He’s sitting paying a bill




*Kathie’s voice*


Betcha they’re young


Betcha they’re smart


Bet they collect things


Like ashtrays and arts




*Jackie’s voice*


Betcha they’re good


Why shouldn’t they be?


Their one mistake


Was giving up me




*Kid’s voices*


So maybe now it’s time


And maybe when I wake


They’ll be there calling me baby






*Christie’s voice*


Betcha he reads


Betcha she sews


Maybe she’s made me


A closet of clothes


Maybe they’re strict


As straight as a line


Don’t really care


As long as they’re mine




*kid’s voices*


So maybe now this prayer’s


The last one of its kind


Won’t you please come get your baby? Maybe……………………………………..




I gasped when the song ended. Christie’s voice stood out so special among others. It was so smooth and mind-drawing. I wished so much her character would be as sweet as her melodic voice. They wanted to start another but I couldn’t wait though I longed to listen to them again. I wonder how on earth they learnt to sing that well. I smiled and walked to the laundry where I washed and dried my clothes. Immediately, I came into my room Kathie ran in and I picked her up and placed her on my laps.


“Your song was wow” I commented with a smile “Really” she said and giggled and I nodded.

“Where did you learn to sing that way?” I asked with interest


“Granny Colt” she said “she thought us all the songs we know and also told us so many stories”


“Yea and I missed her” a voice said and we looked up to see Jackie


“Would you mind to teach me the songs and tell me the stories?” I asked them



“Very well” said Jackie “we could sing it for you whenever you want us to” “How about the stories”


“Same thing. Actually, she told more of folktales and adventures” “I want to hear the names of some of the stories she told you”


Jackie began listing “There is Cinderella, Rapunzel, Snow white, Maleficent, Pinnochio, Rumpelstitkin and…………………..”


“And don’t forget about the ugly duckling” Kathie chipped in and I laughed “You like it?” I asked and she answered in the affirmative.


Jackie continued “She also told us about Hansel and Gretel, the seven voyages of Sinbad, Jack and the beanstalk and a lot more. They’re just too numerous to mention”


“Wow, so what does the song I heard you sing mean? I mean the first song you sang”


“Granny Colt said it was sung by orphans who were dying to have a home. And


they tried envisaging what their foster parents might look like or what they might


be doing at different hours of the day”


“Geez, that sounds cool”


Just then, the doorbell rang and we hurried to get it but the girls had already beaten us to it. Right in the center of the sitting room, Felix stood with a beautiful lady who smiled on seeing the kids. So this is Susan. She was average height, slender and fair in complexion. She also had a gap-tooth. None of the children gave her a hug. They were all frowning at her and she pouted and went to them


“Oh my! Sweetheart I’m so sorry. It wasn’t my fault though. Please, pleaseeee” she begged and touched their hair gently.


“I won’t say you


’re forgiven but at least you’re pardon” Emmie said and hug her and the rest followed.


“Thank you sweedie pies” she said and kissed their foreheads and then she walked to Felix and that was when she noticed me and she stared at me with a kind of surprise expression.


“Oh babe!” Felix said “this’s Emilia, the new nanny” Susan almost screamed “Nanny? But babe………” Felix cut her short “let’s go to the room”

As they walked away, I kept staring till I heard a scream.


“I want to eat pizza” Christie screamed at my face and I looked at her with scared eyes. I bet she had been talking to me all this while thinking I had heard, gosh!



Couldn’t believe I was lost for a slight second. They had been watching nickelodeon in the sitting room and I felt so bad for loosing myself again in front of them.


“Are you okay?” Emmie asked looking up at me and I nodded “But………..” I gulped hard “I can’t make pizza”


Dollie stared at me in surprise “who on earth wouldn’t know how to make pizza?” “Let’s say………………………someone from the swamps” Christie answered and

the kids giggled, making me feel so ashamed


“That silly” Kathie said gently in a baby voice, so tiny but not shaky


“Well, since you can and she can’t, why not make it yourself” she said to Christie and her three sisters looked at her in utter dismay. I myself couldn’t believe my ears. Did Kathie just speak……………………on my behalf. I couldn’t believe she


did, this was the first time I’ve heard her make a long sentence and much more, with authority.


“Are you crazy?” Emmie barked at her and she folded into her seat and didn’t say another word. Recommend you to download TopsterStories App for Exclusive Access To Erotic and Romantic stories


Christie, Dollie and Jackie only stared at her, lacking the ability to say a word “Maybe Kathie’s right” Jackie shrugged “she isn’t Dad or Granny Colt so I would say you don’t expect her to cook all our dishes”


I didn’t realize when I even started smiling but I felt really happy. The twins were so much on my side




Felix’s Pov




“C’mon babe, you’ll like her when once you get to know her” “That’s it Felix, I don’t want to get to know her”


“But why are you acting this way, how can you expect me not to keep a nanny when you know you ain’t always around to help take care of the kids. I suppose you aren’t expecting me to do that either. Just two weeks of house work, I almost ran mad. I’m not a machine neither I’m I a robot. Work at office is tight and coming home to work again is death. Can’t you see?”


Susan sighed “But then you should have told me” “I knew you would never agree so I didn’t bother”


I looked up at her but when she met my eye she looked at the wall “Babe c’mon” I said and held her waist and kissed her cheeks


“You ain’t angry with me, are you?”


She rolled her eyes and I kissed her neck this time.












His Kids and I



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