Thu. Mar 27th, 2025

Episode 19


“Holy s–t!” Aliyah cursed from the other end of the phone. “Wait a second….you slept with Alex? Kendra!”


“It just happened,Aliyah. Will you blame me? I was s£xually starved and he happened to be there and all the time we’ve been dying for each other and we just couldn’t find the time to…Look, he wanted it and I wanted it too. So, it just happened.”


Aliyah sighed. “Are you certain that he’s the father.”


“Yes. I have the whole evidence here with me. Aliyah I don’t know what to do. Connor


already knows that I’m pregnant.”


“And he knows that he couldn’t have been responsible. Oh, dear God. What do you do now?”


“I don’t know!”


“Listen, have you told Alex?”


Kendra chuckled. “I haven’t been picking any of his calls at all. So,no.” “You have to tell him,Kendra.”


“Are you kidding me? So both of them can kill themselves?”


“Kendra, its not about that. He’s responsible for this. He deserves to know. Tell him,Kendra. It will be easy enough for you if he’s backing you up. And it will be easy when you finally state it as a reason for your divorce.”


Kendra was calm. Her mind was working.


She sighed.


“Calm down. Anxiety isn’t good for a pregnant woman. At least that one, I know of.”


Aliyah said.


“Okay… okay. I’ll tell him. But it has to be in person.”


“And you know you can’t give Connor the impression that you already know about his condition. Don’t say a word, just act neutral.” “I know. Okay…Alright.”


She hung up and tried to calm down. With shaky hands she put back all the papers, even when some fell of again because she was shaking. She tried to calm down and shut the closet as it was, went to bed and lay down, trying to get hold of herself. It seemed like several hours had passed


before she found her strength and picked


her phone. The voice came after the third






Alex voice came in. She closed her eyes and sighed. She had really missed him.




He said again when she didn’t say anything.


“Alex. Hi.”


She said and heard him sigh.


“How are you doing?”.


” I’m fine. How are you?”


“I’m great. I hope you’re good,Kendra. I’ve been worried and you haven’t been picking any of my calls.”


She paused and sighed. “Yes, I’m fine.”




“Alex….I….we need to talk. I have to see you.”


“Alright.Is everything okay?” “Yeah, everything is fine. There’s something…that just came up that I would like to tell you …in person.” “Okay. When?”


“How about tonight? Are you busy?”


“What time tonight?”


“At 8.”


“No, I’m not busy at all.”


“I’ll come to your house.”


“Good. I’ll be expecting you.”


“Yeah, bye.”


“Kendra, wait….I love you.”


He said and she couldnt say anything. She pulled herself together and hung up. Alex loves her.


“I love you too.”


She said after she had hung up on him. Few minutes later, the door opened and Connor stepped in to the room. He leaned


against the wall and stared at her for a


while. She turned and looked at him. His


expression was unreadable and blank.


“How are you?”


He said. She shrugged.




“I ordered Chinese food just now. I wanted us to have a little….romantic dinner tonight. Are you up for it?”


She looked at him in surprise. He ordered


food for a romantic dinner? She couldn’t


believe it.


“To….Tonight? At what time?”


“At the usual time. 8.”


He said. She had thought to skip dinner and lie about an appointment with Aliyah which she wanted to talk to Aliyah about just so she could run off to meet Alex. Was this man listening to her conversation?.




She said when she remembered the papers in his closet and she nodded. Play cool,Kendra.


“Sure. Its fine. I’m up for it.”


She said. and he nodded and left the room. He hadn’t asked about the baby and she was beginning to wonder if he had something in mind.


The dinner was silent like they were having a Wake. She looked up at him and he looked up at her again.


Then he smiled and poured her a glass of


orange juice instead of wine.




She said.


“So, how was work today?”


“I didn’t go today.”


He looked up at her.




“Nothing. I just wanted to clean our room.”


He looked sharply at her. “Our room? I


thought that chore was for the maids?”


“Yes but then,Mary wasn’t feeling too well to


do it and Nina was busy with the kitchen. I


was just bored so I had to do it.”


“Ah, I see.” He sipped his wine. “So, how’s the baby?”


Her heart skipped and she shifted on her


seat for composure.




She smiled up at him and downed her


whole glass to calm herself and he was


watching her.


“I wanted us to talk about our marriage.”


He said to her. She looked up at him. Was he finally accepting the divorce?


“I want us to start over,Kendra. I…have been giving it much thought today and I want to start afresh with you and the baby.”


D–n it!


“Oh. Why the sudden change,Connor? You know I don’t believe you.”


“I know and I deserve that for being cruel to you. But I really want you back,Kendra. I’m serious thus time. I want to have a good family before the…child is born and I want to have it with you.”


She swallowed another gulp of Juice. She


looked at him.


“I can’t divorce you,Kendra. I can’t lose you. Believe it or not, you are the best thing that has ever happened to me. And I want my wife back.”


She looked down at her food. God, why?!


“I don’t know, Connor…”


“I’m not asking you to give me an answer now. Think about it.”


She nodded. “I’ll think about it.”


She said. He smiled. Then she started felling


dizzy and drowsy. She excused herself to go


upstairs. She had barely gone half way up


when she felt warm between her legs and


she looked down and screamed in shock.


Connor ran up to her, asking what the


problem was.




Thick blood!


They returned home the next day from the hospital. But Kendra was broken. She could still hear the voice of the doctor as he gave her the diagnosis. “You miscarried, dear. It seems like you had taken some strong abortion pills.”


The doctor had told her. She felt like a dried vegetable as Connor helped her up to the bedroom. She sat on the bed staring into space as he put away her clothes which she had worn last night.


Abortion pills. She didn’t even know how they looked like. How could she possibly take abortion pills when she had always wanted a baby.


“It was you,Connor. Wasn’t it?”


She said and he paused to look at her.




“Don’t play innocent here. Because I am the Victim! Not You!”


She snapped.


“Hey, calm down. You’re probably still in shock.”


She chuckled and laughed.



“Shock? That word is an understatement compared to what you’ve been putting me through. Don’t pretend that you didn’t put those pills my drink last night, because I know you did. Because you couldn’t stand the fact that I got pregnant for someone else. And you can never get me pregnant.” He looked shocked at her.


“How can you…”


“No, Connor!”


She cut in. “How could you!?”


He said nothing.


“How could you be this wicked!”


She was screaming at him and she didn’t


care if he lost it and stabbed her right


now.After all he was bipolar.


“My baby. You killed my baby. What kind of a man are you?”


“You still have to ask me?!”


He snapped back. “Yes I did it. What kind of a man will feel happy to know that his wife got pregnant by someone else when he could never get her pregnant? I did it,Kendra! Did you stop to think if my heart while you were spreading your legs wide for him?!”


“You don’t have a heart,Connor so don’t try to feel deprived here. If you had a heart you wouldn’t have made me look like a barren woman just to cover your tracks. So I wouldn’t know that it was your fault. If you had a heart you wouldn’t have killed an unborn child pretending to want peace from me.”


“I want peace, Kendra. And I know that if you remained pregnant then you will use it against me in court and leave me. I had to



do it. So, don’t think that you can do anything to divorce me because I will never give it to you.”


She screamed in rage and wept, crumbling to the ground.


“You will rot in hell,Connor! I hate you! I hate you!! Oh God please help me.!!”


She wept and he merely left her there and


walked out of the room…


To Be Continued….






















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