Fri. Oct 18th, 2024



episode 16


now, enjoy…..








“oohhh no,why did I push him away??


he has been my crush for 3years… I like everything about him,I like him more than I can imagine because he is a bad boy just like Richie.


But I can’t just accept him because of the way I was brought up!!!


“you love him???


Claire, an eight years old girl chirped in from behind.


“will you keep shut and get put of here??? I fired her and made an angry face that will scare an eight years old girl like her…


“I see your proudness won’t allow you…….”


she stopped talking cuz of my dangerous glares and ran off…..





“I look back and saw how time flies….I’m sorry dear.Just know I love you just the


way your creator does… it is just that I couldn’t show my love to you as a father because of the wicked villains that are after me. it’s not my fault!!!


my dad said and tuck the similar necklace he gave Nanare into my hands.


“dad,I forgive you already,but is Dylan really dead????


“I don’t think he is dead!!


I suggested.


“can anyone survive that….?? I’m pretty sure he must have drown to death” he


replied and signalled his guards to carry his briefcases….


“what if he is not dead??? I asked..


“he is dead” he replied and wore me his bracelets…


I have been staying with him and my mom ever since we found out the whole truth


while Nanare is staying with Richie cuz she is the lead voice of six stars and that


require them to stay together.


The only thing left for us is to claim our kingdom and we are on it…


my dad already willed his throne for Scott while I will be the queen…


but I still have doubts that he is not dead.


“my mind says he is not dead,he might come back for me and Nanare” I replied,Aurora of fear in my voice.


“he can not resurrect like Jesus, he is dead” my mom said,while climbing down the stairs with Scott walking behind her.


“ohhh,they won’t understand me like Nanare usually does. It is only her that knows I see things….”


“okay,safe trip to Germany”


I waved,using some styles to wink at Scott.


I hope he understands….


He smiled out dimples and throw one of his credit card to me.


My smile increase…..


Tomorrow is gonna be fun with Paula and Tita.





Emily Daniel’s….


Regrets filled my souls,


hurts occupied the base of my heart,


I feel like a bad song….


but I,Emily Daniels will never change.


My brutal attitude keep getting more worst each time I open my eyes to view the world most astonishing mansion.


it makes me feel like doing many things,I feel like strangling the miles only heir,but time didn’t give it’s way plus Richie is not a soft bone,he seems to be the hardest challenge I had ever faced.I can’t hurt him not to even talk of hurting his woman.


He is not kind to prisoners at all.


if it were to be Seven,he will forgive and forget but it seems Richie does not


consider prisoners….


He knows they won’t change…


The guards he kept with me will not even allow me move my hands,not to talk of


my legs,they keep doubling the chains….


And one thing I never lack is FOOD. ..


Every time,I feel pain cus I am like a bad song!!!!!!



mhesha Daniel’s…..


“can I do these.???


I bite my lips and stared at my reflection in the miror…


“nooooo,it will make me look like a fool,it will add to my shame… it will give


seesha more opportunity to disgrace me in the public….


I’m not even beautiful because I have no money…….I am now shapeless…


My br**st Is soooo watery,


my ass is damn flat, it look exactly as if I am suffering from aids because when the


good figure was still there,I used it to slay the whole world…


I lost the famous mhesha…


I lost the beautiful mheshs….


I lost the world most favorite mhesha


“orrr am I still beautiful????


I asked,staring at the mirror.


“I can’t!!!


I whispered.


Just then,my phone started ringing.


I pick it up and kept quiet… my voice is half dead and I don’t want the remaining part to die like that.



mhesha Daniel’s, this is DCQ industry,you have been successfully signed in with Tom Ryna,Australia third runner up,we hope you will be here in the next 30mimutes”


“okay sir,I will be there”


I replied,surprised I was signed in.


Seriously,I thought I will be rejected.


I rushed into my poorly decorated shower and apply a skin tonning lotion I just got,hopping it will work cuz it will be the fifth time I will be buying such things,it is just so sad,they won’t work.


I dressed in a free long gown that won’t expose my skin before applying heavy makeup….Recommend you to download Topster Stories App for Exclusive Access To Erotic and Romantic stories




if DCQ should see my real skin,I might be rejected.





I got to DCQ and met with many people.


“over there,meet with Tom, he is our script real target,you will be working with


him” the manager signalled me to meet with Tom….


“thank you ,sir” I knelt down and rushed to Tom who maintain a strong face…


I guess he is one of Richie’s competitors too.


He smirks and covered his nose with his bandana ….


“can you sing like this???


he asked and played Nanare audition song on stage…..



living is to inspire,inspire Nanare


like fireworks,you’re ENCHANTED


when it is real,you’re ENCHANTED


hope,smile,aspire,,Nanare aspire…


“is your voice like this?????


“if it is not,don’t allow us waste our money and resources….let’s know we lost to


Richie already…..


he said.


I gasped……






“honey,please don’t come home”.


I said,looking at the big Ben wall clock….He normally come home 10pm.


Like I knew he will come,


I sensed five cars drove in.


I rushed to the window,it was him and his guards.


My heart beats started increasing..


“why did I say today…


my heart beat the more.


“sir is back!!!


a maid knock at my door. It is their way to always inform me.


“please tell him I am not feeling fine”


I replied,fear all over my face.


30mins passed, he didn’t come.


I started jumping up.


He won’t come cuz I am not feeling fine….


I rush into the wide washroom and started taking off the five clothes that I wore….



I almost die of heat


I freshen up again and wore a long signlet that stopped on my laps before pulling over a long pink net nighty to cover up my exposed laps and pointy nipples.


I smiled widely and step out of the washroom only to see Richie in my room.His back was turned against my dressing room and he was on phone.


“honey,well come”


I greeted,trying to make him forget.


“I remember” he replied and drop his phone on my bed.


He was wearing plain white and gosh,he looks more of a superior being.


“remember what…?


I asked,still pretending.


He took his lips in and bounce walk to my side,he didn’t think twice,he carried me up in a bridal style to his room.


He drop me gently on the cold floor and lock the door.


My heart seemed like it want to remove.


“honey,I want to urinate”


I lied and rush into his washroom.


I don’t even know what to touch cuz everything looks expensive.


I started shaking..


I turned back and met Richie in front of the glass washroom door.


“everywhere you go”


he smiled and open the glass door.


He took me up in a bridal style with his hands wrapped around my bumbum.


“sir,you’re touching…..




he replied and kissed my red lips like his life depended on it…I moaned into the kiss and flick his hairs…


He removed the net covering my body and trailed the kisses to my neck…


“hmmm you this bad boy,stop!!!!


I screamed when his hands touch my pant…




HE asked and took it off…


“Richie, my bumbum,stop!!!!


I shouted,holding him tight.


“honey,I can’t stop because you’re holding me tight” he replied and took off my signlet in a manner that I can’t comprehend.


“my br**sts!!!!


I hugged him tightly so he won’t see but who am I kidding…


“stay very well,I won’t kiss too much” he replied and turned my naked body to sit on his tommy…




“ohhh heaven!!!


“Richie stop!!!!



I moaned immediately his fingers run into my bare back down to the tip of my vagi*****


Then,he took the nipple of my left br**st into his mouth….


“aaahhhh,it’s doing me somehow!!!


“honey small small……


I screamed,holding him tight as he suck slowly….








Β©adesola adeomowole.m.


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