Fri. Mar 7th, 2025

EMILY: Episode 12


( Over the weekend, Tyson waited to hear from Emily as she promised, but never did. He didn’t call her either. It is now 10.30am on monday Tyson decides to give her a call and she luckily picked up)


EMILY: Hello?


TYSON: Hi, am i through to Emily Peters?


EMILY: Speaking?


TYSON: hey, it’s Tyson here. How are you?


EMILY: I’m good thanks. Sorry i didn’t get back to you as promised.


TYSON: Do you think that was rude?


EMILY: Exactly the reason for the apology!


TYSON: We are getting somewhere. So what happened?


EMILY: I was a bit under the weather


TYSON: Have you been to the doctor’s?


EMILY: Not yet


TYSON: Would you like to see my doctor?


EMILY: Nah, it’s not that serious.


TYSON: Anyways, if you say so. Just thought to check up on you. Have a good day yeah?


EMILY: So did you go out then?


TYSON: Nah, i had a date with my Xbox


EMILY: When next would you be available so i can show you around town?


TYSON: Not this week, but i’ll definitely get back to you on that.


EMILY: No probs


TYSON:So are you at work today?


EMILY: Yes, i am.


TYSON: Right, i will let you focus then. Cheers! bye!


(Jane had been observing Emily speaking on the phone; she allowed her get done with it before zooming in as ever into her office)


JANE: Was that Obed?


EMILY: No, it was that guy


JANE: You never told me about any guy. which guy please?


EMILY: Tyson


JANE: Who the hell is Tyson?


EMILY: The family friend i told you about.


JANE: He has your number already? How come!


EMILY: My parents gave it to him


JANE: Have you met him?


EMILY: He was already in our house when i got there on Friday. Just as you predicted!


JANE: Hian! trust parents! So what kind of person is he and girl! you are already sounding all sweet with him on the phone!


In cases like this, you use your most ugliest and firm voice before he’d start thinking you have a thing for him



EMILY: Heck no! but that’s my normal voice!


JANE: Did he say anything to you?


EMILY: No. He just told me he wanted someone to go out with over the weekend, i told him i wasn’t available


JANE: Hmmmmm! did he compliment you at all. Like, did he make any moves that suggest he might ask you out someday?


EMILY: Yes. Well, no he didn’t. I think it’s just going to be a family friend thing and nothing more


JANE: Don’t bank on that. Some guys like to check out the environment before they dive in. Is he good looking?


EMILY: Oh my God yes! He is very tall, dark and handsome! No the guy is really cute!


JANE: I hear! so have you been speaking to Obed?


EMILY: Oh yeah! we have been speaking daily ever since he left.Story from Topster Stories. Last night i slept off while on video call with him so he had to call my mobile directly and asked me to switch off the light and sleep.


Hehehehe. I was that tired.


JANE: You see! long distant relationship is not as hard as people make it out to be. It still feels like he is here with you, doesn’t it!


EMILY: When we are on call, it feels so real. He takes me round the house, Leaves the phone on while doing his chores and it just feels like we live in the same room


JANE: You see! all you need is a strong internet connection!



EMILY: Yeaaaaa! but i still miss his physical presence especially having him drive me around on weekends.


My weekends are becoming way too boring for my liking..


JANE: We can always go out, It’s just that my husband always fixes something for the both of us on weekends.


I will tell him i need a weekend break from him


EMILY: No, please don’t do that. Family first. You should actually be happy you have a man like Matthew. Always taking you out and planning things for the both of you on weekends.


It makes your love for each other new everyday


JANE: It does. I’m glad we didn’t stop dating after we got married. He still sends me all those morning text messages, and voice notes he used to send back then.


EMILY: Awwwww! love is beautiful


JANE: I’m sure Obed will do same and even more


EMILY: I trust


RECEPTIONIST: Hi Emily, you have a parcel


EMILY: A parcel? from who?


RECEPTIONIST: It doesn’t say. it only says ‘to Emily’


EMILY: Bring it over please


JANE: That’s a big parcel though. Shall i open it?


EMILY: Please do. I am actually scared of opening parcels i am not expecting



JANE: Hehehehe This looks like what my darling Obed will do o! okay there is a little note in here to begin with.


EMILY: What does it say?


JANE: ‘thinking of you and hoping you feel much better today. Fancy a drink later today?’


Hmmmm! Wow! There is a beautiful flower inside!


EMILY: still don’t know who sent it


JANE: It will say his name somewhere. Could it be the Tyson of a guy?


EMILY: I don’t think so because I never gave him my work address


JANE: That’s not an issue if he wants it. He has your number and you never gave it to him; this guy has access to your parents, remember?


Oh there is another note inside!


EMILY: what does it say?


JANE: hmmmmm “ever since I set my eyes on you, I have become blind to everything else. All I see is you, all I hear is you, all I feel is you. I have always loved flying but now I don’t think I can fly alone without you. Can we fly together?


Can we start this evening? TY’


Who the hell is TY!


EMILY: wow! That’s actually a lovely flower! Awwwwwww! It’s so beautiful!


JANE: who is TY?


EMILY: I’m not sure but it might be that Tyson


JANE: Hmmm! So are you going to accept his flower?


EMILY: I really like it and I think it will be wrong to throw it away. It must have cost him a lot of money


JANE: Who is asking you to throw it away? Let’s repackag it and send back to him! Once you accept a flower from a man, you have indirectly told him you are in!


EMILY: won’t it be too childish to do so?


JANE: who cares! It is childish to send flowers to someone you barely know!


EMILY: I think I will ask him to meet me up somewhere and I will give it back to him instead of sending it


JANE: hmmmmm!



SETTING(Obed has just arrived at his parents’ home. It is his first time of seeing them since he got back from Nigeria. He has a key to the house therefore didn’t need to press the doorbell )


OBED: who is home??? Mummy!


MRS SAMPSON: who is that!


OBED: it’s your son, mama!


MRS SAMPSON: Goodness me! Son!


OBED: mama! (Hugs her really tight)


MRS SAMPSON: (gives him a peck) why did you starve us of you for so long, baby!


OBED: I’ve been all over the place, mum. Where’s dad?


MRS SAMPSON: He’s gone swimming! Just about twenty minutes ago.


OBED: I missed you mum.


MRS SAMPSON: We missed you more, son! How was Nigeria?


OBED: mum? My best holiday ever!


MRS SAMPSON: really, son?


OBED: Yes, mummy! We have lots of things to talk about!


MRS SAMPSON: Yes but not before breakfast. What breakfast would you like?


OBED: Can I have scrambled egg and bacon. I have missed your scrambled egg! You make the best scrambled egg on earth.


MRS SAMPSON: Awwwww! Thank you, son. Camilla spent the weekend with us. You just missed her!


OBED: She spent the weekend with you? What for? On what basis?


MRS SAMPSON: oh come on now son!! Camilla is a very nice girl and still loves you to bits!


OBED: I don’t go back to my vomit, mum and you know it. The minute I told her it was over, it was indeed over! Can we move on now, thank you very much!


MRS SAMPSON: No no my darling. Don’t be too unforgiving! We all make mistakes. She is very remorseful and ready to make up for all she put you through.


She was young and impressionable then but a lot more mature now


OBED: Are you even listening to yourself, mum? A lady who cheated on me with my best friend on my flipping bed. Oh come on mum!


Don’t be ridiculous!



By the way, let me show you the photo of my soon-to be wife!


Mum look! Look how gorgeous she is!


MRS SAMPSON: Who is this looking like a pig in a wig!




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