Thu. Oct 17th, 2024

Story Written By Author FEHIMUAN


Three Months Later

Raymond’s POV

My phone rang as Davis came back from school with my driver. “Hello”. I said as I picked the call.

“Mr Raymond, you asked to see the monthly report of the company and it has turned out to be bad”. He said and my heart skipped a beat.

“What?”. I asked angrily.

“The shareholders are backing out, they’re removing their investment slowly”. He said.


“Why would they do that?”. I asked.

“They don’t want to lose in the end”. He answered. “I thought you had everything under control”. I said. “Yes sir”. He replied.

“I’ll come to work tomorrow after I’ve dropped my son in school”. I said. “Yes sir”. He replied and I cut the line.

“What’s wrong daddy?”. He asked. “You look tensed”. He added.

“It’s nothing serious, I was uhh just telling my best friend something abouthis wedding”. Ilied.

“Are you sure cause I can tell when something’s wrong”. He said and I shook my head negatively.

“Nothing’s wrong dear, how was school today?”. I asked and he sat down. “Great”. He replied. “The teachers are friendly, it seems they’ve become cold like ice water since you threatened to bring down their school”. He added and I smiled. “I wasn’t joking, I would have brought down their school”. Isaid.

“It’s been three months now but I still remember Nuella, I see her sometimes in my dream, she’s always smiling, I believe wherever she is right now, she’s happy”. He said and I nodded.

“I would have married her but my mom was against it”. I said and he nodded.

“I understand dad when you’re supposed to choose between your family and love, it’s a costly decision with a heavy price”. He said and I smiled.

“Your intelligence baffles me, have a shower and come to the dinning”. I said and he ran to his room.


Almet’s POV

“Now it’s time to put what you’ve practiced in place, it’s time to show Raymond who is the richest”. I said and she smiled. “Now start”. I said and her bodyguard assumed position.

“I bring you Miss Nuella Bella, the new shareholder of this wonderful company who has donated a huge sum of money to help your company, Mr Raymond”. He said.

“Bravo”. I said as Nuella walked in and sat down.

“Like my bodyguard has rightly said, I’m Nuella Bella, the new investor and also shareholder of this wonderful company and I believe I’m welcome in this company”. I said and flinged my hair.

“That was awesome”. Almet commended and I smiled. “Thanks”. I replied.


“It’s tomorrow right”. He asked.

“Unfortunately, it is, Raymond must have heard that someone helped him by now, I didn’t put my name so he must be surprised, I donated 3 million dollars to his company to help him”.

“It’s such a little amount of money, you should have given him more, it’s nothing compared to what we’ve gathered”. Almet said and I stood up.

“Well, I’ll help him in the future, I’m just wondering what I’ll tell Davis if I see him, will he believe me?”. I asked staring at Almet.

“I actually don’t know what to think”. He replied.

“He’s such a little child, I heard he celebrated his birthday last week so he’s five now”. I said and Almet chuckled.

“You seem to love him like your own child”. He said and I nodded.

“Almet, that little boy gave me hope, he made me understand that everyone in this life is brilliant but they don’t know, it’s like an hidden secret”. I said and Almet smiled and stood up.


“You should probably get some rest now, tomorrow’s a big day”. He said and I nodded.

“Of course Mr Almet”. I replied and chuckled.

“Tell Nanny Isadora to sleep, she’s been working all day and she’s not getting stronger, she’s not that old but I don’t want to see her suffer like I did at Raymond’s house”. I said.

“You’re very kind, Nuella, you’re paying her a huge sum of money, it only means that she should work for you”. He said and I shook my head negatively.

“No, she isn’t meant to suffer”. I replied. “Tell her to sleep”. I added and climbed the bed.

“Ok Boss”. Almet replied.


The Next Day Raymond’s POV

“Miss Annabelle, I received your text yesterday and I’m still surprised, you said there’s a new shareholder right and she gave our company 3 million dollars”. I said surprised.

“Yes Mr Raymond, she’s coming today for the board meeting on how to help our citizens during this period”. She said and my eyes widened.

“It’s like she’s God sent, I can’t wait to meet this wonderful woman”. I said.


“She really amazes me, her beauty and everything about her is just too lovely”. She said and I smiled.

“I’ll be in the board meeting anyway, I’ll be waiting”. I said and entered the meeting venue and sat down.

“The new shareholder is almost here, her bodyguard is here to make her entry known”. Mr Brody said.

A man entered and cleared his throat before talking. “”I bring you the new shareholder of this wonderful company who has donated a huge sum of money to help your company, Mr Raymond”. He said.

“Miss Nuella Bella”. Nuella said in a sweet voice and walked in.

My heart skipped a beat. Of course, there was a mistake, she can’t be the one to donate money or was another person bearing Nuella Bella..

“Have a seat ma’am”. Miss Annabelle said and she st down.

Nuella’s POV

“Like my bodyguard has rightly said, I’m Nuella Bella, the new investor and also shareholder of this wonderful company and I believe I’m welcome in this company”. I said and flinged my hair dropping my new iPhone on the table. “You’re welcome Miss Nuella”. The board members said. I didn’t even look at Raymond for a second but I stole glances when he couldn’t see.

“Mr Raymond, what will you say to our new shareholder?”. Miss Anna asked.


To be continued.

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