Sat. Jul 27th, 2024



episode four







what’s eddy doing here??



I furrowed my eyebrows and look at Mrs Claudia in a very very confused manner.Anna smiled and I don’t seem to understands what it means.


“Aunt sweetheart,that’s my brother”


Anna whispered into my ears.


Mrs Claudia smiled,I also smiled.


maybe because I remember how Eddy helped me during the last bully in school.


Mrs Claudia made a funny eye gesture when Eddy stared at me,I look down,shocked.


He’s Mrs Claudia’s son and I didn’t know.


“won’t you take my Saree.?”


Mrs Claudia asked.


There’s no how I can be rude to this woman,she stood tall for me when I was nothing….


memories of how I lost her gold in the past flashed across my mind.


that day,I can never forget it.


I raise my head,my long lashes quietly stick to my cheekbone as Mrs Claudia test the Saree with my skin.


“I got it,it suit her skin” she said.


my heart still skipped several beats.


“aunt sweetheart,what’s wrong?


Anna asked.


“nothing” I nodded and bite into my lower lips,I was still looking down intently.


Eddy walked in fully,he threw his jacket to a guard.the guard caught it.


He three his phone, then his wristwatch.


Three maids formed a single line.


the first one dropped a white room slippers,eddy hastily changed into it and the maid picked the black sneakers he took off.


“I already clean your room” the second maid said.


He nodded in a snubing manner and race upstairs hastily.he still turned


halfway,then our eyes locked.


He still stared at me,


just only me with so much emotions, Mrs Claudia smiled.


I looked away and eddy looked like someone who just got himself..


“umm bintu,those shopping bags in my car are for Anna… you can bring them out” he said.


I had no idea he looked at me again before leaving.


“these wedding materials,do you like them?” she asked.


my phone rang…it was my fiance.


Mrs Claudia didn’t see it,


Anna saw it,she didn’t pick it.


it rang again…it was still Royal.


Anna smiled and answered the call.


“hello” Anna said.


Royal ended the call,maybe he already knew I wasn’t with my phone.


Mrs Claudia carefully follow the Saree into fansy kit bag,she dropped it on my laps..


“You still.didn’t tell me who is doing wedding… please tell me” I said.


“you’re the one” she said.




“me and who??? I asked,confused.


“this is part of how I want you to pay for my gold.In the future, I will explain better” she said.


my phone rang again..Royal.


Mrs Claudia saw it this time.




our picture even screened under the caller ID.


she pretended ad if she didn’t see it, I was glad she did.I don’t think am ready to answer questions.


am not even sure my mom told her about my relationship with royal.


My driver came in,


I hastily stood up with my phone and bag, the driver collected it and even carried the Saree kit.


Mrs Claudia was smiling all through.


she even hugged me.


“Did you guys hugged already?”


she asked and inhale my breath.


she tuck my loose hair behind my ear and hugged me again.


“mother did you miss me this much?”


I asked..


the hug,


I can’t breathe well.


She kissed my cheeks tightly..she’s just too nice.Such an angel.


“I’m sorry sweetheart,I can’t just contain my joy…and you’re now mooore beautiful,more grown and matured.Hope you now understand life.?” she asked. “umm a little bit”


I smiled but it came out with tears.


Mrs Claudia laugh,Anna laughed loudest. I smiled too but my tears…


I can’t really control my soft heart.


“ohhhh you’re just matured in the outside but your inside is like a baby..umm Krishna you’re not a baby anymore,you’re 20” she said and used her fingers to clean my tears,she even cleaned the one on my lips.


“thank you for the past.I would have been in my destined poverty if not for your kindness” I said.


she smiled and look into my tiny necklace…


seriously,that necklace has been there since my birth.I don’t know what it’s for but this woman and my grandma with my mom always find something special in it.


“Bye mother…bye Anna”


I smiled and followed the driver ou


t. we entered the car and the first thing I checked was my phone.


I missed 8messages in general.


five from heartbeat,


two from my teacher and one from bestie. I opened royals own first.



sweetheart,are you fine?


where are you,Mrs Claudia right?


*you were busy*


*okay,we will see at night..


*SH,I love you…


I read the message many times before opening Dora’s own.


You must not miss my birthday party” she sent.


I opened aunt mitchy own..


Registration is now opened..


you must be among the first set to be exposed vocally.


okay ma” I replied.


I went back to royals chat and re-read. I really don’t have work.


Lilly’s p.o.v


I kept the diary in one of my bags.


although my dad has been complaining about Royals suspicious moves.The doctor even made us scared…


And royals anger,


it’s verrrry uncontrollable.


I heard water splashes,hmmm.


jingwen and Angel.


I checked,like I knew.



“Lilly,are you going to attend Dora’s birthday?” angel asked.


“yah,so much fun.It’s gonna be a night party,it’s gonna be huge. Jeff is making it big for her” Mira said from the other side.


I rolled my eyes balls.


“Dyardin is going to be present –


gaaaaaaaad,so much fun” jing said.


I hissed.”Dyardin,that proud peacock who always sees herself as the best, she thinks no one is better than her.


I hate her,we are not friends” I said.


“ohh my geee,she’s pretty too..


I can’t really tell who’s more perfect in terms of shapes between her and Krishna. Fans might go crazy”


Mira said and sip in chilled lemonade.


I threw her my phone..


“hunn Lilly what did I do? she asked.


I glared at her and hissed loudly.


“okay sorry..sorry…as friends..


I forgot you said I shouldn’t talk about Krishna’s beauty” she said.


“durh.! I rolled my eyeballs.


“gosh, even Harry is going to be there, he is my crush! Jing said.


“tch…Harry,that American ugly dude. I even heard he is Shantai’s date, he bought her bsq,that house that is the second most expensive after royals own…I hate harry” I said.


Mira coughed.


“I wonder how his d**k would look like” Jingwen said..


“soo tiny,I guess” I said.


we all laughed,except for Mira.



“Do you know Harry is your second hope if perhaps you don’t have the chance to be this years dice girl…


You will have no choice to be nominated for Spark.


Many people are fighting to be dice’s girl,even Nina and some Daryadin…


Harry is sparks voice,


Royal is five stars voice.Be careful of what you say” Mira says.


“Anyhow,all I know is that I can’t stay with any guy apart from Royal” I said.


“Even if that common krish participate,will she win? in the industry,there is an hirakey. She will go through a lot before facing you,I guess she might lose it” Jing said.


“who knows where Krishna mother is? I asked..


“what do you need her mother for?”


Mira asked.


“nothing” I said so that I won’t make them suspicious.


I was thinking of threatening her so that Krishna might give royal some breathing space.


“You dad seem to want you desperately for Royal, you’re lucky”


Jingwen said.


I took my phone and ran my fingers into my hair.


“Thank goodness am representing Elites,there’s no much stress,I love straightforward things.We need to register tomorrow so that we will be in the first set” Angel said,happily.



you better go and learn how to make your body perfect like Krishna’s own.




Go and train your voice to be more better than Krishna’s own.



you can’t just dictate for me,you must be this year dice.Fame is equal to money in industries.




does it sounds well seeing an Indian girl taking your place??


I remembered how my dad shouted at me and suddenly hate my life. Everything just changed,


I started hating my life right from the first day Krishna came to dice high, my dad who doesn’t always want me to cry shouted at me cos of Krishna..


I soo much hate that girl.


what does Roy sees in that dirty thing????


my life is ruined!



Krishna Krishna



The driver drove in,I undid my seatbelt and quickly opened the door before he would do it for me.


I grabbed my bag and went in.I took my bags to my room


and came back to the living room with cookies, chocolate bars and juice.


I turned on the plasma to watch my favorite TV show.


this place looks kind of boring compared to his first mansion but this place,it looks expensive tho.


I sip in the cold juice and changed channel to fashion show.


the first and second round ended, I changed the channel again to love attitude.


*ENCHANTED* was playing.


story of two twin sister,


one was asthmatic and the other was kind of Strong. Nara and Nare.


then the villian queens, mhesha,Tasha,Alisha and seesha.


They treats the twins badly…


Richie miles came into the picture,


jealousy intercepts..


what mhesha felt for Richie was lost, love doesn’t look like that.



The movie stopped at the most interesting part.I felt like watching it finish but it is episodes by episodes.


I wrote down the name.


The rest of the show was boring,I ate my cookies quietly.I already finish the juice and am too lazy to go and get another one.


“Do you need anything?”


a maid came by…


“yes…Dalisque fruity wine” I said.


“is that all?? she asked…


“for now” I said.


she bowed and left.


she came back minutes later with chilled wine bottle.she filled my glass.


“will I get drunk?” I asked.


“No madam” she smiled.


I drank from the wine.It tastes soo fruity.


“do you still want anything?” she asked.


“No” I said and covered my glass with the lid.


“hmmm can i braid your hair, please”.


she said.


I nodded,she smiled happily and braid the longness of my hair.


“Do you like it?” she asked.


“it’s pretty” I said.


she smiled and chat with me freely.


she really made my evening fun.




I followed her to the kitchen,


am afraid of being alone.Other maids already left,Royal told them to rest.


Everywhere was just quiet.


Priya didn’t allow me touch anything at first, she later agreed.


I joined her and made her work very fast..she’s even an indian.


“Let’s do a mashup song” she suggested.


“i will start…first by composing something,you will continue with your own composure” she said.


“sure” I said and jump up to pick a plate…


she sang.


love isn’t just a wish…


I sang..


I thought it wasn’t a wish,


I usually don’t wish…


so I wondered why this wish come my way so fast.


she sang…


ohhhh ohhh ohhhh..


I smiled and sang.


so I keep confirming, is this real…


is it not perhaps…even if this is real,will it be okay???…


I smiled shyly..


“waooh.Your voice,sounds magical.


You look more than beautiful while singing.Nature would be a cheat if you don’t use your voice for something good.” she said.


I took a spoon and turn what we were cooking..


“where are you from in India? priya asked.


“Mumbai” I said.


“Me too…” she said.


we continue cooking,I had to leave when it was seven O’Clock.




I got to my room and took off my clothes,I tied a pink towel and entered the washroom.


I came out,I forgot my shower cap.


Royal’s car drove in.



I locked my window and entered the washroom. i had a quick shower and hastily step out before Royal will come to check on me.


I opened the wardrobe to check for what to wear,Royal entered and came to stand at my back.


“Royal! I said,


he nodded and moved to.the window side.I picked a very long gown.


“I want to dress” I said.


he didn’t turn,he was on call.


He trace his steps to where I was standing and collected the white long gown from my hand,he took my hand and user it to touch a jean short and a white singlet..


“hmmm Royal..!!


I gasped, he kissed my lips and he was on call..


I picked the white singlet and short since he liked it. I removed the nylon, the stuffs were new.I entered the washroom,I dressed and came out,he was already done with his calls.


“Baby…you missed my calls.


I almost died of love today” he said.


“sorry,I was with Mrs Claudia” i said.


He nodded and lifted me up like a baby out of his rooms. The shorts made him had access to my thick thighs, I shivered in sweetness. All my hairs seem to stand. “what did she say?” he asked as he used a finger to beep the door button. He drop me carefully.


I hugged him.


“I seriously do


n’t know how she wants me to pay for her lost gold,she doesn’t want money…she gave me wedding cloth today,what’s she trying to do?” I asked. Royal gently place me on a high stool.


“she dare not try anything to separate us… you belong to me” Roy said and kissed me, I kissed back.


he pressed into my hips sweetly..



he muttered something as he fought for supremacy in the kiss,he used his tongue to direct my tongue…


his right hand move into my singlet.


He nibbled on my lower lips and tickle my nipples with his thumbs..


it was soo sweet but I felt discomfort, no one has never touch me like that.


He continued kissing me,he moved to my neck and pressed my full br**sts…


I wanted to shout but I endured and enjoyed the sweetness.


Royal kissed my necks and squeeze my full br**sts




i scream in a moan…


He touch my tighs in romance,


my desires were uncontrollable…


I love the way he touches me,no one can touch me like this.


He kissed my cleavages down to my br**sts…


his hands continue pressing sweetly into my body.


He touch and shifted my pant line,


I raise my hand in defense,


he shifted my pant line and almost fingered me..


I close my eyes.


“honeyyyyyyy leave my pannnt!!!!!


i screamed verrry loud, he stopped and ran his fingers across his pretty face..


“Sorry! we both said.


he looked away and entered the washroom.


gaaaad what was I doing???


I slept on one side of the bed.


“hmmm did I push him away?.


“Did I hurt his desires? when he was enjoying himself…


He came out of the washroom,he didn’t look at me,he sat on the other side of the bed,pressing phone.


gaaaaaad,what did I do..


“Sweetheart,am sorry!


“i didn’t mean to rush you”he said..


I stayed quiet.


“is he hurt that I pushed him away?


“Did I hurt you? I asked,my voice so soft..I had no idea my voice is having effect on him.


he turned…


his face came closer again,


I could feel his sweat breath on my shoulders.


“okay let’s do it..”


I said when his blue eyes met with mine…


he finally fell into the space beside me..


“Am sorry Krishna, I will wait for your time…okay I love you


“see the way you screamed like someone wants to rape you” he said. we both laughed,


“I like br**sts” he said and placed his head on my chest,he traced my nipples from


the singlet and kissed it. He held the tips with his lips, and tickled my tommy,


we both laughed…






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Beautiful Love






[voice challenge


model battle]



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