Fri. Oct 18th, 2024

Chris has not be himself. he was lost in his own

own thinking who Angela might be talking about.

He realise he was jealous whenever he sees her

with Greg and any other person, and wonder why

actually he get so worried and think about her

each day.


The next day at school Angela sat so quiet in the

class, the class was so bored, she stared at

Fiona and her friends seat which was empty and


”i miss Fiona with her damn troubles at least the

class or the school is peaceful at last,” she sigh

as she saw someone standing in front of her,

She wish it was Chris, as she raise her and saw

Greg which she was surprise. All eyes were on

her, and some students gossips, some already

thought she was dating with Greg.

”Greg not after how i have turn you down, i

thought you’ll not gonna talk to me again? she


”no of course, i love you and thats all that

matters, please can we have lunch at the

cafeteria? he asked.

”but.. is that really necessary, am not that

hungry,” she smiled.

”please Angela, are you trying to avoid me?

”no”, she replied but Greg quickly grabbed her

hand and they walked out of the class.

”please Angela don’t do that to me,” he said.

”it okay,” she smiled as they went to the

cafeteria and had lunch together. Chris just

came in with Leam and he was surprise to see

Angela having lunch with Greg, they both seem

to be happy.

Chris walked out feeling so angry.

”Dude, what wrong? we should be happy for Greg

at least he’s now friends with Angela, i thought

we gonna join them,” said Leam.

i just remembered about something,” he said

then walked away.

Leam watch him leave and wonder what’s on his



Angela was at her friends house as she shared

with them the new cloths, shoes and jewelries

brought for her by Chris.

”this too much for me to wear, i really want to

share this with you girls,” she smiled as she

dropped the bag of cloths for them to check it


”what! this so expensive, the cloths and those

heels,” Suzan smile as she checked them all.

”wait! Angela where this you get this from? non

of my boyfriend has ever brought me this kind of

expensive fashionable dresses especially those

heels, they cost much,”Suzan asked very


”you’ve not even seen the jewelries and the

make up kit,” said Karen removing them from

another bag.

”it brought to me by a friend,” Angela smiled she

really don’t want to tell them it Chris.

”your boyfriend? but wait did you guys had s£x

before he buy all this for you? Suzan asked.

”Suzan, please don’t say that, nothing happen, it

just a free gift, you pick the one that will suit

you,” Said Angela frowning.

”free gift? i don’t believe this a free gift, i guess

that person might later ask for s£x from you,”

said Jane.

”sure, because this too much it can’t be free

gift,” Karen suggested.

”don’t say that!, please girls don’t confuse me, i

know the person too well i mean..

”who is the person? just tell us. Who is it? Suzan


”it Chris, well he’s just a friend ,” she replied.

Chris! that explains it, i knew it, only him can buy

such expensive things,” said Suzan.

”you’re so lucky girl, is he your boyfriend? Jane


”nope, just a friend, the Chris i know is a good

person,” she smiled feeling so nervous and

confused about what they told her earlier.


The next day at school, Chris was at the hall

playing piano he was preparing for the next

music competition.

Angela was passing by as she heard the

melodious voice singing, she peeped through the

window and saw Chris as she walked in. She

waited for him to finish singing

first, then she clapped.

”good one Chris, my superstar ever, my best

singer,” She sat down beside him.

”so when are you gonna teach me how to play

Piano, i can also sing so well,” she smiled.

”really! well we still have rehearsals today,”

”sure am gonna wait for it, well as the president

of this club, you’ve not even organize things yet

for the competition,”

”sure, i will do that on time, thanks for reminding

me, so tell me what kind of dance can you do?

he asked.

”many, i can dance ballet, salsa, and most of all

disco dance,” she said aloud laughing while he

keep staring at her, he really want to tell her

something but he just stop.

”you wanna say something? she asked.

”not really, he smile.

Angela remembered what her friends told her:

”free gift? i don’t believe this a free gift, i guess

that person might later ask for s£x from you,”.

The voice echoed

through her ear as she quickly stood up to leave.

”what’s wrong with you? he asked as he

observed the sudden change in her mood

”nothing, but i have to go now,” she fake a

smiled as she quickly left.



The session has already come to an end and

Angela was very glad about it.

”it serves Fiona right, too bad through out the

whole term she has not resume, i wonder how

these girls beat her up so badly,” said Angela to


”they did so well Angela, am gonna missed you

but just expect me anytime i might come to visit


”you’re always welcome, i wish you will come

everyday to keep me busy,” she smile.

”of course i will when i gat enough time,” she



Chris has always wanted to tell Angela how he

felt for her, he want to let her know how

important and special she is to him but then he

remembered she already has someone she loves


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”what if she told me the same thing just as she

told Greg that she’s already in love with

someone else, who could that one be?” Chris has

a sleepless night

thinking about what to do before the next

academic session.



Student are seen trooping out of the school

compound, it gonna be three week holiday, they

school was quite empty because some students

has already left, Elsa has also left but assured to

visit her soon.

The school was becoming quiet bored and

Angela decided to leave but was glad to see


”i thought you’ve left? she smile.

”no, i wanted to see before i leave,” he said.

”wow! so any problem? she asked

”i just brought this for you,” he said as he

removed a soft white box and gave it to her.

Angela opened the box and was surprise to see a

very eye-catching wrist watch, it so beautiful and

quite expensive.

”this for me? She asked in a cracking voice she

really appreciates the fact that Chris care so

much about her.

”thank you so much Chris, but i can’t accept

this, you’ve done so much to me, i don’t wanna

be ingrate,”

”please Angela just make me feel better by

accepting this, please,”

”Chris you’re still my good friend well am gonna

miss you throughout the holiday, but to be

honest i can’t accept this,’ she said.

”it just a token of my appreciation to you,” he

said in a gentle tone.

Angela suddenly remembered what her friends

told her:

”free gift? i don’t believe this a free gift, i guess

that person might later ask for s£x from you,”.

The voice echoed through her ear again.

”please Chris i have to leave,” she fake a smile

then left.

”why can’t she just read my heart, i can’t hurt

her,” said Chris so worried.


After some few minutes Chris was about to leave

when he saw Angela and Greg walking out, jisting

they seems to be happy. This time he was so

restless and don’t know what else to do…


Angela was really enjoying the holiday with

her friends, it was so much fun and they had

enough time to do whatever they would.

”Angela, you need to do something,” said Karen.

”anything for my girls,” said Angela sipping her


”we need you to bring more cloths or money to

us,” said Jane.

”what did you mean? Angela asked as her mood


”more money, cloths, shoes, jewelries and much

more from Chris, we want you to dried him up,”

said Suzan laughing

”what! you girls are spoilt brat you know, Chris is

just my friend, am beside am not gonna stoop so

low to do that. Respect is everything! Angela

yelled at them.

Suzan brought out her bag, and removed some

hard drugs.

”let take something to make us high then we can

explain that to you better,” Suzan suggested as

she gave Angela cocaine.

”i guess that will suit you more,” she smiled

”wait! this getting out of control, i thought this

just a dancing group not a gang or something

bad, i can’t involve myself into these drugs,”

Angela stood up and picked her hand bag to


”we need money Angela, we need much money

to buy new cloths and many other things, only

you has the solution to this, just try to make

Chris give you money am sure he will do so, he

had enough and i guess he loves spending much

on you. I have this feeling he loves you so

seduce him, have s£x with him or whatever that

it will makes him give you much money, not even

Chris but any of your rich friends at your school,”

said Karen as she picked up the cocaine on the


Angela eyes were closed she felt so disappointed

at them.

”girls it better i back off before it too late, am

out! cox am not a prostitute. Let me die of

hunger, or whatever! but i will never go into

prostitution,’ she yelled at them as she quickly

rushed out and slammed the door behind them

tears flowing down her cheeks. She felt all hope

is gone.

”come back here Angela, you can’t back off just

like that or else.. Suzan yelled but Angela hasten

her speed and walked far away from them…



what did you think will gonna happen???

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