Thu. Feb 20th, 2025

ME: hmmmm. Segun!!!, you and this your bad mouth

on bimpe.

SEGE: I no lie now. Thank God say you use condom, I

for congratulate you on hiv/aids acquisition.

ME: aids kee??** my heart began to beat fast***

SEGE: yes na. I’m very sure say that girl na carrier.

ME: hmmmmmmm

SEGE: do you have her number, so that I can call her

to thank her.

ME: she didn’t give me her number.

SEGE: why na?

ME: I don’t know the reason why oo.

SEGE: then I’m suspecting she has a hidden mission

and agenda.

ME: yeah that reminds me. She issued a threat.

SEGE: that what?

ME: that she only forgives, but never forgot. She said

I would pay in a hard way. But not today.

SEGE: hmmmmm, I dey suspect that babe sha. But

no worry, na mouth she get. She no fit do anything.

Since she no inject you with poison, nothing fit

happen to you.

Segun and I had gist until he left for his house.

Two months went by, I had retrieved my line, I

resumed my delivery job in akure and I haven’t gotten

any single call from adebimpe. At a time, I couldn’t

hold it any longer , I had to inform segun to ask if he

saved the doctor’s number I used in calling him when

I was hospitalised. I was glad he did. I dialled the

doctor’s number.

ME: hello doctor.

DOC: hi, who am I speaking with please?

ME: onihaxy

DOC: from where?

ME: I was the one who was admitted at your hospital

in abuja 2 months ago when I was hit by a car and a

passer by brought me to your clinic.

DOC: well, we used to have many similar patient,

can’t really remember, and how may I help you by

the way?.

ME: I was the guy who used your phone to call a

friend to send money to me. And your nurse helped

me to withdraw it.

DOC: ooook, now I remember. The guy whose phone

was also smashed right?

ME: yes sir

DOC: How are you?

ME: I’m fine sir. I just want to thank you for the

other day. I should have called you all this while, but

its not long that I retrieved my line.

DOC: its ok. Hope you are good?

ME: I’m fine sir. How about this nurse that was so

nice to me, remind me of her name sir.

DOC: you mean nurse bimpe?.

ME: yes.

DOC: well, she had resigned two weeks after you

were discharged. I guess she got another offer in

another hospital outside abuja.

ME: ****shocked!!!!, resign ?**** ok sir, do you have

her contacts sir, I would like to greet her personally.

DOC: well, her number which I used to have had been

unreachable for close to 3 weeks now. I guess she

had changed her line.

ME: ok sir, thanks. ****hanged up****.

I sat down at my office and worried. What could be

going on?.

“Bimpe resigned?”

“Her number isn’t reachable?”

“And she hasn’t called me?”

“Or is she a ghost?”

“Or na akudaya she be?”.

***Chaiii, onihaxy!!!, you don enter am ooooo. Na

ghost I Bleep oooooo, I don die******* I became

uncomfortable and restless.


I was so scared and worried about adebimpe’s

silence and sudden disappearance. I couldn’t hold it

anymore and I have no choice than to open up to the

only best friend I have on the following weekend

when we met at his house.

ME: sege, fear dey catch me oooo

SEGE: wetin happen?

ME: na bimpe matter

SEGE: you and this bimpe!!, haba onihaxy??, abi na

blood covenant dey between the two of you?,

ME: you won’t understand jaree.

SEGE: all the time “you won’t understand”. Then

when exactly will I understand?

ME: *** serious look*** ok, this is why I’m worried

SEGE: **re-adjusted sitting position**. Ok I’m


ME: at first, she had disappeared for like over 2

years, now we met at the hospital and she acted so

nice to me.

SEGE: so?

ME: but she refused to give me her number, she

refused to call me, she didn’t let me know her house

address, and now I was told that she had resigned

from the hospital 2 weeks after I left abuja.

SEGE: how did you know she resigned.

ME: I asked the doctor when I called him.

SEGE: so you still dey ask of bimpe from the doctor?.

You no well ooo.

ME: you won’t understand sha.

SEGE: so why are you really worried?

ME: bimpe might be a ghost or “akudaya”. Who

knows, maybe she was dead before.

SEGE: chaiiii, onihaxy, you too funny sha.

ME: and you know we had s£x.

SEGE: and so?, sebi you used condom?, see, as long

as sperm no enter her punny, nothing go happen. If

anything wan happen spiritually, na through sperm e

dey take happen.

ME: ***deep breath***, segun, let me be sincere, I

didn’t use condom.

SEGE: haaaaa!!!!!!!, onihaxy!!!!!, you sha wan kill

yourself ontop 5minutes enjoyment?.

ME: segun, I’m scared.

SEGE: sebi clinic dey down the street?

ME: yes,

SEGE: oya stand up, we dey go do test.

Segun cajoled me and forced me to follow him to the

clinic. I was so scared because it was my first time

of doing HIV test.

We got to the hospital and we were directed to the

right center within the clinic. I paid 1,000 at the

reception, I met a lot of people there, pretty looking

ladies in various complexions. some were doing

meeting, some were queueing for drug, some were

been counselled. I got scared the more and my heart

almost burst out of my chest as I began to imagine

what would happen when these same girls get out of

the clinic to have raw s£x with guys.

The doctor who wanted to attend to me counselled

me first about hiv. She told me that it is not the end

of the world incase I come out positive, she

continued the sweet talk but my mind wasn’t in all

her talks. She proceeded in taking my blood samples

after I filled a form. I was with her in the room and

segun was sitting at the reception. After obtaining

the samples, she told me to return in the evening of

the second day. We left the hospital with my heart so

burdened.** Chai!!, HIV itself isn’t the killer, but the

fear of having it***.

On the evening of the second day. I stopped at

segun’s house and we went together to the hospital

for the result. Segun waited for me again at the

reception while I went to meet the doctor myself. I

told her my name and she began to search through

the envelope and after a moment of searching. She

brought out the envelope but refused to give it to

me, instead, she started counselling me again. And

this time, my heart was beating faster as the sermon

was more lengthy than that of the previous day


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