Thu. Oct 17th, 2024

All the questions been asked were all based on

health, diets and nutrition. “Could this be GNLD?” I

asked. Well, I answered the question and then submit

it along side with others.

Then tosin came up to the podium infront of us to

address us. I said to myself “yeah, that’s my guy”.

TOSIN: hi everyone

US: hi sir

TOSIN: I’m glad to announce to you that the

interview would hold today, so you should all be


US: ok

TOSIN: I’m assuring you that almost all of you will

get this job.

US: ******side talks*****

TOSIN: before you would be called for interview, let

me give you some motivations

US: thank you sir

TOsIN: do you all know that you can be as rich as

dangote and adenuga if you all believe?

US: yes sir

TOSIN: you see, the power of success and failure is

in our hands and we can either choose to be poor

and rich. You see, I was working with dangote before

i joined this firm but I wasn’t fulfilled. But I can tell

you. I haven’t spend up to 2 years in this firm and I

already had 2 cars.

ME: ****was so furious and angry, which 2 cars?, for

your face me I face you apartment?***** chaiii, I was

tricked into another GNLD scam sha, I just sat down

and observing with anger.

TOSIN: you see, between 2 years, this firm had

sponsored me to south africa and zambia. And this

december, I would be in london. Bla bla bla bla.

ME: ***i began to hate myself the more, I began to

consider the money, time and effort wasted, I still

kept quiet and observing.

TOSIN: but to make it with us here, it comes with a

price. You have to pay just 10,000 for licensing to be

a registered nutritionist in other to work with us . But

I assured you, you will make your money in the first

week of resumption with us.

Before tosin finished with his speech, majority of the

applicant had stood up and left. We were not up to

10 left out of the hundreds that came for the test.

No doubt, I had been tricked. This is purely GNLD.

TOSIN: if you don’t have cash here, you can use your

atm card on our POS here, or you can make a deposit

with any amount on you and balance up later. I’m

assuring you that you would never regret it


If you are ready to make a change, go to the room

where our interviewers are waiting to meet you.


Tosin left the podium and went into one room and I

followed him, I tapped him at his back and he turned

around and faced me.

ME: tosin, so is this what you tricked me to come

and do?.

TOSIN: onihaxy, I never tricked you. I want you to

make it. You can’t continue to be a slave to a peanut

income. That’s why I invited you?.

ME: so where do you want me to get the 10k license


TOSIN: you can deposit 5k now, and I would borrow

you the rest. When you start making money, you

would return it.

ME: ****so angry****. Do you know that you are very

silly?. Infact, you are mad.

ToSIN: why all this?

ME: so you lived all this fake life?, you claim to have

2 cars when you never had a bicycle?. You claim to

earn 120k and yet, you are living in a face me I slap

you apartment?.

TOSIN: calm down.

ME: its ok, thank God I came here with all my

credentials and my belongings. Good bye

TOSIN: onihaxy, where are you going?

ME: ***yelled*** never ever in your entire life call me

again. Idiot.

I hissed on tosin as I walked out of the place. I was

so sad within me and very angry with myself. I never

believed I could be tricked into something like this. I

called segun to inform him about what happened. He

felt my pains and tried to console me. I went straight

to the park to board a bus back to abuja that same

day. On getting to abuja. I had just 2,800 left on me.

I was just convinced within me that I would meet

samson and get some money from him to return back

to akure. On getting to his house. I received the

greatest shock of my life. Samson’s family no longer

lives at the address I knew and no one knows their

where about.


“Where do I go from here?”

“Where do I turn to”?

“How do I get back to akure”?

“Where will I stay this night?

I checked the time and it was past 4pm. The money

left on me couldn’t take me back to akure. I was

even hungry. I don’t want to return to tosin’s house

as I was so angry, pissed off and furious within me.

No one knows anything about samson’s family.

Samson’s number isn’t connecting and I don’t know

else where in abuja.

I crossed my bag on my shoulder with my file bag

containing my credentials on my hand. I walked down

the road and began to wander down the street, I was

so lost in thoughts and I couldn’t hear anything

around me. Suddenly, I felt a great hit from the side

as I was walking down the road and that was the last

thing I remembered..

I woke up on a white bed and opened my eyes,

looked at the whole room and it was all white. I tried

raising my leg but they were panning and was

bandaged. I looked at my hand and I saw a drip

syringe been attached to it. I looked around and

realized that I was in a hospital but no one was I d

room with me. I looked at the other side of me and I

found an empty bed. There were just 2 beds in the


“How did I get here?”.

“What am I doing here”?

“Where are my bags and credentials?”.

I began to ask myself questions with no one to

answer. I wanted to stand up from the bed but I felt

so much pains all over my body. I was too weak to

stand up or do anything. I looked at the wall clock

and the time was 7:30am. I just turned my head to

my left and faced the wall.

About 42 minutes later, I heard the sound of the door

and heard the sound of foot steps. “That must be the

doctor of this hospital I guess”. The person was

walking closer to my bed as I was turning my head

towards the right to see whom the person was. I was

shocked to my bone and I felt like entering into the


Adebimpe!!!!!!, you!!, a nurse!!!!?

How come ??, what are you doing here . That

was the exact words that came out of my mouth as I

saw bimpe in a white overall walking closer to me.


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