Wed. Feb 5th, 2025

went to the bathroom to clean my face and then

returned to my bed to properly view my whatsapp

offline messages. I got three messages from my

contacts and one from a number not stored on my

phone which says “hi onihaxy, long time”.

I was so scared to reply the chat due to my last

nightmare. Infact all my mind was on bimpe as the

sender of the message. I tried checking the display

picture but it was an animated teddy image and this

got me scared the more. I took the courage to reply

the message saying “I’m fine, please who am I chatting

with?”. I waited for several minutes to see if the person

would reply but I got none.

I had my shower, took my breakfast and prepared for

work and yet I didn’t get any response from the

sender. I was so curious that I took the courage to dial

the number, it was ringing but it wasn’t picked. This

got me scared the more as I began to breath heavily. I

became uncomfortable and began to think of what next

to do. I gathered courage and set out to work. I keep

checking my phone screen at intervals while inside the

cab and yet, I didn’t get any reply from the sender. I

decided to call segun on getting to work.

ME: hi sege

SEGE: “ore” I’m fine, how you dey?

ME: I’m not fine

SEGE: wetin happen?. Abi another girl don dupe you?.

ME: I’m not in the mood for that one jaree. I had a


SEGE: about what?

ME: about bimpe *****narrating the whole


SEGE: ***laughs***** hahahahahahahahaha, oko bimpe


ME: is it funny?

SEGE: yes na. Its what you thought about before going

to bed that you dream of. Talk true. Didn’t you think

about her before going to bed?

ME: not sure

SEGE: “ore” forget, na your thoughts led to the dream.

Nothing go happen.

ME: but it hasn’t finished ooo

SEGE: what happened again?

ME: an unknown number sent me a text on whatsapp

immediately I woke up. I have been calling the number

since and the person wasn’t picking up.

SEGE: so you dey think say maybe na bimpe abi?

ME: yes now. I’m so scared.

SEGUN: nothing dey happen. Just calm down, if the

person is serious, he will definitely. Call back or reply

your message.

ME: ok.

I hanged up on segun and continued with my duties at

work. At exactly 11:10am, my phone rang and I

checked the screen. It was the same number calling




ME: ***placed phone on my hear*** hi, who is this?

CALLER: its me tosin

*** Instantly, I remembered and recognised the

caller. Tosin was my friend during nysc days. We

stayed at the same lodge and our ppa was in the

same area. We first met when my PPA and his PPA

acquired accommodation for us at the same house,

our friendship began to grow as we found ourselves

in the same CDS group.**

ME: tosin my padi, how you dey?, long time.

TOSIN: I dey jawe.

ME: how did you get my new number?

TOSIN: from one of our friends.

ME: ok,

TOSIN: let’s chat on whatsapp.

ME: ok ***hanged up****.

My mind was cooled as the fears from my nightmare

was reduced. I took a deep breath of comfort and

started chatting with tosin.

ME: how far?, where are you now?

TOSIN: I’m in niger state ooo. What about you?

ME: I am in akure. You must be a big boy now oooo.

How is work?

TOSIN: work is fine bro, what about yours?

ME: I’m managing jawe

TOSIN: managing kee? Is it not a big firm?

ME: big firm kee?, its a small delivery and courier


TOSIN: what do you do there?

ME: home and office deliveries.

TOSIN: eyah. Hope the pay is ok sha?

ME: not really, just 20k. So what about you?, where

are you working?

TOSIN: hmmmm. I work with an international firm

ME: big boy.

TOSIN: looool

ME: is it an oil & gas firm?

TOSIN: no, its a branding and consultancy firm own

by a british.

ME: chaiii, I dey envy you ooooo. What do you there?

TOSIN: business developer

ME: what’s the function of business developer.

TOSIN: I serve as an intermediate between our firm

and our clients like banks, oil companies, etc.

ME: that cool. You must be earning well ooooo.

TOSIN: not really, just 120k monthly?

ME: heeeeee, you call 120k just?. Please I don’t mind

if you hook me up and fix me into such job.

TOSIN: no problem, just send your C.V to my mail, I

will submit it tommorow. As soon as there is opening

Or vacancy in our company, I will let you know.

ME: thanks pal, I’m grateful.

TOSIN: you are welcome. I have a client to attend

too. Let’s chat later.

ME: ok, bye.

I shouted while sitting on my chair “heeeeee!!!, so I

will soon leave this Akure for a better job!!”. I couldn’t

wait till I close before I applied “make-up” to my cv

and credentials and sent them to tosin’s mail. I

called him to inform him that I have sent the C.V and

he told me that he had seen it. Suddenly, I became

joyous and happy even without getting the job.

On getting home, I picked my fone to chat with my

guy segun.

ME: sege, I go soon leave akure for you oooo

SEGE: wetin happen?, you don apply for togo visa?

ME: you no well, sum1 is trying to fix me to a 120k

monthly salary job

SEGE: heeeee, at where?,

ME: niger state

SEGE: when are you applying?

ME: I don apply already. I sent my C.V this


SEGE: and u didn’t send mine abi?, may bicycle crush

you to death!!!

ME: no vex. I go send yours later

SEGE: better.


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