Wed. Feb 12th, 2025

ME: what!!!!!!!!!!!!!, How come?…………….

BIMPE: stop screaming Onihaxy and take Action very fast.

ME: but how did this happen?

BIMPE: did you remember the clinic in Victoria Island where you went to for Visa medical screening?

ME: yeah, I remember.

BIMPE: you know that it was the same clinic where Henry and Daniella had their test earlier and he got to know that he wasn’t the real father of Daniella?

ME: yes, I know.

BIMPE: ok, the doctor there at the hospital is Henry’s friend from child hood. I don’t know how he suspected you but after you went there for the test, I guess he noticed the similarity in the blood samples or probably, Henry must have told him to keep an eye on you.

ME: I still don’t get it.

BIMPE: A DNA test was conducted on your blood sample that was obtained from you and it matched with the result from Daniella.

ME: oh my God!!!, how did you get to know this?

BIMPE: one of the nurses in the clinic is my friend. She over-heard their discussions in the hospital and even recorded their conversations and forwards it to me.

ME: Haaaaa!!!!!!!

BIMPE: I had to rush home, pack few things and went to pick Daniella at school before Henry arrives at home to kill my daughter.

ME: so what do we do now?

BIMPE: I don’t know for you ooo. As for me, I am on my way to Dubai now, and from Dubai, I will decide the next country where I will settle down. I don’t think I will be coming back to Nigeria any moment.

ME: finally, I am finished.

BIMPE: Just find a way of sorting out yourself because I know that he will still inform his sister about it. I just want you to be prepared. If worst come to worst, you can join me in Dubai when I get there. ***hanged up****

I felt too weak and broken immediately and I almost cried.

“God, why are all these happening now?”

“I thought my sins have been forgiven?”

“I thought all my past had been put behind me?

“I thought I will live a peaceful life with my wife for the rest of my life”

“I thought I will not have to suffer any loss again”

“Lord, why me?”

“How do I face Betty when I get back home?”

“What do I tell her?”

“How do I explain to her?”

“What will happen to me when she throws me out of her house?”

“Where do I go next?”

I picked up my phone and scrolled through the contacts, I dialed Segun’s number but it wasn’t going through. I dialed it again several times and it was still not reachable. I dropped the phone and continued my wailing until few minutes later when I received a call from Betty, I was so scared to pick the call as my heart was beating so heavily and faster. She called me the second time and when I picked it up, the next thing she told me was “Onihaxy, we need to talk when you are home” and she hanged up. I could smell grievance and anger from her tone, my Betty that I knew would always ask about how work is going anytime she called but this time, she never did. I signed out for the day and when I was about taking a cab back to the house, I dialed Segun’s number again and it went through this time.

ME: Hello Segun.

SEGE: hi Onihaxy, hope you are fine?

ME: I am not fine Segun, there is a problem.

SEGE: what happened?

ME: Henry has finally found out that I am the father of Daniella.

SEGE: ooooooh God!!, and I told you that you should tell Bimpe to retrieve your file and trash it earlier, can you see the outcome now?

ME: it wasn’t from Bimpe’s hospital

SEGE: then from where?

ME: it came from the clinic where I had my pre-visa Medical screening, remember I told you that Daniella and Henry went to the clinic for their test earlier and it was there that Henry did a DNA and found out that he wasn’t the father of Daniella?

SEGE: yes I remembered. So how did they find out about yours?

ME: when I went there for screening, the doctor noticed the similarities my blood results and that of Daniella, he went further to carry out a DNA test and the result matched with what Daniella had previously.

SEGE: what is the doctor’s problem? , and what is his business with you?

ME: I heard he is Henry’s childhood friend.

SEGE: how did you now get to know about all these?

ME: Bimpe called me not quiet long to tell me everything, she said her friend who is a nurse athospital over-heard the conversations between Henry and the doctor and she leaked the news to her.

SEGE: this is so serious, where is the Bimpe now?

ME: as at when she called, she told me that she was on her way out of the country with her daughter. I think she was running to Dubai. The most serious issue now is this; I am suspecting that Henry had informed his sister about it.

SEGE: what makes you think so?

ME: Betty also called me few minutes ago and said we need to talk; she was so harsh on the phone.

SEGE: Hmmmmm, if my guess is as right as yours, then I think the solution at this point is the truth and nothing but the truth.

ME: you mean I should tell her everything?

SEGE: yes.

ME: but I will die,

SEGE: forget that stupid oath you said you had, do you think Bimpe will run out of the country if her charm was that potent?, or didn’t she said she had sealed everything in the spiritual realm?, you just have to explain everything to Betty, How Bimpe injected you to unconsciousness and raped you at the hospital, tell her about the oath and everything.

ME: are you sure she will forgive me?

SEGE: I think so. And if she doesn’t, I can step in and beg her. Just go home first.

ME: thank you very much; I will give you feedback later.

on getting home, I met Betty crying seriously on the sofa, I was so scared as it was the first time ever I would be seeing her in that state of mood. I pretended and I tried coming closer to ask her what was wrong with her, she waved at me saying I shouldn’t come closer. She looked at my face and I could see a highly concentrated anger on her face. The next thing she asked me was “ Onihaxy, you are the father of Daniella, Yes or NO?




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