Thu. Mar 6th, 2025



“Wake up!!!!!!!!!!”

I was screaming her name as she lay down cold by the bed without moving. I stood up and began to walk to and fro in the room, crying at the same time. I pulled off my shirt and picked her face towel from her mirror, returned to where she was lying down and called her names again but she was still not answering me. I lifted up her head and placed it on my leg while I cleaned her wound with the towel and my singlet was stained with blood. Blood was still flowing out but at a very slow rate. I pushed up her neck, looked into her face and I started crying again.



” Please don’t do this to me”

” I’m finally doomed”

” Adebimpe, please wake up”

” Adebimpe, please look into my eyes”

After several times of calling her name and she didn’t respond to me, I dropped her and picked my cloths and I started planning on how to escape out of the building.

” Should I go out through the gate?”

” No, the security man will see me”

” He will tell the police that I came out of the house in the morning”

” The maid will also bear witness that she left me at home with bimpe before going out”

” Or should I jump over the fence?”

” No, the buildings were built close to each other”

” I will fall in another house if I decided to climb the fence and jump over”

“How do I escape now?”

I picked my cloth and ran out of the room, I looked back and saw Adebimpe still lying naked on the floor, I felt sorry for her and I began to see myself as a murderer. I began to regret why I wasn’t gentle on her in the first place that I had to push her away so hard to the extent that she hit her head against the edge of the bed. I opened her door and tiptoed out.

I got out of Bimpe’s room with my shirt on my hand and I stopped to wear my shirt and dress properly so the security man will not suspect anything. I got to the front of Betty’s room before reaching that of Daniela and I stopped again. I peeped through the keyhole and I saw that Daniela was still sleeping on her bed. I felt so sorry at that moment and I began to think again.

“Onihaxy, what have you just done to this little girl?”

” I made the first mistake by sleeping with her mother which gave birth to her”

“I made the second mistake of my life by sleeping with her mother again which led to the second pregnancy”

“And now, I made the third mistake of my life by killing her mother”

” Now I made her mother-less”

” Will she ever forgive me?”

” Even if she later find out that I’m her real father, will she forgive me for her mother’s death?”.

I left the entrance of daniella’s room and walked downstairs to the living room, I looked around for my car key and I found it on the shelf beneath the TV set. I picked the key and was ready to go out when I thought of another thing.

“How do I drive out of this compound without the security’s knowledge?”

” Even if I drive out successfully, I will still be the prime suspect since I slept here over the night”

” The security man will even testify to it that he saw me driving out in the morning”

” That means I had to run away from Lagos”

” There is no way I can escape it If I remain in this city”

” But what about betty?”

” What about my job?”

” I will definitely have to lose both”.

” I’m doomed”.

I stopped thinking and I moved closer to the window. I raised the cottons and I saw the security man sitting down outside his room by the side of the gate and I said to myself “onihaxy, there is no way you can escape this”.

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