Fri. Oct 18th, 2024



He didn’t know what he would say but he was so sure that no matter how she took it, it was best to come clean. He sighed and waited for her to come out of the bedroom.


‘Hai.’ She said with a smile


She handed him Xavier


‘Hey little man.’ He said lifting him a bit in the air causing him to laugh ‘Lunch is almost ready, let me do the final touches.’ She told him


She walked to the kitchen when Sau and Mel walked in.


‘Hey you two.’ She said


‘Hey.’ They responded uniformly


Khan knew he had to talk to her so he handed the baby to Mel and followed her. ‘Hey you.’ She said as she added some mealie meal to her paste which she was making into nshima


‘We need to talk.’ He said scratching his head ‘Can’t it wait? Lunch is almost ready.’ ‘It is something that is eating me up.’



She looked at him with a raised eyebrow then went back to her cooking ‘It can’t wait.’ He said more seriously


She covered the pot with its lid and removed the relish from the grill which she placed on a plate.


‘Can you help me with setting the table?’ she asked cooking through her nshima for the last time before she nicely put it in the food warmer.


‘Okay.’ He responded defeated


They set the table and called everyone to eat.


‘I have an announcement to make.’ Mel said when they were half way into the food


Everyone turned to look at her


‘I just got a job offer to work in Copperbelt.’


‘Oh my word I am happy for you.’ Miso said stretching out her hand ‘Thank you.’ She responded with a smile squeezing Miso’s hand ‘And when were you planning on telling me?’ Khan asked upset ‘I just thought I should do it when everyone was present.’


‘Mel I am still your elder brother and I really think certain things have to be talked about with me first.’ He snapped


‘What he means is that, despite him being happy for you; he thinks you should have warned him because now he won’t have anyone to stay with.’ Miso cut in with a smile trying to lighten the moment


Mel smiled, she appreciated Miso coming to her rescue but didn’t appreciate how Khan had come out.


They finished eating and Sau and Mel removed the dishes and went to clean them in the kitchen.


‘Are you okay?’ Miso asked when they were the two of them ‘I just have so much on my mind.’


‘I guess being your woman also means I have to listen to your sorrows not so?’ she


asked putting her head on his chest


He smiled.


‘Denise came to the office today.’ He began ‘Whatever she wanted didn’t succeed right?’ He laughed


‘You know this is serious.’


‘Babe come on, Denise is many things and as long as you stay faithful to yourself before anyone else that is the most important thing.’ She said locking fingers with him



‘You didn’t sleep with her right?’ she asked after some silence ‘Of course I didn’t.’


She sighed with relief.


‘I don’t want to know what happened then.’ She said looking at him


‘I went to see Josphat, I am tired of fighting him and I won’t anymore. When he is ready to man up and be a father to Xavier he knows our address. But you my man is the only man he will truly have to look up to.’


He smiled then moved away before pinning her down.


‘I love you.’ He started then kissed her forehead


She smiled


‘You are the only woman I want.’


He then kissed her lips lightly


He whispered some sweet nothings in her ears before placing his lips fully on hers again.


‘Babe.’ She said between kisses


‘Yes.’ He responded looking at her


‘You are the only man I want Xavier to know as his father.’ The smile on his face was priceless.


‘I love you Misozi Banda.’


‘I love you more Doctor Khan.’


‘Do you want to get hitched?’


‘Oh Okay.’ she said with shock


He laughed


‘Wait, was that a proposal?’ she asked before laughing


‘Woman you want me to go all mushy on you?’ he asked before tickling her She laughed so hard and in that moment she knew she was home, that is the only place she wanted to be. Her little safe haven. ..


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